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disgusted with latest animates catalogue


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page 19. need I say more?
http://www.animates.co.nz/mako_pages/Whats%20On/assets/pages%20from%20ani0095%20xmas-2010%20cat_fa_pg%2014-24.pdf so people can actually see what you are on about haha

And just to make it clear, I'm posting that to save people hunting it down. Not because I'm on anyones side or anything :lol:

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Those will always be around unfortunately.

but not only selling a product that is clearly unfit for its purpose, but then including 2 fish with a tank that isn't even suitable for one, and by including the fish with the tank I assume that no cycling will take place. and all with the animates logo all over it, they can hardly claim the they are just 'selling a product'

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That is not good, I saw it too and hoped that kids won't go for that deal (well parents fall for it and buy it for their kids) :evil:

On another hand I am quite upset that the Blueplanet Vista is so cheap, grrrr I paid much more for it last year :o But hey thats just me, some other people should really go and buy it, its a very nice tank to have. I love my tank :wink:

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they arent the only pet store that does stuff like that im suprised that any pet shop is still allowed to sell goldfish bowls perhaps we need to get paw justice on to that . the other bad thing about having goldfish in extremely small tanks is that its normally a beginners first entry point into this hobby and when a poor goldfish is subjected to a small tank that is also uncycled its not going to react very well and deaths or repeated deaths are not a good start to the hobby.

another thing its not just the pet shops that have this idea that a small tank is perfect for a goldfish its a general public idea

how many people have you heard say" oH i used to have goldfish , i had two and they died" and when questioned they kept them in a small unfiltered tank and had no knowledge of the nitrogen cycle

the pet shops will continue to sell these death traps because people incorrectly still think they are perfectly acceptable

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Last time I was in Animates they had a big display of small tanks with pictures on them of too many large goldfish appearing to live happily within. When I complained to staff that it was false advertising and animal cruelty they said they agreed but repeated complaints to head office had been ignored. :roll:

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If I had a $ for every time someone started a thread moaning about small tanks for goldfish i would be quite wealthy.

Its a fact of life. It aint gonna change. Huge manufactures like Aquaone and Hagen make them and sell them, stores will stock them as people will buy them. Its business. In the grand scheme of things Its hardly nice keeping any fish in captivity, and could be seen as cruel, just the smaller tanks are more cruel.

I dont condone it, but jees, just get over it.

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It was also one of the specials in their e-mails a 10 ltr goldfish tank, animates are only interested in profits not the animals welfare like they advertise, i think of them as the politicians of the animal world, say one thing then do the opposite.

I laugh every time my son looks at a "cute" $1000 mongrel pup with a sign on the glass asking for donations of paper for the kennels lmao. They are also about 50% more expensive than Hollywood Fishfarm for identical product.s

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