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880L Six Footer


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Ive just bought a 6 foot tank to upgrade my 4 footer. Its 15mm so is quite hefty i imagine. Just ran it through the tank builder and it comes out around 200kg. :o

Does anyone know of any good moving companies on the north shore?

Or if we end up doing it our self anyone got tips for moving big tanks easier without breaking our backs?

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lift from the knees :P

4 big people or 6 medium people should do it, and try and borrow some of those glass carrying suction things.. Failing that I have heard of people showing up to their local fire stations with beer and getting some help with lifting tanks, would probably work at any industry around 4-5 on a Friday night.

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are you sure it's 15mm? if it is 200kg i suggest at least 6 people as that works out at around 33kg each which is a fair amount to carry any distance & manoeuvring it will be tough. I have seen seatbelts used as lifting strops or use heavy duty tie downs or similar.

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a person could probvably lift 50 to 60 kilos if the weight is compressed to small dimensions

a tank is awkeward, cos you have to balance it and it has different dynamics.

i have moved lots of tanks b efore, including 2x 1200litre 8footers.

and its nto easy. 15mm 6 foot tank is gonna be heafy.

The more people the better, 6 min to 8.

do it slowly, carefully but just lift fromt he knees.

your stand is key, how high is it?

if its low, thats easy, you can straighten arms and let the fingers anchor themselves in, if you have to lift it high tot he stand, thats where the difficulty starts.

good luck!

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We got it moved! Took 6 of us in the end. I stopped off at timber world Beach Haven and 3 of the guys there were keen to give us a hand in exchange for beers. Its good to know that there are still people willing to lend a hand these days. It wasnt an easy shift as we had to navigate stairs, up and over hand rails, through narrow gates etc.

Now for the fun part, what goes it this beast? It turned out being 1800 x 700 x 700, about 880L. 15mm Starfire glass on front and sides.

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It was very thirsty work! But well worth it. Diy background time i think. :D Also gotta choose between sump and canister filter. It has an overflow box already but i was wondering whether an overflow box would be any good as it wont pick up particles hanging around near the bottom like the canisters do.

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Chuck Norris sleeps with the light on. Not because he is scared of the dark, the dark is scared of him!

anyway, stocking of this tank is really what ever you want to keep. you could keep one of those silver things that get quite long & eat mice & stuff, or those other big fish with stripes & a pointy snout that kinda look like an oversize guitar pic :lol: but i would suggest a tropheus duboisi & another troph species with shellies, leluipi & maybe some altos. lots of rocks & some twisted val.

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Go Sump

You wont regret it

hides a mulitude of sins like intakes and heaters and ugly stuff like that

you do have to put a fish catcher on tho and you also need to think about what you feed as some food will go straight into sump

also my sumps us a spray bar at teh back bottom of the tank pushing up and out....no mulm on tank floor

depending what you keep ....marine for example...you can also use powerheads to make a cross current to shift stuff

You can fill wier with stuff to make a pre filter as well


Nice tank

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