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large cat fish out here.......

anthony law

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can you get iridsescent sharks

There is at least one in NZ alive, have seen it in preson and its a monster! Would make a tank of the dimensions you stated look small, IMO.

Unfortunately we don't get any of the larger non-suckermouth cats here, I'd love to get my hands on M. irwini or M. tigrinus but I don't fancy my chances of getting them added to the list given the hysteria associated with "catfish"...

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There is at least one in NZ alive, have seen it in preson and its a monster! Would make a tank of the dimensions you stated look small, IMO.

Unfortunately we don't get any of the larger non-suckermouth cats here, I'd love to get my hands on M. irwini or M. tigrinus but I don't fancy my chances of getting them added to the list given the hysteria associated with "catfish"...

There are redtail cats around, but I don't know about new imports. They definitely qualify as large.

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redtail cat... yes - your tank will be too small, its a solid 1 Metre plus pparently, when they get that huge, they get thick, heavy, probably upwards of 40 kgs.

ID shark, yes -

your tank may be just enough.

but not sure if you can actually get it, it might belong to someone elwse already. saw it years ago.

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i think yout tank could hold a red tail better than most , the ones here will most likely be slightly stunted anyway

there is a few shovelnoses and red tails around , just got to ask around , they are getting old though..

Any chance anyone can get the red tails/shovelnoses together and try and breed them?

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never been captive breed as far as i know

maybe in a muddy pond , herd they can lay a million eggs haha crazy!

red tails are apprently migrant spawner's, traveling huge distances reach their spawning grounds....mite be same with shovelnoses , so i doubt this will ever happen here in nz anyway

erhmmm bullheads anyone..

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Search on MFK for "rtcxtsn", red tailed cat/ tiger shovelnose hybrids are pretty common overseas. Would require a pretty large set up to try do it here, and then you'd have to find the fish!

cheers daivd.....it whould be cool if they add them tho...

TBH I'm actually glad we dont. Some of the medium size species [like the two I mentioned before] can be housed in a large tank because they aren't particularly active, but I doubt there are many people here who are willing and able to provide for a huge catfish like a RTC or paroon shark. I've seen both at 4'+ in public aquaria overseas, and even if your tank could physically house them it would be far from ideal, akin to housing a foot long oscar in a 4' tank. If you could get a RTC you'd also be pretty limited with what you could keep with in, maybe a couple of pacus and a huge old silver aro, they have enormous mouths and eyes even bigger than their stomach. IMO you'd probably enjoy your tank a whole lot more keeping a selection of medium sized fish so you can actually see their natural behaviour in such a large space.

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Almost the same deal with shovelnoses although I can tell you that they won't come in as pictus catfish like the last time! :lol: (that's for sure)

Depends on the species of shovelnose, some of the smaller ones like lima or tigrinus will be alright in medium sized tanks as they top out at under 2' .

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Jeepers! There are literally a handful of tanks worldwide that would be able to cater for a redtail catfish!

Almost the same deal with shovelnoses although I can tell you that they won't come in as pictus catfish like the last time! :lol: (that's for sure)

i know of 3 tanks in nz that could hold one

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i somewhat agree with david,

tsn and RTC are huge, they get huge!

therea re plenty of monster cats out there that dont get as huge

its similar to having PACU and ARAPAIMA in LFS - its riduclous, really, the logistics of keeping them long term is difficult, most would never infvest in set ups that are able to house them.

in asia, they are kept mainly in ponds when large, kept with aros and other monsters.

here, we dcant do that.

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