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Who has taken a break from fish keeping?


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Who has taken a break from fish keeping? Why, What did you gain and was it worth it?

I'm at a point in life (finishing university in a couple of weeks) where I'm thinking about what to do next.

I want to travel outside NZ, so it may mean I wont be keeping fish for a while, unless fish can go on trips too :o

I've heard of people taking breaks from the hobby for long periods i.e. 5 years + :hail:

So, why did you do it, what did you gain, and was it worth it/did you need to stop keeping fish?

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I had a break of about 25 years. I wasnt caring for the fish and breeding them as I needed to do and started loosing specie that we had here. The time was right.

My daughter bought some guppies and I was away again. At the moment, I cant be bothered breeding again and the time is right for another break as again, through lack of breeding, I am starting to loose specie again. With the fish I keep (Killis) I have several that no-one else keeps and other people are not as interested as I. This of course spoils the enjoyment.

If they become a chore, get rid of them and if your planing on travel, do it as you can always get them back again at any time.

Life changes all the time

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The biggest problem with taking a break is questioning if you will find the same species again when you get back into it..


I had a 1 year break while I was overseas - only had two tanks at that stage - I got rid of the more tempremental fish and got my sister and nephews to look after the rest of the year.

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We've taken a 8 year break. Kids came along and required the bedroom space the fish were in :lol: , I was also working full time.

I'm not working anymore and I'm bored so getting right back into the swing of it (as soon as we get the insurance money to replace the tanks we lost that is :roll: ).

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I stopped in 1999 when I came to NZ. I was a student and moved around alot, flatting in different house etc.. Now I've finally got my residency, a secure job and a nice place to live so started the hobby again last year..

In all those years I really missed keeping fish but was never really able to.. sooo satisfying to get into it again though :D

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I went from a 5' tank with a bunch of cool big fish to a 3' planted tank when I moved out of home and went flatting, and also had about 4 months with no fish when I went overseas and decided to move to Hamilton when I got back.

Sometimes it can be good, sometimes it can be bad. Its taken me about 8 years to get hold of another black aro since I sold my last one, but at least now I'm settled in my own house and will be able to house it for life.

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I gave it up for a few years after a big relationship bust up meant I had to move towns and move in with my mother. I couldnt keep tanks there so put them in storage until I got myself sorted. Finally got a place and did the bachelor thing that involved too much drinking and partying and didnt have time for the tanks. When I finally got myself straightened out I set up my tanks and my collections just grew and grew.

I am now at the point where my first child is not too far away and I am in the process of cutting down a little. My biggest fear is my plant collections.

I have collected almost every type of crypt available in NZ and I know I wont be giving them up in a hurry. I dont think I will every get rid of my fish/plants ever totally unless I am unable to care for them myself.

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When I moved here from California 10 years ago, I left a fishroom and breeding tanks. I didn't fully realise what I'd be giving up when I got here so when I decided to get back into it four years ago I was crushed to realise I couldn't get Satanoperca leucosticta and Herichthys carpintis. Then I nearly cried to think that I sold my beautiful pair of true red G. surinamensis. Might never see that type of fish again since they are almost lost due to hybridisation.

Giving up on the larger fish has made me take on a whole new challenge with the smaller fish, and more plants so that is good. :D

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I took a break of about 12 years as with 3 children under 5 I was too busy. I'd always had male fighters when I did have tanks going and when I started up again I purchased my first female fighter and I've never looked back. In the last few months I have started to increase the variety of fish I keep.

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wow, thanks for all the experiences!

I honestly can't imagine not keeping fish, but yea I guess if I end up not giving them the proper care, then I will be giving up the hobby for a while...will have to see where I end up, so many decisions to make! I will be starting my architecture career soon and I plan to do it well :D

It's great to see that people are still able to get back into it after many years though! :hail:

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