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Lemon Tetras


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As we dont have a real fish shop here in Wanganui, Can someone in the know please advise me of the current retail price of Lemon Tetras. I am not wanting any arguments about who is cheaper etc, I am trying to work out a tank and I am not sure if they will fit my budget.


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As we dont have a real fish shop here in Wanganui, Can someone in the know please advise me of the current retail price of Lemon Tetras. I am not wanting any arguments about who is cheaper etc, I am trying to work out a tank and I am not sure if they will fit my budget.


I think they were pretty cheap last time I saw them, $6-7 each?

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I have a fish called Kitty Tetra (Hyphessobrycon heliacus). They are about the same price as Lemon Tetras, except they are completely iridecent golden-yellow (whereas lemon tetras are grey with a yellow patch on their fin. Some individuals are tinged yellow). So basically they are a much nicer fish. I'm not sure if they are still availible (I got mine at the start of the year, and that's the only time I've ever seen them), but if you can track some down, they are much nicer than Lemon tetras, and you will get much more pleasure out of them :wink:

Here's some photos off the net for you:

Young males:



http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... b26aka.jpg

Male with well-developed dorsal fin and great colouration:

http://www.laquari.com/catalog/images/h ... liacus.jpg

Lemon Tetra for comparison:

http://www.tropicalfishandaquariums.com ... Tetra2.jpg

Hyphessobrycon heliacus "Kitty Tetra"

These colorful and robust little fish are relatively new discoveries from South America. They have gold bodies with a large dark spot at the base of the tail. The tail is yellow with brighter yellow regions on the base of each lobe. The fins have an orange-red tint and on males the dorsal fin becomes elongated. The eyes of these fish are red.

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I have a fish called Kitty Tetra (Hyphessobrycon heliacus). They are about the same price as Lemon Tetras, except they are completely iridecent golden-yellow (whereas lemon tetras are grey with a yellow patch on their fin. Some individuals are tinged yellow). So basically they are a much nicer fish. I'm not sure if they are still availible (I got mine at the start of the year, and that's the only time I've ever seen them), but if you can track some down, they are much nicer than Lemon tetras, and you will get much more pleasure out of them :wink:

Here's some photos off the net for you:

Young males:



http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... b26aka.jpg

Male with well-developed dorsal fin and great colouration:

http://www.laquari.com/catalog/images/h ... liacus.jpg

Lemon Tetra for comparison:

http://www.tropicalfishandaquariums.com ... Tetra2.jpg

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They must have gone up in price a fair bit then. Im sure my last lot a few years ago were only a fraction dearer than neons ie $4 each. I suppose it varies from shop to shop.

I don't think you get neons for $4 around here often.

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Hi Si... I got my angels through the lfs, I just go in there, tell them what I'd like and they order it in, I stipulated strongly that I didn't want them to put the angels in their tank but wanted them to call me AS SOON AS they arrived, which they did, I rushed into the shop and there they were waiting and healthy as in their plastic bags... best bit is that they are actually cheaper ordered in specially than the same fish would be if bought out of their tank (which I had done and lost fish because of that :()

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which I had done and lost fish because of that :()

don't think you could quite 'know' that for sure.. ?!

each to their own.. some like neons, some like cardinals.. kittys and lemons are nice. lemons are very easy to breed.. i remember when they were about $3 each. neons are more striking and (i remember thinking) surprisingly cheaper but i guess that's due to mass breeding overseas.. with lemons the males are the ones with more black on the anal fin. the males look stunning doing their little dance sparring off at each other

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