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new tank progect 3000+liter

anthony law

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TBH I think you really need to do some more planning and serious thinking about what to stock it with. And remember that once a fish is in there its not going to be easy to get it out! It all just seems a bit random, eg 5 severums; do you have 5 sexed adults, or are you going to grow out a smaller group? What ratio of M to F? Do you really want fish breeding in there?

You've got an opportunity that most aquarists only dream of, I don't think there's a commonly available fish in NZ that won't be happy in that tank for life. But you have a lot to consider. The aro comm Henward suggested would be cool, but can you afford to [or will you want to] feed them when they're all 30"+? And what else will you keep with them?

Stocking aside;

What are you going to filter it with? I'm not really sure why you'd want to plumb it into the discus tank, risk introducing diseases, will increase the amount of things like ferts and CO2 needed if you use them for the plants, and the amount of turn over you'd need to make it worth while would turn your planted tank into a river rapids tank. A big DIY sump is probably the only cost-effective way to go.

Lighting? Its a deep tank, will need something strong to get to the bottom.

Power bill? Buying the tank was the cheap part, running pumps, lights and heaters for a tank of that size is going to cost you a small fortune.

Don't take this the wrong way, but it seems to me like a bit of an impulse buy, I just hope you've fully thought through what its going to require to set up and maintain this tank. Good luck and keep us updated!

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i know what im in for as i been fish keeping for 12years so i know a bargin and i got afair idear on what i got my self in for.

ive been in looking for a bigger tank to grow out my fish in the 900 liter and that will be come my planted tank. ive had planted never need to co2 or ferted as i dont seam to have a promble growing,plants

as for filter ive got a spare 1500x600x700 tank im going to turn into a sump too run all to keep cost down of running.

only time ive lost a fish is by power lost or frigthing with each other. in the time ive being fish keep ive ever had a sick fish in my care

ive pick up sick fish ive have 20+ hospital tanks 400l each to chouse from.so im pretty well covered.

what other big fish can i have that is available that is in nz with that list of fish.ill like some colour

the sevems ill get more but a diffrent colour.

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u should stock some jags a few black belt they would look cool when they full grow, i got 4 waiting for my big tank.. hey the chocolate cichild i got off David still looking cool..

as with Aro...they can be hard to maintain..like David said the amount of food you have to feed them..that could cause a little hole in the pocket. good luck man, i will load my pics when i get my tank made.

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