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Close calls


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Out last night with a mate in his 4x4. Near the top of the track we were following one of the tires bounced though a grove in the track and when it came back down the ground slid out from under us and we went off the side and rolled 3 or 4 times before a tree stopped us. The 4x4 ended up upside down so getting out was fun. :-?

My mate and a few others went back today to check out the damage and see about recovering the 4x4... I can't wait to get photos as what we didn't see last night is the only tree big enough of stopping us was the one we hit, and if we missed it we would have rolled another 40 - 50 meters before a 400 meter straight drop.... :o

Got me thinking how many close calls people have had. Please share if you have experienced a close call (thats if you mind)

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I went over a train track in the country after work one day. I didnt see any train coming. So through i went, slowed but still doing 70-80km.

as soon as i went though i hear ding ding ding (the lights must of been going. but sun was on them), think naaa?...look in rearview mirror and a train was going through. was so close, i dont know where the train came from :o

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A couple of years ago we narrowly missed a head on collision with a truck. It came around the corner on our side of the road and my girlfriend managed to swerve away. It still swiped us though, car was a write off. Sadly the car behind us wasn't so lucky.



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so you haven't done a court ordered driving course then? Hoon or Careless? :lol:

Why would I have done a court ordered driving course? Depends on your definition of careless, I was going well under the speed limit and aquaplaned.

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When i first started farming years ago I was following my herd manager up a very rough and steep track on a quad, at a particularly nasty spot he said 'just do what I do'

and up he went, made it look so easy. So I had a go and got stuck a few meters up, so I backed back down, took a deep breath and gave it death....not such a good idea.

About half way up the right front wheel hit a rock, the handle bars where wrenched out of my hands and the quad veered to the right. It just so happened that on the right side of the track was a bank but unfortunately the bottom was curved so instead of me just smashing into the bank it rode right up it, and I got thrown off. All I could see while lying on my back was the quad falling backwards, I rolled sideways out of the way and *crash* right where I was lying...had a few extra beers that night.

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if you get charged with careless driving, you are supposed to be in any crash automatically, they generally order you to do a st johns driving course or similar. did you report your crash?

Why would I report it?

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You only have to report accidents if someone else is injured.

This is what I did (and have never heard the end of it).


Wrote off the vehicle. Not a mark on it on the outside but water went through all the electrical bits :roll:

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You only have to report accidents if someone else is injured.

This is what I did (and have never heard the end of it).

Wrote off the vehicle. Not a mark on it on the outside but water went through all the electrical bits :roll:

Nice parking :lol:

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The full story was on here once but I can't find it.

Husband and I were doing comms for the Silver Fern Car Rally and going through the Molesworth on day 2. I rarely drive the 4WD and never on gravel roads to when I hit an extra bit of gravel that had been piled up on a corner by all the rally cars, preceeding us at great speed, I overcorrected and careened down the hill.

I did manage to turn (hard to steer as it was muddy) just before we hit the water and came to a halt on the edge. Then the bank gave way and the car toppled over :roll:

As we were tail end Charlie nobody realised what had happened (no cell phone coverage) until Grant rigged up an aerial that got radio contact back to base so they called a tow truck for us.

We had to wait several hours for the truck. While waiting, we dragged all we could salvage out of the vehicle and dried it out. Aftre an hoiur or two of no traffic a DOC guy came by in his truck. He checked we were OK then said he ought to fine us for improper use of a waterway (he was known to me and was laughing when he said it) or for fishing without a licence :lol:

It is the only accident I have ever had and I have never driven on gravel roads since. Neither of us were injured and none of the radio gear got wet.

We got back home, washed everything, got a WOF for the old 4WD (which we had replaced 6 months ago but never got around to selling) swapped the radio gear over and were on our way again the next day to catch up with the rally in Queenstown.

Later in the rally one of the drivers ended up totally submerged in a river. One of the other guys looked at me and said "He did a better job of it than you didn't he?" :lol:

Only I could manage to end up in the only water for miles to be found in the Molesworth :roll: :oops:

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On a different note does going to the quack with major chest pains which stop just as i get to Onehunga A+E 4pm Sunday 4th of this month to be told its probably a pulled muscle but we will do blood tests Monday morn to be safe then phone call 5pm Monday 5th to say how soon can you get to hospital as you've had a heart attack count. Wednesday 7th have angioplasty to remove 2 blockages from heart artery and stent put in. Luckily i had the Monday off to spend the first day of school holidays with my son as if id gone to work it more than likely would have killed me...... i think of that as my winning lotto ticket.

Hate to say it but what sort of tyres did you have Ira? Tread depth is less important than tread design for water dispersal. Theres so much cheap crap out there and its damn dangerous.

My just wof able bridgestones give considerably more wet grip than brand new clear's or triangle's.

People are always asking for the cheapest tyres then ask how good they are LOL duh cheapest is crappiest, quality costs. Dont let anyone sell you Triangles as i refuse to sell them in my shop because they are rubbish, heard recently about a test driver in a magazine tyre test spewing about them in the wet as they nearly killed him.

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i was told you had to report all accidents, accidents with injuries immediately & accidents with no injuries had to be done within 24 hours.

I was told you're not required to report single car accidents without injury. And the only reason to tell the cops is if you think your insurance excess is too low and you'd like to pay a fine on top of it.

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and for the non car related,

was abseiling on the cliff face to the left of the hunua falls and after umpteen times going down the practice wall (thats not vertical and rather small) using figure eights, i was to be the first of the group to go down (apart from the guy who set up the line). so i rocked up to the top of the cliff and was told to put a device on called a rack instead of the normal figure eights. and the way these things work is that theres multiple bars across it and depending on how many bars you wrap the rope around you get different resistances (from memory 4 bars normal person, 5 for a larger and 3 for a kid) so the instructor wraped it around 3 bars and off i went..... without enough friction on this thing to be able to stop myself so skidded down the side of the cliff to a well positioned 20cm ledge that i was able to stand on and hurl abuse to the abseiling instructor until he came down the second line, adjusted my rack and sent me happily on my way. but he cheeted his way back to the top by prusiking.

(red is where i started the decent and green is where i found that ledge, all when i was about 13)


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Had malaria 3 times (18months, 5, 12)

Run over by a moving truck when I was 3 (soft sand underneath the wheels meant I rolled with the tire and got spat out, went over my arse and lower back)

Ran through a glass door@school that was installed in the holidays (no safety glass, just normal pane glass) de-gloving my right forearm (2mm away from brachial artery), major stab-wound just below my ribs (any higher and it would have been lung) all up 500+ stitches and 120 staples (many stitches were internal micro-souchers joining my tendons back together) I was 14 at the time.

Held up at gunpoint for my bike and my shirt @ 15,

Shot in the leg with a Koi-San bow and arrow.http://www.theartofafrica.co.za/serv/hunting2.jsp

Been shot at chasing after burglars, been shot in the leg walking home from school with a 9mm (more of a grazing, made a nice hole in my pants though...)

Been trapped on the bottom on a dive in some discarded fishing line that wrapped around my leg and held my knife in its holder. Bloody scary since you can hardly see the stuff in the water....

Been charged by a Bull elephant in "must"

yup... shouldn't really be here.... lol

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