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whites treefrog drama hmmmmm


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Was sold has high yellow male ...is a male but high yellow ???


This is yellow ...


Bottom one will be post shed and probably taken with a decent camera, maybe re touched also.

Photos are only as good as the photographer :wink:

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Moot point

for the last 6 years we have heard talk of and I have seen the list of "animals" that will have import standards.

Monitors frilled lizards chameleons and the like.

Now we hear that everything we keep will be outlawed and rendered inservicable if it is ecotic and if it is native you MUST be involved in a Uni/Zoo breeding program.

laughable...no wonder smuggling is alive and well.

20 years ago populations here were decimated because of teh euro market for our commons.

What makes anyone think they are still not being decimated is beyond me.

Just cause you cant swap natives for a pound or a chimp doesnt mean it still doesnt happen


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a Licensing system, similar to models around the world works. Definately.

it has to be a Self funded and revenue neutral endeavour for the govt.

For example:

a person wants a lizard. He pays for quarantine - pays for inspection, rego fees, and monthly inspection - if it disappears he must report.

Inspections happen like clock work - wtih out fail, Funded by the Hobbyist. I would pay for this...thsi would work.

But - its just not something maf prioritises.

I sit on both sides of the fence.

I love exotics - Everyone here knows that.

But .... if they did say that whats in the country stays that way anything new will go....

then you will see a massive surge in smuggling for those few months to increase the types in this country.

That would bring in problems in it self.

Even registration and self funded revenue neutral or even profit for the govt would mean that they spend money initally to set up, and there is the return on investment factor they have to think of.

if you think about it, really, how much money would they make.

In NZ, how many people would actually pay for this? i bet you can count it - as it is that little.

its not worth it.

The end of the day, we have our natives.... i dont particularly like them, but each to their own - if you want other things.....perhaps move to canada where you can pretty much have any animal you can want! fish, reptiles, the lot. You can buy an arowana from singapore.... and no quarantine straight off the plane take it home in canada. Reptiles too.

NZ is NZ, what makes this place good is what also makes it annoying and sometimes bad.....(my proverbial BS for the day:)

In this article, Haisley has failed to disclose the source. If you know the source is legal.... then why not disclose it? Its obviously illegal.

Do you know how many people got roped in to this?

I can tell you - MANY.

I personally - and am not kidding as i have the search warrant at home.

was raided by maf, underwear drawers searched, everything searched - just because he emailed him and phone him about the frogs.

What did he say to me?

"MAF visits there all the time and seem the frogs and said it was ok" LITERALLY

this is what was said.

I can speak of this as the case is finished in the courts - and as we can see publicised now.

Then MAF raids my house, looking for these frogs....

I agreed with him that iw ould buy 2 for $500 dollars thinking it was all legal and fine wtih MAF as i was led to believe.

then one day i get 2 uniforms and 3 maf enforcers climing on my gate like some movie - which i msut admit, was kinda cool! but anyway.....

Smuggled or not - they were not meant to be here right? Thats the key.

Haisley was discharged without conviction - even though he pleaded guilty. As NZs court system allows, if someone pleads guilty - and puts a case why they shoudl not have a conviction as serious as smuggling wildlife - then they get away only with a 10k slap on the wrist...

I was interogated by MAF - I was also going to be a witness in court. In the process, Haisley has spokena nd bad mouthed me with all the leopard gecko breeders in this country (i bought mine off him too) that they should not deal with me at all.

This is unfair.

What am i supposed to do when maf and cops knock at your door.

I told the truth of what he said to me directly. I didnt lie - but haisley expected me to cover for him? FOR WHAT? !?! WHY?? when i was just a buyer of supposedly legal animals.

He even called me to harass me and i had to get MAF lawyers to inform him that it is obstructing justice what he is doing.

There are 2 leopard gecko keepers in this forum that used to regularly talk to me - and now they dont even answer basic PMs.....

lesson is - if you are gonna sell an animal that is borderline ILLEGAL or SMUGGLED

1) dont do it on trademe

2) Dont lie to people that its legal

because by law - people who are told its legal cannot get in trouble, only you can get in trouble by misleading them. There is of course a common sense factor such as drugs and things like that, everyone knows thats illegal.

You know, after the raid, i had a solicitor review maf acts and laws.

When interviewed by MAF, you actually dont have the right to remain silent.

MAF in essense have more power to extract info than cops in some cases!

I guess when your countries economy is predominantly Agri - thats what happens:)

wow that felt good to get that off my chest!

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Personal issues hmmmm. Sht happens is what i put it down to, live and learn. In my case i couldnt have done anythign different anyway, i didnt purchase or even make contact with said person, but my name was still put in the hat. Had a nice visit but ive got nothing to hide so it was all good.

The writing was on the wall in regards to those frogs, dont be so naive and point the finger....you are part of the problem whether you see it or not.

Just be cautious of anything that sounds to good to be true. Contact Maf your self if unsure on anything.

In regards to it costing money to setup a licence system or similar. Obviously it will cost to setup, but the potential environmental cost of not making changes is far far greater, priceless even.

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interesting henward, didn't realise so many got a visit.

The writing was on the wall in regards to those frogs, dont be so naive and point the finger....you are part of the problem whether you see it or not.

Just be cautious of anything that sounds to good to be true. Contact Maf your self if unsure on anything.

didn't people try this way with the Iguana a few years ago?

is this new developments or just old speculation doing the rounds again?

so is this new info?

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too right p44, dont do it at all!


actualy ironically enough, i called the 0800 maf number - and i asked if itw as ok and they said YES! if its on trade me it should be ok.

was the exact answer...

none the less, it was ok:)

so i did my homework as being a collector like alot of you - we do have to practice due dilligence.

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interesting henward, didn't realise so many got a visit.

didn't people try this way with the Iguana a few years ago?

Yep, so understandably some faith is lost. But if anything the Iguana saga should have served as a warning. Not ok lets make up our own mind or beleave what ever the seller has to say..

Imagine if Maf said no theyre actually being investigated and likely to be destroyed.....seller would of moved them and black market here we come...

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yes true

im not really arguing in this regard, i guess my optimism and excitement got the better of me

never purchased, didnt lose anything and like you said, maf can come look at my old boxers if there are reptiles in there no worries. i have nothing to hide.

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