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whites treefrog drama hmmmmm


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Problem is they have no idea where the critters are from, what their disease status is, what their genetic status is etc etc.

Keeping them costs money. Quarantining them costs money. Finding someone with appropriate permits and enclosures takes time and is not likely to happen every time. Sorting out if the critter (including unknown diseases it might carry) would be a biorisk and what sort of containment is necessary would take an awful lot of time and money.

It does seriously suck for the critters though.

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yeah i guess that that would just encourage more importing. Damn i wish New Zealand had a better economy!!!

i wish we had a better bio security/ doc/maf...

Q how come we can import tropical fish but not tropical reptiles?

A disease risk!

Q if they were legaly imported they could be tested for disease?

A Ahhh... um... sounds like too much work.

Q but then there would be no smuggled animals from who knows where entering nz,and no disease!

A ahhh ummm to much hard work.

Q what do you do for a job?

Ahhh...UMMMM...as little as possible.

Q but if you made the license the expensive part and the animal cheap,there would be no smuggling and no disease risk and be able to pay someone to police it from license revenue... A ahhhhh.....ummmmm...easier for us to just ignore the problem unless bought to our attention in wich case we will confiscate and destroy the animals and start a realy expensive court case with your tax money...or just destroy the animals and not start a realy expensive court case (iguana gate) :roll: .....keystone cops??? or generally assume the animals were smuggled and destroy them.......

Q soooo basically the system dosent work.

A ummmm....ahhhhhh........cant know,hey cleetus hand me da petrol wees gona have ourself a burning!!!!

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i wish we had a better bio security/ doc/maf...

Q how come we can import tropical fish but not tropical reptiles?

A disease risk!

Q if they were legaly imported they could be tested for disease?

A Ahhh... um... sounds like too much work.

Q but then there would be no smuggled animals from who knows where entering nz,and no disease!

A ahhh ummm to much hard work.

Q what do you do for a job?

Ahhh...UMMMM...as little as possible.

Q but if you made the license the expensive part and the animal cheap,there would be no smuggling and no disease risk and be able to pay someone to police it from license revenue... A ahhhhh.....ummmmm...easier for us to just ignore the problem unless bought to our attention in wich case we will confiscate and destroy the animals and start a realy expensive court case with your tax money...or just destroy the animals and not start a realy expensive court case (iguana gate) :roll: .....keystone cops??? or generally assume the animals were smuggled and destroy them.......

Q soooo basically the system dosent work.

A ummmm....ahhhhhh........cant know,hey cleetus hand me da petrol wees gona have ourself a burning!!!!


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"expensive licence and cheap animals".

Even with extra money from a licence system, its not that easy to police so unlikely to appeal to the authorities. Surely they have better things to worry about. Look at our natives, the licence only stops most from even attempting to keep them. Yet smuggling is a huge problem.

A licencing system does have plenty of merits dont get me wrong, but im not so sure it will have a positive effect on the hobby if applied to exotics.

Cheap herps is only a matter of time in most cases anyway. How an authority would make them cheap is beyond me.

Your going the wrong way about getting answers if you ask me. I agree the iguana thing seemed a bit harsh but the seller hasnt exactly stood up and taken any responsibility and or proven they were legit, or have they, last i heard that was before the court and compensation was talked of?

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"expensive licence and cheap animals".

Even with extra money from a licence system, its not that easy to police so unlikely to appeal to the authorities. Surely they have better things to worry about. Look at our natives, the licence only stops most from even attempting to keep them. Yet smuggling is a huge problem.

A licencing system does have plenty of merits dont get me wrong, but im not so sure it will have a positive effect on the hobby if applied to exotics.

Cheap herps is only a matter of time in most cases anyway. How an authority would make them cheap is beyond me.

Your going the wrong way about getting answers if you ask me. I agree the iguana thing seemed a bit harsh but the seller hasnt exactly stood up and taken any responsibility and or proven they were legit, or have they, last i heard that was before the court and compensation was talked of?

I think your missing the point,or looking at it backwards! a cleanly imported herp(cheap) compared to smuggled animals in both disease and price.$10 green iguanas for example from say a south american breeder,they go to a local wholesaler,he screens them for nz standard disease(but there isint one ,to hard basket)the price tripples $30,imported to nz quarinteen facility, price doubles again $60,pass health check goes to wholesaler,price doubles again $120 goes to pet shop or local herp dealer price doubles again$240...say a greeniguana licence from maf or doc e,c,t is $500 so $740 to you.damm sight cheeper than $5000 dollars with disease risk,and them saying yes go for it for 6 months or so and then doing an about face and saying NO KILL THEM ALL because we want to make an example of someone...

im not looking for answers,just pointing out how dysfunctional our current system is...

anyone else got the balls to speak up!........

ANNND is anyone going to bother smuggling in a green iguna if the base price is $240.........

i dont thint so....ANNNNND it some escape the permit ,so what ,they are clean anyway and if they escape they will be dead by winter!

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I can tell you they do :wink:

But not to answer silly questions

silly questions you say,what if i told you i asked most of those silly questions to a biosecurity orficer ,and the answers(except from the lets have a burning e,c,t) were almost verbatim....

ask your mates if they can spend some of there precious time,and our money,working with us...or are they too busy protecting the rat.

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haha you guys get so hyped up about this stuff. i get passion and all but bash the smugglers if you want, not MAF. Least they protect our biosecurity.

ok your obviously a fish person,what if you went to your local aquarium and all that was available was guppies,sordtails,angle fish,neon tetras aaaand ohhh plecostomus!

but someone said psssst for $5000 i can get you a zebra pleco.....wouldnt you want to

ask the powers that be, why you cant buy one legally... :wink:

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