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Larger Community Fish ?


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Hi Everyone

I've just been looking at my community tank trying to figure out whats "wrong" with it. (all heathly not that kind of wrong)

And I've come to the conclusion its lacking some larger colourful fish, the largest in there right now is a male Peral Gourami along with guppies ,swordtails and Danio's, anyone have any good ideas what fish would go with these tankmates but add some size ?

Thanks in advance

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I have personally seen a couple of silver sharks with a 100 school of neons.

Swam thru them, and there weren't as many neons after that pass.

I pointed it out to the owners, and they said,

"Oh, the sharks don't eat them, just the neons are too slow"

You figure.

You could look at some of the Rasbora and Barbs that are available at the moment, some of them quite different in color and size as well as action.

But hey,

if you want a tank with WOW

get a school of Torpedo barbs.

At the price they are I'm sure you could negotiate a price with your supplier, don't forget the power of you Membership card, and ask nicely.

Alan 104

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i would agree with the golden barbs - but definitely need to go for 6 at least they are best when they school 8)

i have them in my tank and we bought six but they as they die off (and i havent had the chance to replace them yet) they tend to start looking at the other fish with a teasing glint in their little eyes :lol:

also the female fighter should be fine and again it is best to go for either 1 or 3+ if you pair them the dominant one tends to push the second one around a bit but as far as they go with other tank mates i have had no problems but they would really match your sizing query but they are bigger than tetra or guppies :roll:

have fun choosing

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my favourite peaceful colourful larger fish is the clown loach (once they grow, and they do grow quickly). However, you'll often only see them in the evening as they are nocturnal, but they are colourful orange and black stripes, and if you get a small shoal (3-4 only for a tank of your size) they are really playful and fast. They don't harm other fish, except tiny fry. I keep them with danios, glowlight tetras,bristle noses, glass catfish.

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