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scrape the eggs off the glass with a blade, and put them in a separate tank with some water from the present tank and some new water.

Then we can play the "guess the egg" game :o

Only got the one tank so hopefully the Emerald eye's don't like the taste of otto fry....

I think they might be from the Otto's, one of them seems to be very interested in the eggs

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Can't see any otto fry, hope some survive but it's unlikely.

Most of the thread algae has gone now :) Reducing the lights down to 2 hours per day, water changes and manually removing what I can seems to have done the trick. :wink: I'll keep that up for 1 more day then increase the lights to 5 hours or so to kickstart the glosso.

The glosso needed trimming and replanting in a couple areas where the algae took hold but shouldn't take long to bounce back.

Back on track :bounce:

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A few hours on the tank today... Replaced the white background for black, I think it shows up the Emerald eyes better (a bit shy in this photo)

Ripped out the glosso, trimmed off all areas badly affected by thread algae, gave it a good wash and replanted, moss stones washed and trimmed.

Sand and diffuser have been washed, inlet lily pipe has been moved (experiment :wink:)

Apologies for the wonky image :-? Couches are rubbish tripods :roll:


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Looking good.

Fill 'er right up so the lily pipe doesn't create so much surface agitation, it's blowing all your CO2 :P

Yeah, the photo was taken right after a water change, must of been a bit of air in there :-?

It's pretty full now :wink:

I moved the inlet pipe to the same side as the diffuser, some of the bubbles are being sucked up and pushed out of the outflow. Just an experiment.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow you got otto's to breed that is very hard to do well done, have a search on that topic. Well done :hail: . I could only find a few examples of this befor.

None of the fry have survived :cry: Or none that I can see. If it happens again I'll try moving the eggs.


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