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I have a book from the library by Takashi Amano, he makes aquascapes in the way of 'Nature Aquarium' theory and they are very inspiring. From small to huge tanks, some that start out like yours and some that end up like P44 Jungles. There are 3 books apparently but only 1 volume is available at our library :-?

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I have a book from the library by Takashi Amano, he makes aquascapes in the way of 'Nature Aquarium' theory and they are very inspiring. From small to huge tanks, some that start out like yours and some that end up like P44 Jungles. There are 3 books apparently but only 1 volume is available at our library :-?

I'm not really going for any style in particular.... I like dutch, iwagumi and nature so I'm hoping to borrow some of each :o

Which library has the Amano books?

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Which library has the Amano books?

this is from Auckland City Libraries. I did a quick hunt at Manukau Libraries and it's not there. You can request it for a fee from Auckland to Manukau thought.

when I'm finished with it hehe :D

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My LFS sells them, also the owner let me borrow one for 2 weeks : )

They have some amazing photos, but in some cases, shows just how little chance I have of making anything as good as him.

The finished photo shows nothing of the work involved and how long they take to grow of course, but you do see how many water changes and CO2 etc he adds. High maintenance, some of them. And he has some huge tanks to scape, easier than scaping a smaller tank methinks. Anyway back to the subject, I didn't mean to hijack the thread!! :oops:

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The finished photo shows nothing of the work involved and how long they take to grow of course, but you do see how many water changes and CO2 etc he adds. High maintenance, some of them. And he has some huge tanks to scape, easier than scaping a smaller tank methinks. Anyway back to the subject, I didn't mean to hijack the thread!! :oops:

Have you seen the vid where he's feeding his Altum's?

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Got home from work today and there is a clear film on the surface of the water :cry:

I've noticed that the outlet pipe is not giving me enough surface agitation. Really don't want to have to throw in a big ugly power head.... :-? :-?

Trimmed and replanted some glosso, 20% water change and dosed with comprehensive

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Could you just get an airstone or 2 with an airpump? It's all I've ever needed on my tanks to stop greasy surface.


I think it's just a new tank setup thing. I'll try increase the photoperiod and the surface agitation which the airstones would do.

I've also noticed the dreaded new tank brown algae :evil: Hopefully the extra light and water movement will sort that out. Apart from regular water changes and adding a oto or 2..... :cry:

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