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Hi from Epsom


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Hey there! I'm rather new to fishkeeping, only had my AquaOne AR380 for a month, but I'm really getting into the hobby and wishing I had a bigger tank already! Not to mention that I went out and got a quarantine/spare tank as well :P.

At the moment I only have 5 ember tetras and a Plakat Siamese fighter, which I just got the other day. Should be getting some celestial pearl danios soon which will stay in the 'quarantine' tank. At least until I can afford a bigger tank, which would fit all my fish more comfortably, and eventually either a bristlenose or some otocats once I get that tank upgrade. As for pic I think I'll save them when I feel up to posting in the Member's tank section, although don't expect to see anything as fancy as most of the tanks in there :lol:.

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hi. the 380 is a great little tank, the one I started out with too!

I'm still learning and don't have the natural eye to get my tanks looking like some of the experts here but it's lots of fun anyway.

My 380 is currently sitting idle but will be set up as a dwarf puffer tank when my daughter saves up enough to sort it all out and gets it cycled etc. I was just going to keep it as a spare tank but no - little Miss 13 has other ideas.

and yes, agree with livingart.. GOOD MOVE to get the QT tank. I now quarantine most new fish after some unpleasant experiences with shop bought livebearers. Even recently I went against my better judgement and put some beautiful imported guppys in , was told they had already been in MAF Quarantine and would be fine.. but they ended up infecting most my existing guppys and I was not able to save them all , and lost the two beautys that started it.

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Welcome - nice pic. Hows he doing?

He's doing very well :D. Likes my driftwood cave (sleeps in there) and lets me feed him by hand now. He seems to be okay with my tetras, I've seen him swim in a somewhat threatening way towards them, no flaring of the gills or nipping though, the tetras just move out of the way. They don't seem too scared of him either. I saw my female tetra nip at him once, but only that once and his fins don't look damaged, I think she may just have been a bit overexcited as it was during feeding. Still checking on them a lot just to make sure things are staying peaceful.

Thinking of getting an otocat fairly soon. Hopefully he won't mind sharing 'his' cave. I never thought bettas would like caves!

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Thinking of getting an otocat fairly soon. Hopefully he won't mind sharing 'his' cave. I never thought bettas would like caves!

Get more than one oto, happier in small groups , I'm after a couple more to add to my two but i just need to find the same species.

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I'd be happy to get more than one, but since my tank is small I don't want to add too many fish at a time. Just added the fighter recently was thinking of waiting longer before getting otos but my algae is a bit of a pain on the plants and I can't clean them off there. Suppose I'll wait a bit more and get 2 otos at the same time instead of the 1 now.

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