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Is the native Black Cocroach suitable for breeding


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I have a group of these cochroaches and want to know if they are suitable for breeding up and feeding out?

scientific name "Platyzosteria novaeseelandiae"

As per usual all I can find is how to erradiacate them on the web

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I think they have glands that make them stink, my beardie has allways taken them when offered but am really thinking of my frogs and gecko instead of locusts and crickets - am sick of the egg process.

the black ones don't seem to climb and I have been feeding them on leftovers ( same as I put in the compost ) - would have thought they would have been pretty good eating

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He's a worry eh. I like insects but so much that I want to try eating them :lol:

Is there a missing "NOT" in this sentence? :lol: You're as bad as him at eating the insects! :lol: :lol:

P.s My male frog started whistling after a big nite of eating your crickets... must have really given him a boost!

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:lol: :lol: yes there was a loud noise of some description on the TV and the frog was joining in as he sometimes does... but probably with a cricket or two in his mouth! :lol: Hadnt heard him at all this last 6 mths or so, but advent of crickets definately helped. As for cockroaches..... dont see them where I live. Dog must have scared them off 8)

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just pop in to king fisheries in Tauranga. assuming they,r still in business. me first job30 or so years ago. there were thousands of them American or Sydney oooor whatever species cockies living in the fishrooms. them big mongrels! a couple of inches or so.i remember switching on the lights at night and the floor was covered with them n then within a few seconds there would only b a few hundred left, n that was because they were dragging off fish that had jumped out of the tanks! :sick:

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