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Finally happy with tank layout - Update 22/04/2011


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Gee the pictures from your new camera are great. Will be seing more good shots in the forum comps. Wicked tanks, they are a credit to you. would love to have my plants to grow as good as yours have.

Thanks, but it seems to be killing the contrast and im not sure how to reduce that. Someone told me it might be because of the light that sits right on top of the tank towards the front. I just played with a few other settings now; here are the results -

Tank in the kitchen / breakfast bar -



Female discus -


Cardinals -


And the overgrown sword-


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Wow that is the best your tank has ever looked! :hail::hail::hail: It is stunning! :bow: Maybe I should change my original plan for my tank and do something like yours? The giant sword plant looks great. I love the big school of Cardinals. The layout is fantastic! It looks like an Amazon-type tank. If I did change my plan and do something like yours, it would be much cheaper to save up for everything. I'd just need the T5 Glo Hood + tubes, a bigger tank, a proper stand, and some more substrate.

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fantastic looking planted tank phoenix44. :hail:

Thanks! I'm currently working on getting the red plants on the RHS to get better. My macrandra has grown heaps and is blood red and not pink, so if i can grow that a bit more maybe it will be visible easily.

I actually did a gravel vac this morning and changed 60L of the water. Flatmates came out to watch as I got my scissors and attacked the plants and hacked away :oops:

Lots of plants are on the compost pit at the moment (leaves had algae).

Also put one JBL ball under the big sword as some leaves have holes in them at the top, and added new DIY CO2 mixtures and added some flourish excel and comprehensive.

Also cut down to 1 water change a week now cause the tanks no longer in my room. Did a water test at animates today and everything was A-OK. even the nitrates were 0 :lol:

I am now getting one Lancelota whiptail every week until I have heaps. :D i love them.

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Looks great! :hail: My red plant doesn't go as red as yours. How deep is your tank? Mine is 60cm and even though the plant has grown to the top its not as dark a red.

PS - picked up the diffuser today and its happily bubbling away in the tank. What do you use to spread the bubbles even more?

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Would you list the fish you have in the tank? How many? Trying to work out what you have :wink:

errr alright...

3x L066 - 2 more to come


15?x Spotty BN

2x lancelota whiptail

11x brochis splendis

1X L168 Male

2x Dwarf flag cichlids

1x Male Agasazzi

3x Checkerboard discus from Ron

6-8x Apisto steel blue (sentimental value :oops: )

4x Veil tail blue rams

4-6x clown loaches

32 (??? maybe more) x Cardinals - more to come 50 might be a good number. but you can

That's all I can remember. i've removed a lot of the catfish to make room for more so basically the red whiptails and the red lizard whiptails are gone along with those awesome imported royal whiptails and a few other fancy plecos.

Tank is 50cm high Adrienne. I think :o

List all the plants while your at it too :D

No can do buddy. :o i would literally pull my hair out in frustration. I planted literally hundreds of plants in there, and they are still in there. Occasionally I see one I have not seen in a few weeks and it always surprises me :lol: I know there are a tonne of crypts in there so when I salvage the tank at the end of the year (maybe) it will be like a treasure hunt.

if you want to know what a particular plant is let me know, cause that would be easier.

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Thanks I was being nosey because I know you can't tell how many fish are in a planted tank.

SamH and Joshlikesfish came in and looked at my tank today and all they could see were the school of harlequins and a few of the bolivian rams when in fact there are about 30+ others in there.

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SamH and Joshlikesfish came in and looked at my tank today and all they could see were the school of harlequins and a few of the bolivian rams when in fact there are about 30+ others in there.

Could see the Sterabis if we looked hard enough :lol: Both yours and P44s tanks are looking great :hail:

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You're tank is amazing p44

Thanks I was being nosey because I know you can't tell how many fish are in a planted tank.

SamH and Joshlikesfish came in and looked at my tank today and all they could see were the school of harlequins and a few of the bolivian rams when in fact there are about 30+ others in there.

= :hail: :bounce: :hail: :bounce: :hail:
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