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Longfin bristlenose


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  • 3 months later...

How is the breeding going? I have been thinking it would be cool to try and breed albino longfinned. Great to see others have already been giving it a go. I was going to get some long fin and grow them up to try and find a female to breed with my male albino. Was wondering how many generations it would take to get the young to be all long finned and majority albino, I'm guessing alot. Would be great to hear how everyone is going and if anyone had some young X's I could start with (please pm me if there is). I have 2 albino males so would consider swapping the smaller one.

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There are probably plenty of people crossing the "spotted bristlenoses" (what people have renamed as rios) with normal bristlenoses anyway to most they are just bristlenoses regardless of if they are spotted, golden or whatever..

I could only imagine :-?

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