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Cheap bottom dwellers


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I was wondering what a good cheap bottom dweller is? I want to get a few different types of bottom dwellers but don't know what would be the best one. I have a group of peppered corys and I also want to get some more khulie loaches as I've lost a few over the years. So what else could I get?

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Thanks heaps for the offer Tsarmina but we don't often go over the hill so probably couldn't get any of you but if we ever are I'll send you a pm. I love dwarf chain loaches and yoyos but as I'd like a decent sized group I probably at $12 - $14 ea it would get expensive.

Also are hillstream loaches any good in a tropical tank?

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depends on what you classify as expensive...

I dont think a $180 pleco is expensive but some do... all up to your budget...

between $2-10... Snails, BN, Ottos, Corys (however you will need several)

$10-15... Common Plecos, flying fox, algae eater

$15-20... Most loaches, Corys

Just depends on what you want.

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lol things must be more expensive down here. At our lfs a 4cm BN is $12, ottos are $16, most cory are either $7 or the rarer ones are $14 - $18 but I agree I should have been more specific on what price I'd like to spend. I think I'll keep my peppered corys, get some more khulie loaches, maybe 5 or so BNs and some type of loach (like yoyo, dwarf chain or zebra)

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