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Axolotl & Bristlenose Question???


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I have 2 baby axolotls, and as I know they eat other fish, I am wanting to find out if would be ok to have a cold water bristlenose in the tank with them, or will they eat it???

Any info will help alot, I have been searching the net and found nothing on this topic.

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Any info will help alot, I have been searching the net and found nothing on this topic.

That is because cold water bristle noses, guppies, mollies and the like DO NOT exist. who ever says they do is wrong. there are no two ways about that.

In the tropic it is possible to have tropical fish in a pond because winter equates to an average temp of about 28 degrees C.

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Bristlenoses are not cold water fish. Otherwise they'd be banned by MAF because they wouldn't want them to be released in the wild, breed and alter our eco-systems.

Haven't you ever wondered why they don't naturally occur in NZ waters? Um because maybe, just maybe it is actually too cold for them?

Now there are some exceptions to the rule... ie A-town and a few others that keep tropicals outside etc.

But generally they are tropical fish that require 22 - 26 degrees. And is the exception and not the rule.

Kept outside this range is down right cruelty...

Common sense is required when other critters lives are in your hands, they can't move themselves to water that is warm enough for them, they rely on you.

Just remember, if they don't live in water that cold naturally in the wild... there is a reason.

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They are right. They are not true cold water fish, they can merely tolerate lower temperatures than tropicals. This does not make them cold water fish. I am sure in some parts of NZ they can live outside all year round, in the right conditions, but certainly not in most areas!

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The axies will most deffinety try and eat them, they will bite at there fins, tail, eyes etc..

My brother had blackmoors in with a axie and the axie took it's eye out.

I would not suggest it, i would say the cory would be a easy target for it

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Thanks Mel and Livingart, that's all I wanted to know...

The rest of you can keep your critisim to yourself, I'm here to answers and help not be attacked and critisized.....

It's no wonder there are never many people here with thhe reaction they get............

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I'm sorry you feel you were attacked and criticised but that was not the case. We were merely trying to help you keep your fish in the best possible conditions for them. I am sure your fish are fine in Auckland temperatures but to claim you are being attacked when we are merely trying to correct a common misconception is unfair.

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I'm not acting ignorant, I know what temps fish need to be at and I have some certain fish the living perfectly below the normal, I keep close eye on my fish, and make sure they are all ok, my axes and other coldwater fish are all at room temp and are all fine, as far as I see it, the things that have been said to me are meant to make me look like an idiot... We sorry but I do know what I'm doing with my fish I'm not stupid....

You pheonix are the main person I have had this issue with, with quite a few topics now, you just don't know when to actually give advice instead of offend people....

I'm not going to waste my time anymore.... I've had enough of your critisim and attacks against the way I keep my fish...

I will not be returning to the forum again just to keep you (Pheonix) happy to attack others with issues.....

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i can see both sides of the fence i am sitting on :wink:

and can understand where both are coming from

P44 is only trying to correct a misconception conjured in any novice reading your post and assuming there is a variety of coldwater BN

in the same token you have explained your situation before and could possibly construe it as being an attack

maybe the use of the 2 words together is what caused the reaction and could be changed

your tanks are not truly coldwater being inside, neither are they tropical either, more of a temperate tank

sometimes it is good to sit back and look at what we are posting from someone elses point of view before we hit the submit button or make it a PM instead

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Thanks Livingart, I know some of the people on the forum are curtious, helpful and alot friendlier then others, but everytime I have posted about my coldwater fish, I have had the same reaction from Phoenix, so rude and up himself and thinks he knows everything.

At the end of the day and the way I see it, is a fish doesn't have to be outside to be a coldwater fish, if it can live without a heater happily summer go winter, then as far as I'm concerned it's a cold water fish.

Sure others have diffirent opinions on this.........but this is my opinion....

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Then ignore Phoenix and don't lump the rest of us in with him. His last post was unnecessarily rude as far as I am concerned. Livingart is correct and I think it is a problem with semantics.

You are not ignorant and your fish are fine in the lower temperature. I could keep those fish the same way here over summer but certainly not in winter. My concern was that beginners could misunderstand and think those fish were true cold water species when they are not.

Whatever, I don't think you should leave a forum because of one person.

I also suggest you don't put the fish in with the axies as axies will try and eat anything that moves in front of their face :roll:

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Thanks Caryl, I didn't mean to offend you either.... It's really annoying when he does this all the time, I know you had nothing do with it, and I understand your point of view. And I'm sorry to cause a scene, as you may have notice Phoenix is not here to fight his own battles and leaves everyone else to do it for him....

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but everytime I have posted about my coldwater fish, I have had the same reaction from Phoenix, so rude and up himself and thinks he knows everything.

yeah. and you will continue to get the same response from this rude obnixous prat, although i did not mean for my post to be rude; i just can't mask my words and make them sound polite and diplomatic sometimes... too blunt as some people put it. :D your fish never have been and never will be cold water fish, just as i will never be an eskimo.

I don't have any thing against you, but I do have something against cold water guppies, mollies, bn's, plecos and the like. If you knew and truly understood the physiological and biological effects of colder temperatures on tropical species (and vice versa) you may change your mind.

my problem lies with someone new to the hobby going - hey i read this thing about cold water guppies, bn's etc, and then adding tropical fish to a cold water tank.

I see this every week, and honestly there could be hundreds of fish in palmy(every week) alone that could have been saved, but were intoduced into cold water tanks. temperate tanks are fine, but cold water is too cold in winter for tropical fish.

I know not all of us do not provide ideal conditions as they are in the wild, and instead compromise on an intermediatery - but i stand by my ground, and will continue to do so on this issue.

PS- I have no problems admitting that I am up myself cause i know i am, and i know i can be a prat at times. im still loved though :wink::D and im not all bad :lol:.. honestly.

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As stated my fish aren't outside but are inside in tanks with no heater as Caryl stated are temperature tanks, and as I stated to her, as far as I see it if they are in a tank and have no heater they are cold water fish....

I don't have anything to do with outside pond fish so my opinion on my fish with no heater inside is they are cold water fish.

Please remember this next you want to critize me about my "COLD WATER FISH"............. :x

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I have my guppies in a tank with no heater, but the ambient temp in that area is around 29 deg with the doors closed, at night they get down to 26 deg, so i'm not worried, there is even fry in the tank now, once autumn comes, I will add a heater though.

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