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L201 and L134?


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L134's are definitely here, but harder to come by, as every time "Leopard frogs" come in - they are any thing but. I think I had one at one stage.

L201's may possibly have come in under a generic name - but there are many alternatives on the market with similar markings.

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L134's are definitely here, but harder to come by, as every time "Leopard frogs" come in - they are any thing but. I think I had one at one stage.

L201's may possibly have come in under a generic name - but there are many alternatives on the market with similar markings.

have never seen either here.

"leopard frogs" and the plethora

of other plecs with peckoltia pseudonyms have all been panaque species except "Sabaj"

which was brought in as peckoltia and is. Now known as hemiancistrus.

The only reason any of the panaques get disscussed as peckoltias is the creative

names given by importers and both fish end up about same size(the panaques previously known as panagolus do).

Not sure in fact what if any peckoltia species have been brought in.

(please no one come back with pretty peckoltia)


might have come in when other

hypans like L102, L270,L066 came in a few yes ago but perhaps that is long shot and know of no one keeping them as that

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Peckoltia are very rare in New Zealand. As firenzenz says most are Panaques. For example pretty Peckoltia's are clown plecos, Panaque maccus.

A small number of what were probably Peckoltia brevis were imported by Phil Collis from Peru, and Peckoltia (Hemiamcistrus) sabaj has been imported at least once a few years ago. The naming of plecos in NZ is a nightmare with many names being made up to help them sell. What are being incorrectly sold as 'big band tiger plecos' are maybe Peckoltia L288 or something similar, and some of what were being incorrectly sold as 'leopard frog plecos' also looked like a Peckoltia. A close examination of the teeth (spoon-shaped in Panaques) would sort out wether they are Panaques or Peckoltia.

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