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Plec ID help please


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HAHAH i was there when you were i presume you were the one with the camera? how much was it as there wasnt a price on the tank? also that other smaller pleco that looked similar is that for sale as there wasnt a price for that as well?

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Surely World of Water should know what they have ordered in :roll:

Unless it was brought in by a Customer if course :-?

It was ordered and supplied as a flat head gold nugget.

on my request they questioned the wholesaler his reply was at first.

What colour are its markings? Gold

does it have a flat head? Yes

Its a flat head gold nugget then.


when pushed he said it was hoploancistrus tricornis

its not :evil:

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HAHAH i was there when you were i presume you were the one with the camera? how much was it as there wasnt a price on the tank? also that other smaller pleco that looked similar is that for sale as there wasnt a price for that as well?

Other one? i didnt see that one! they did just put in a gold seam while i was there.

As for cost.. not too bad $170.

Im super sure its a mature male I'd love to find a female and try breeding them.

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Yeh Im sure it was a male it was fanning, I talked to the owner of the goldfish bowl and he has them on his list aslo as flat head gold nugget. I asked him to phone the suppliers and see if they had a large female or one with no bristles lol. He said he will sell for 160. (p.s I was in there at the same time Mark Elrick BTW).

Could be good if he gets a female and could easily get them breeding ay!

I ordered a pair of long nosed whips to have a crack at breeding.

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hey simian,

those are definitely not the flathead gold nuggets that are on the list. i too got a flathead a wee while ago. definitely NOT what you have.

this is the prob re. ID'ing plecos. wish all wholesalers would use an L number, that would make life slightly easier.

This is what I got as a flathead


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It could be Hopliancistrus sp. L017 as this species looks very similar and is occasionally mixed in with Pseudancistrus sp. L067. If its Hopliancistrus it wont have a yellow edge to the dorsal (top) fin and will also have a group of three large 'hooks' behind each gill plate near the belly. As for not having discrete round spots it could just be an unusually patterned example where the spots often merge. Its still largely spotted. Other plecos have variable patterning. Flash plecos usually have thin white stripes over the body but in some specimens the stripes break up into rows of spots.

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What is a flathead gold nugget.

It is a name given to a fish by a wholesaler who doesn't have a positive ID from his American supllier hence the price he can get it for, so after six weeks of Quarantine he can get it to a RRP of less than 2 hundy.

Phoenix you are right- that fish is definitely not a flathead gold nuggget because there is no such thing, so why continue with the nomenclature

L67 is the fish you and I have.

Simian -I can't see well enough from your shot, but it is not unlikely that it is another species using the same common name that is unique to our market.


other recent examples.

L254 brought in as L128

Unknown peckoltia as leopard frog knowing that the name will spark interest and the L# of 134 is assigned by punters who want it to be.

The thing that gets me is that there are so many opportunities to get some wicked fish in under this lackadaisical system that fools itself that it is a bio secure/ecofriendly steel trap yet these guys couldn't run a bath.

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