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fish importing.


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Hey everyone,

i am interested in importing some fish into nz.

i know it can be quiet costly but i wanted to know what are the requirements e.g do you need a license or something to import and how you would go about importing, the rules etc....

i want to do it cos pet shops have a high mark up on the fish the sell and you cant always get the fish you want.

if this works out i would be prepared to import on other peoples behalfs and do the quaranteen period for them and all that jazz.

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Good luck, someone comes up with this idea every month or two and I can only think of 1-2 in the last 10 years or so that have actually done it. And several of the companies running quarantine facilities have closed them down because they're too expensive.

You need to build a quarantine facility and get it licensed, costs will be in the $30K+ range. Do a search on the website for quarantine facility or importing, there should be heaps of threads with more specifics.

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Im sorry but the retailer do not (in general) have high mark ups.

What I suggest you do is have a rough look at what they will sell in a day.

If they are lucky they will have a 100% margin which would produce a 50% gross profit.

From that profit they need to pay rent (probably $500 minimum) power, wages, advertising, stock failure, ACC, public liability, insurance, holliday pay, sick pay and maintence. With whats left, they have to keep them selves fed and clothed. Now for the investment they have made and the commitment, I personally dont belive they are making enough.

As an importer, you will need to bring in huge amounts of fish so that you can supply everyones needs (mine happen to be Killifish) so I will need you to bring in at least 15 specie. When (note when) you loose a certian amount MAF will come and take the rest away and distroy them so they can find out whats wrong with them only to find that stres has killed them but not to mater as you have just had to pay for your fish to be killed and disected.

Still, dosnt matter as you can make it up on the next shipment only to find that the fish you were getting in for me (killifish) are no longer on the suppliers list and no I dont want what is already here thanks

Good on you if you do it but please dont knock the retailers that are here that you will need to supply when you get your fish imported.

(by the way, Im a glass merchant and get sick and tired of people telling me my margins are too large when they simply have no idea on business at all)

I honestly dont mean to give you a hard time and am sorry if you see it this way

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The best way to find out is to go through the motions and do a plan of costs (and it will scare the c--- out of you).

why i say this is because you being human are going to try anyway.

Best of luck and start where Mark(living Art) said. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Yeah and remember that even though you setup the facility and everything and think you understand all the fees etc maf may charge, as Barrie has said they can and will take a whole batch of fish and leave you with the bill for testing them.. I also believe they can call out as often as they want to inspect the facility and fish and this costs you thousands..

It would be awesome to do but I think with so many importers already established in NZ I don't think you would be able to break into the market and it would be very hard to make a living out of. Personally I think your better to keep your day job and get into breeding a few fish to make the money to buy new fish from the petshop or local breeders.

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Your best bet is to talk to an importer if you want fish that are on the list but never seem to get imported. But if you're doing it to save money you're wasting your time.

Compared to most I think its actually quite a cheap hobby. My biggest tank cost about $2200 to set up, and there's about $1800 worth of fish in it. All I have to do now is pay the power and food bills and I'll have years of enjoyment...

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i did look into it and there was an import facility that was willing to quaranteen the fish for me. you can get a list of all the registed quarenteen facilites in NZ from maf, complete with contact details. if you talk to the guys who are improting them in they can point you in the right direction

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+2 to Barrie. Working in a LFS shows you exactly how their markup comes about, they arent trying to rip you off, they are trying to stay open. Maybe you need to establish a good relationship with a reputable LFS and get them to register your interests with their suppliers. At the end of the day though if noone wants 100's of the same fish you want, it aint gonna happen (unless you have a lotta dough to throw around) :(

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The importers are trying to remain in the business of making money by importing fish. If they can make money from the fish you want and they can obtain them they will import them. If they are fish with a limited market or they are fish that die every time they import them chances are they will not want to know. Not complicated realy.

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i understand importing fish has got harder in recent years,

but it would be good for someone to import one off specimens that you dont normally see

there are fish out there i would pay big money just to get them in the country, regardless if it was a big risk of losing my money

i have found since the new testing rules came in its also harder to get more delicate fishes like indian glassfish as no one wants to import them as they know they will lose over the testing threshold in transit.

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i understand importing fish has got harder in recent years,

but it would be good for someone to import one off specimens that you dont normally see

there are fish out there i would pay big money just to get them in the country, regardless if it was a big risk of losing my money

i have found since the new testing rules came in its also harder to get more delicate fishes like indian glassfish as no one wants to import them as they know they will lose over the testing threshold in transit.

I guess the only alternative, if the importers don't think they can sell the fish or whatever is to cough up the money to make it not a risk for them. I wouldn't imagine it would be more than a few thousand dollars to import a few dozen fish if you do that...

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I guess the only alternative, if the importers don't think they can sell the fish or whatever is to cough up the money to make it not a risk for them. I wouldn't imagine it would be more than a few thousand dollars to import a few dozen fish if you do that...

i would happly pay that to get a certain few L# in the country...

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Hi All

I was a regular Importer from 1972 until the rules changed and you had to have an "Approved Quarantine Facility" and be Licensed to import.

I am no longer bothered with the Beaureacratic BS and the exhorbitent costs that MAF charge for what is in fact an already subsidised section of the "Ministry", paid for with money taken off the TAXPAYERS.

I did do am importation in 2005 from my supplier in Peru whom I had previously imported from.

If I had known better I would have brought in several thousand dollars worth of fish instead of just a $100 worth.

The costs charged by MAF were $700.00, plus the freight of $100,

plus using a Quarantine facility for the Quarantine period and on shipping to me $300.

You pays your money and takes your chances.

And believe me if you want to import then you will be paying.

I will post the link to one of my suppliers and it will give you an idea of species and prices.

Good Luck

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This has just come in for the enlightenment of all hobbyists;


PHONE : 51 65 225690 FAX : 51 65 241140 MOBIL : 51 65 965667895

E-Mail : caltoraquarium@_____.com / [email protected]

Where the Amazons river is born


Qtity box Price Your


Abramites Abramites hypselonotus 40 0.45

Acarahuzu - Oscar Astronotus ocellatus 100 1.30

Achara comun Perrunicthys perruno 40 1.80

Achara tie Leiarius pictus 2 10.00

Aguja Boulengerella maculata 20 0.85

Aguja green Xenetadon cancila 20 1.00

Alianza cebra cat Brachiplatystoma juruense 4 5.50

Ancistrus barbusha Ancistrus cf dolichopterus 30 2.20

Ancistrus bushinose Ancistrus bushinose 10 3.00

Ancistrus bushinose jumbo Ancistrus bushinose - Jumbo 6 3.50

Ancistrus green point Ancistrus sp. 30 1.80

Ancistrus morocha Ancistrus sp. 30 1.50

Ancistrus white point Ancistrus sp. White point 30 1.75

Ancistrus yellow point Ancistrus sp. Yellow point 30 1.50

Anguilla Electrophorus electricus 10 5.99

Anguilla Electrophorus electricus 3 12.00

Anguilla 61/1.50 cm jumbo Electrophorus electricus 1 20.00

Añashua Crenicichla compresseps 40 0.99

Añashua green Crenicichla sp 40 0.99

Añashua red Crenicichla strigata 40 0.99

Añashua star Crenicichla sp 10 1.00

Aphyolebias (Pterolebias) sp. Aphyolebias sp. 60 1.70

Apistograma agassizi blue Apistogramma agassizi sp. 120 0.99

Apistograma Agassizi Flamengo Apistogramma agassizi flamengo 120 1.80

Apistograma agassizi red white tail Apistogramma agassizi red, 120 1.70

Apistograma agassizi yellow Apistogramma agassizi sp. 120 1.85

Apistograma agassizisi red, red tail Apistogramma agassizi red, 120 2.50

Apistograma algodón Apistogramma algodón 120 1.85

Apistograma atahualpa Apistogramma atahualpa 120 1.10

Apistograma bitaeneata blue Apistogramma bitaeneata 120 1.10

Apistograma bitaeneata marine Apistogramma marine 120 1.80

Apistograma bitaeneata shishita Apistogramma shishita 120 1.85

Apistograma bitaeneata shushupe Apistogramma sp. Shushupe 120 1.85

Apistograma bitaeneata yellow Apistogramma bitaeneata 120 0.99

Apistograma blue Apistogramma blue 120 1.56

Apistograma cacatuoides Apistogramma cacatuoides 120 0.55

Apistograma colored face Apistogramma carapintada 120 1.55

Apistograma cruzi Apistogramma cruzi 120 0.68

Apistograma curutu Apistogramma curutu 120 1.80

Apistograma diamont - Freza Apistogramma diamante 120 1.99

Apistograma Eunotus Apistogramma eunotus 120 0.99

Apistograma glasser Apistogramma glasser 120 1.85

Apistograma hauswell Apistogramma hauswell 120 1.75

Apistograma juruense Apistogramma juruense 120 0.80

Apistograma melgar Apistogramma melgar sp. 120 1.40

Apistograma morado Apistogramma morado sp. 120 1.40

Apistograma mortenthaler Apistogramma mortenthaler sp. 120 1.85

Apistograma nijsseni Apistogramma nijsseni 120 0.80

Apistograma norberty Apistogramma norberty 120 0.55

Apistograma orange Apistogramma orange 120 1.80

Apistograma pandurini Apistogramma pandurini 120 0.55

Apistograma paracas Apistogramma paracas 120 1.35

Apistograma peru inca Apistograma peru inca 120 2.00

Apistograma pevas Apistogramma pevas 120 0.55

Apistograma pucallpensis Apistogramma pucallpensis 120 0.55

Apistograma smerald Apistogramma esmeralda 120 1.85

Apistograma sunset Apistogramma sunset 120 0.55

Atinga Symbranchus marmoratus 30 1.50

Atinga anaconda Symbranchus sp. 1 25.00

Atinga cebra (Typhlonectes natans) Symbranchus sp. 10 10.00

Atinga jumbo Symbranchus marmoratus 1 8.00

Atinga trapo black, eye blue (caecilian) Symbranchus sp. 10 10.00

Bambi torre Pseudopimelodus sp. 4 6.00

Banjo Brunocephalus caracoideus 50 0.30

Banjo boa Amaralia sp. 10 8.00

Banjo ciego Xyliphius sp. 4 5.26

Banjo sapito Dupuoyichthys sapito 50 0.99

Banjo white Brunocephalus sp. 120 2.00

Barranco mama Pseudopimelodus sp. 4 15.00

Black line pato leguia Ageneiosus vittatus 10 3.00

Bleeding black point Hypessobrycon copelandi 200 0.15

Bleeding heart Hypessobrycon erythrostigma 200 0.18

Bocon leguia Ageniosus sp. 10 3.00

Bocon marmoratus Ageneiosus sp. Cf. marmoratus 10 4.50

Bufeo cunchi Hasser sp. 10 1.20

Bujurqui green Acaronia nassa 40 0.99

Bujurqui maroni Aequidens sp. Maroni 40 0.99

Bujurqui metae Aequidens dianema 40 1.20

Bujurqui morado - dwelt Hypselarcara temporalis 40 0.99

Bujurqui red Cichlasoma rubicundus 40 0.99

Bujurqui yellow Cichlasoma sp. 40 1.20

Cachorro / barracuda Acestrorhynchus falcatus 20 1.20

Cachorro plateado silver Acestrorhynchus altus 20 1.50

Cachorro red tail Acestrorhynchus sp. 30 1.30

Cahuara Pterodoras granulosus 10 2.00

Cahuara dalmata Centrodoras sp. 4 5.00

Cahuara yellow Centrodoras sp. 10 3.50

Calixto Callichthys callichthys 30 0.80

Calixto green Callichthys callichthys 8 2.00

Camaron cebra - (Shrimp) Microbrachium amazonico (Shrimp) 200 0.85

Camaron transparent (Shrimp) Macrobrachium sp. "GLASS" 120 0.85

Camaron white - (Shrimp) Microbrachium amazonico (Shrimp) 200 0.80

Canero black tie Cetopsis sp. 120 1.00

Canero blue Cetopsis sp. Blue 10 2.00

Canero blue silver - pintuyacu river Hemicetopsis sp. 10 1.80

Canero dormilon - sleepy-head Hemicetopsis sp. 4 3.00

Canero maraño Pseudostegophilus nemorus 50 0.50

Canero red tahuayo river Cetopsis sp. 80 1.00

Canero tiger Cetopsis tiger 20 2.50

Canero torpedo Hemicetopsis candiru 10 2.00

Canero torpedo red Hemicetopsis candiru 20 2.50

Canero vampiro fish - candiru Vandellia cirrhosa 20 2.50

Cangrejos - crabs Crabs amazonicos 50 1.20

Carabonita Biotodoma cupido 20 1.00

Carachama amarilla amazon river Cochliodon sp. 30 1.50

Carachama amarilla itaya river Hypostomus sp. 30 1.50

Carachama amarilla itaya river L 231 Hypostomus sp. 30 1.28

Carachama amarilla nanay river Aphanotorulue sp. 8 7.00

Carachama amarilla nanay river Aphanotorulue sp. 2 9.00

Carachama bola L 146 Peckoltia ucayalensis 30 1.60

Carachama enana - midget pleco Paraotocinclus sp 150 1.80

Carachama imperial (pleco black) Panaque sp. 4 30.00

Carachama lagarto Pleco alligator 1 30.00

Carachama lagarto Pleco alligator 30 3.00

Carachama mama Acanthicus adonis white point 60 4.00

Carachama mama black Acanthicus sp. Hixtrys 10 5.99

Carachama papa black Panaque sp. 30 1.80

Carachama papa jumbo Panaque sp. jumbo 1 79.00

Carachama papa ojo chico-eye small Panaque sp. 4 18.00

Carachama papa pintada Panaque sp. Perù (1) 30 1.80

Carachama papa pintada Panaque sp. Perù (1) 10 3.00

Carachama playeraL 116 Aphanotorulos sp 25 2.00

Carachama ranger - picuro Paraotocinclus sp 150 1.80

Carachama sacha mama Acanthicus sp. 10 4.99

Carachama sin costilla- lechera L 152 Pseudorinelepsis sp Carachama 30 2.20

Carachama tigre Parancistrus aurantiacus var 30 1.80

Catalina Triportheus rotundatus 120 0.60

Chalceus Chalceus macrolepidotus 20 0.50

Chalceus Chalseus macrolepidotus 20 0.80

Chambira Rhaphiodom vulpinus 30 5.50

Characidium Characidium fasciatum 150 0.50

Characidium Characidium sp 100 0.70

Characidium Characidium sp. 100 0.40

Characidium fasciatus Characidium fasciatus 150 0.50

Chilodus Chilodus punctatus 60 0.15

Chilodus Chilodus punctatus 60 0.25

Copeina arnoldi Copella arnoldini 80 0.50

Copeina gutatta Copeina guttata 80 0.45

Corydora agassizi Corydora agassizi 200 0.16

Corydora algodón Corydoras algodón 40 2.20

Corydora arcuatus - C 20 Corydoras arcuatus 150/250 0.21

Corydora armatus Corydoras armatus 100 1.20

Corydora atropersonatus Corydoras atropersonatus 100 0.15

Corydora black green Corydoras black green 40 2.99

Corydora black peru Corydoras black peru 40 2.60

Corydora blochi blochi - C 102 Corydoras leopardus 200 0.55

Corydora bonita Corydoras pastasenzis sp. 40 6.00

Corydora didas Corydoras didas 40 2.40

Corydora elegans Corydoras elegans 120 0.15

Corydora fowleri Corydoras fowleri 60 2.99

Corydora green cat Blochis splends 80 0.10

Corydora green jumbo Brockiss multiradiatus 20 1.80

Corydora green laser Corydoras aeneus 80 4.00

Corydora huangana Corydoras huangana 40/50 2.00

Corydora huanta Corydoras huanta 30 2.30

Corydora jose luis Corydoras jose luis 60 1.50

Corydora jullie cat Corydoras julli cat 200 0.20

Corydora leopardus Corydoras leopardus 40/50 1.00

Corydora leucomelas Corydoras leucomelas 100 0.15

Corydora loreto Corydoras loretoensis 200 0.20

Corydora miguelito Corydoras virginae 80 0.80

Corydora napoencis Corydoras napoencis 80 0.69

Corydora nijsseni Corydoras nijsseni 80 0.99

Corydora pastazensis Corydoras pastazensis 60 2.00

Corydora pigmy Corydoras pigmaeus 100 0.09

Corydora punctatus Corydoras punctatus 100 0.15

Corydora rabauti Corydoras rabauti 100 0.15

Corydora reticulatus Corydoras reticulatus 120 0.39

Corydora reticulatus Corydoras reticulatus 120 0.45

Corydora sychri - C 53 Corydoras sychri 80 2.50

Corydora sychri luminoso Corydoras sychri sp. 40 2.89

Corydora zygatus Corydoras zygatus 100 2.50

Crenuchus - peluchini Crenuchus spilurus 80 0.30

Cunchi anguilla Rhamdia quelen 4 3.00

Cunchi blanco nanay Piramutana pitramutra 10 2.00

Cunchi cañabraba Imparfinis sp. 15 3.00

Cunchi cañabravero Imparfinis nemadheir 8 5.99

Cunchi dolphin cat Opsodoras leporhinus 25 1.00

Cunchi dorado Duopalatinus sp. 10 2.00

Cunchi fierro Goeldiella eques 40 1.00

Cunchi opsodoras black Opsodoras sp. 15 2.00

Cunchi pollera Parauchenipterus pollera 10 2.00

Cunchi sierra blue Doradidae sp. 20 3.00

Cunchi white nanay river Piramutana pitramutra 10 2.00

Curuhuara - red hook Myleus rubripinnis 30 3.99

Denton Charax gibbosus 20 2.00

Discus blue Symphysodon aequifasciatus 8 11.00

Discus green a Symphysodon aequifasciatus 8 15.00

Discus green aa Symphysodon aequifasciatus 8 25.00

Discus green aaa Symphysodon aequifasciatus 8 33.00

Dorita Agamixys pectinifrons 80 0.40

Farlowella Farlowella sp. 40 0.50

Fasaco Hoplias malabaricus 50 4.50

Flash cebra nanay river - jumbo Brachyplatystoma sp. 1 25.00

Gamitana Colossoma macropomun 40 5.50

Globo - puffer peru Colomesus asellus 100 0.95

Hoja - leaf fish Monocirrhus polyacanthus 30 3.00

Huapeta Hydrolycus scomberoides 30 2.50

Huapeta Hydrolycus scomberoides 10 3.00

Huapeta black point Hydrolycus sp. 8 5.00

Huapeta cola roja Hydrolycus red tail 6 5.50

Jumper cat (cunchi jumper cat) Pimelodus sp. 15 2.00

Jurupari Geophagus jurupari 60 0.80

Knife fish bufalo Steatogenys sp. bufalo 20 1.80

Leporinos Leporinus fasciatus 80 0.60

Levis glass Carnegiela myersi 250 0.25

Long fish - jumbo Lepidosiren paradoxa 1 20.00

Long fish babys Lepidosiren paradoxa 100 2.50

Loriaria caqueta Loricaria sp. 10 13.00

Loricaria Loricaria parva 15 0.50

Loricaria anntena Ptesosturisoma microps 10 2.00

Loricaria camaleón Pseudohemiodum sp. 10 13.00

Loricaria circular Pseudohemiodon lamina 10 1.20

Loricaria hight dorsal Lamontichthys filamentosa 15 2.00

Loricaria huamburusha Loricariichthys sp. 15 1.80

Loricaria lanceolata Rineloricaria lanceolata 15 0.60

Loricaria pinoccio Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus 20 1.30

Loricaria royal Rineloricaria cf. L 010 10 1.60

Loricaria tiger Pseudohemiodon laticeps 25 1.50

Macana chancho Sternarchus sp. 2 19.80

Macana albina - trumpet knife Sternarchorhamphus sp. 1 30.00

Macana bufeo Rhamphichthys rostrarus 10 1.50

Macana cebra Gymnotus carapo 25 2.00

Macana cebra comun Gymnotus anguillaris 25 1.50

Macana duck - long nose Sternarchus sp. 4 16.50

Macana elefante Oxyraynchus sternarchorhamphus 20 1.50

Macana Knife fish transparent Steatogenys transparent 30 1.20

Macana overo Macana sp. 20 2.00

Macana perro Apteronotus albifrons 20 3.00

Macana rondoni Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni 20 2.50

Macana sierra Steatogenys duidae 30 1.20

Macana termometro Gymnorhamphichthys sp. 20 2.50

Marthae Carnegiella marthae marthae 150 0.20

Metinis roosvelti Metinis roosevelti 80 1.50

Moenkausia red Monkhausia agnesae 50 1.00

Monster fish Potamobatrachus trispinosus 10 7.00

Monster fish Potamobatrachus trispinosus 25 5.00

Monster fish Potamobatrachus trispinosus 50 4.00

Mota pintada Callophysus macropterus 10 3.50

Mota white Pinirampus pirinampu 4 5.50

Neon tetra Paracheirodon innesi 1000 0.18

Novia bombero Tatia perugiae 100 1.50

Novia feliz Trachelyichthys sp.Decaradiatus 80 2.50

Novia galeatus Paraunchenipterus galeatus 20 2.50

Novia madera Helogenes marmoratus sp. 20 2.50

Novia otorongo peruvian Parauchenipterus sp. 10 3.00

Novia pijuayo Liosomadoras oncinus 15 2.50

Novia scissor Novia sp. 30 1.20

Novia sirena Tetranematichthys taeniatus 10 2.50

Novia tatia Tatia aulopygia 30 1.50

Novia tatia intermedia Tatia intermedia 15 2.50

Novia torito Tetranematichthys quadrifilis 30 2.50

Novia zapato Trachycorysts trachycorystes 1 25.00

Oblicua Thayeria obliqua 100 0.12

Ornatus Pimelodus ornatus 10 2.50

Otocinclus Otocinclus affinis 350 0.09

Otocinclus cebra Otocinclus cebra 120 2.00

Otocinclus gigante Hypoptopoma gularo 30 0.80

Otocinclus orange head Nannopotopoma sp 120 2.50

Otocinclus otorongo Otocinclus otorongo 120 1.40

Otocinclus panda Otocinclus panda 120 1.60

Otocinclus transparent Otocinclus sp. 150 1.20

Otocinclus vampire Paraotocinclus sp 120 2.10

Otocinclus white Nannopotopoma sp 120 6.00

Paco Piaractus brachypomus 40 5.00

Paiche Arapaima gigas 15 18.00

Panga raya Achirus sp. 10 1.50

Peckoltia iquitos tiger pleco Panaqolus sp. 30 2.00

Peckoltia momon L 226 Pecoltia sp. 30 2.00

Peckoltia sp.L 205 Peckoltia brevis 30 1.50

Pimelodela four line Pimelodus clarias 60 0.60

Pimelodella angelica Pimelodus pictus 60 0.50

Piranha altuvei Serrasalmus altuvei 2 15.00

Piranha elongatus Serrasalmus elongatus 4 15.00

Piranha elongatus barriga roja Serrasalmus elongatus red belly 4 18.00

Piranha muda Serrasalmus sp. 4 9.00

Piranha nattereri Serrasalmus nattereri 20 1.80

Piranha red belly Serrasalmus notatus 20 2.00

Piranha rhombeus black Serrasalmus rhombeus black 1 60.00

Piranha rhombeus diamont Serrasalmus rhombeus 1 30.00

Piranha rhombeus small Serrasalmus rhombeus 30 2.00

Piranha rhombeus yellow chest Serrasalmus rhombeus 1 35.00

Piranha sanchezi Piranha sanchezi 4/6 8.00

Piranha spilopleura Serrasalmus spilopleura 4 8.00

Piranha striolatus Serrasalmus striolatus 4 8.00

Porthol green - jumbo Hoplosternum sp. 10 2.50

Porthol punteado Hoplosternum thoracatum 80 0.80

Porthol rayado Hoplosternum melamptanum 80 0.80

Porthol yellow - jumbo Hoplosternum sp. 10 2.50

Pulcher hemigrammus Pulcher pulcher 200 0.15

Rafle Platydoras costatus 80 0.40

Rego rego yarina Anadoras grypus 30 0.80

Rivulus Rivulus peruensis 100 0.40

Rumi nose peruvian rhodostomus Hemigrammus rhodostomus 200 0.10

Scalar Pterophyilum scalare 30 0.99

Scalar point Pterophyilum scalare altum 20 1.40

Severum Cichlasoma severum 50 0.80

Severum blue heat Heros appendiculatus 8 8.00

Severum red heat Severum red heat 6 6.50

Shovelnose - shiripira Sorobim lima 15 0.50

Shuyo pucahuitsa Erthrinus sp. 20 2.50

Shuyo red - wolf fish Erythrinus sp. S31707-3 20 2.50

Shuyo wolf fish large Erithrinus sp. 10 3.00

Spinosissimus Spinosissimus sp. 150 0.09

Spinoso lechero Acanthodoras cataphractus 30 2.50

Stingray antenna Potamotrygon sp-orbicularis 1 25.00

Stingray antenna Potamotrygon sp-orbicularis 2 20.00

Stingray ceja Potamotrygon disceus aiereba 1 22.00

Stingray china Disceus sp. 1 65.00

Stingray coly Potamotrygonidae gen sp. 1 75.00

Stingray flower Potamotrygon dumerilii 1 55.00

Stingray golden spott otorongo Potamotrygon castexi Otorongo 1 120.00

Stingray hawaiana Potamotrygon hawaiian 1 65.00

Stingray hystrix Potamotrygon hystrix 1 8.00

Stingray hystrix Potamotrygon hystrix 2 7.00

Stingray motelo Potamotrygon sp. Motelo 1 65.00

Stingray motoro - female only Potamotrygon motoro 3/4 19.00

Stingray motoro BABY Potamotrygon motoro 4 13.00

Stingray motoro black Potamotrygon motoro sp. 1 35.00

Stingray motoro blue Potamotrygon motoro sp. 2 25.00

Stingray motoro jumbo Potamotrygon motoro 1 25.00

Stingray motoro LG Potamotrygon motoro 1 18.00

Stingray motoro MD Potamotrygon motoro 2 15.00

Stingray motoro SM Potamotrygon motoro 3 13.00

Stingray otorongo Potamotrygon castexi Otorongo 1 100.00

Stingray otorongo - jumbo up 29 cm + Potamotrygon castexi Otorongo 1 135.00

Stingray peruvian marbled Potamotrygon marble 1 45.00

Stingray star Potamotrygon sp. star 1 50.00

Stingray tiger Potamotrygon menchacai 1 250.00

Stingray tiger - jumbo up 29 cm + Potamotrygon menchacai 1 280.00

Stingray tiger - only female Potamotrygon menchacai 1 300.00

Strigata Carnegiella strigata strigata 150 0.20

Sturiosoma Sturiosoma robustum 30 0.99

Tabla barba Goslinea platynema 6 8.00

Taracochara Thoracocharax stellatus 60 0.35

Tetra adiposa Hyphessobrycon sp. 100 1.00

Tetra azul Hypessobrycon blue 300 0.09

Tetra castell Hypessobrycon castell 300 0.12

Tetra celeste Tetra sp. 120 1.50

Tetra glass red tail Tetra sp. Glass rainbow 300 1.60

Tetra gold Tetra sp. 100 1.00

Tetra golden Nannnostomus trifasciatus golden 120 1.55

Tetra junior Iguanodectes spilurus 120 1.50

Tetra light - linterna Hypessobrycon light 120 0.99

Tetra limon Hypessobrycon lemon 120 1.00

Tetra loreto Hypessobrycon loretoensis 200 0.20

Tetra morado Tetra sp. 120 1.50

Tetra palta Hypessobrycon palta 100 0.15

Tetra pencil I Nannostomus trifasciatus red Pencil I 150 1.80

Tetra pencil II Nannostomus marginatus sp.cf Pencil II 150 2.50

Tetra red line Hyphessobrycon sp. 120 1.20

Tetra red tail Hyphessobrycon sp. 100 1.00

Tetra roberthy Hypessobry robertsy 150 0.35

Tetra silver black point Tetra sp.silver 120 1.80

Toa barbatus Duopalatinus malarimo 12 3.00

Toracochara Thoracocharax stellatus 100 0.45

Tucunare Cichla ocellaris 40 1.20

Turushuqui black Pseudodoras niger 20 2.20

Turushuqui blanco Opsodoras sp. 25 2.20

Turushuqui churero Megaladoras irwini 10 2.00

Turushuqui green Hasser sp. 25 2.00

Turushuqui mutante Rhinodoras sp. 25 1.32

Turushuqui plateado Dorididae sp. 4 18.00

Turushuqui sierra Megaladoras sp. 10 2.00

Turushuqui sierra amazon river Leptodoras acipenserinus 25 2.50

Volcat - original Aguarunichthys torusos 2 17.00

Xenocaras Ancistrus xenocaras 40 0.80

Xenocaras with point Ancistrus xenocaras with point 40 1.20

Zamora cunchi Auchenipterus thoracatus 20 0.30

Zorro Platystomatichthys sturio 10 5.00

Zorro Platystomatichthys sturio 2 8.99

Zorro Platystomatichthys sturio 1 14.69


All the apistogrammas, Tetras and special Corydoras are sent in individual packings.

UNLIMITED FREE SAMPLES of our fish with your order.

If you request any fish not listed here, please let us know, and we will to get them for you.

Pack per box refers to single layer boxes, except for Stingrays and some jumbo fish.

Packing Price & freight charges was not included.

The first number (I have indicated in red) is the number per box.

The second number is price per each in $US

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wow!! sounds really difficult!

in saying that though i still havnt given up....

i would still like to do atleast 1 import.

looks like im gonna have to do lots of saving!

i know theres alot of people who want more of the L species or anything else imported in so post what you would like and ill see what i might be able to do. (may as well make it worth while and import loads of fish)

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