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Cat versus Catfish

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got sent this today

What Happens Next?

PICK A, B, C or D.....


A. Leopard-Kitty Falls into the Bath

B. Shark-Fish Jumps up and Bites Leopard-Kitty

C. The Guy Holding the Camera Falls into the Bath

D. Leopard-Kitty Becomes Possessed, Dives into the Water, has a massive Underwater Crash-Tackle Fight and Catches the Shark-Fish, carries it to his Food Bowl and wants it to be Cooked.

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pretty sure thats not a handbag its carrying in the 2nd to last pic?

i expect that the catfish is now deceased but what sort of person watches that, taking photos of a catfish being wasted when it has nowhere to go. I don't agree with that at all, the probably have a dog fighting ring in their back yard. :x

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think you will find it is possibly an asian fishing cat

The Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus)

i base that on the patterning and last photo seems to show the square face of that species

some would say that was positive enrichment for the cat and it was doing what it has done for hundreds of years

they actually are capable of taking out bigger fish in the wild

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some would say that was positive enrichment for the cat and it was doing what it has done for hundreds of years

the one thing that upsets me about that is that the cat is in a bath with nowhere to go. In the wild they have a fighting chance to escape. I could not be there to watch that as to me it appears cruel, i couldn't do that.

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we are all entitled to express our feelings so long as we keep within the guidelines :wink:

yes i agree that it does seem cruel

i wouldn't do it myself in a bath, but a large deep natural pond in a big enclosure, probably

even in the wild, having seen one of these cats hunt, the catfish had no chance

maybe it could be likened to using feeder fish for larger fish,

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