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sick. those kids and their parents should be put in front of the firing line :evil: :evil: :evil: \

http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/2380558 ... hacked-off

Two tiny kittens are slowly recovering after having paws cut off - believed to be by children using a knife or scissors.

The kittens survived their "horrendous" injuries, but are now facing major surgery to have a hind leg and part of a hip amputated.

The children, both aged under 10, giggled when they left the kittens at a Wellington Cats Protection League foster home, saying that the kittens' "feet fell off". But a vet's verdict is that the feet were "traumatically removed".

The children and their parents left the animal foster home without giving their names.

The committee member who runs the home has informed the SPCA, but a spokesperson says they cannot investigate without more information.

The eight week-old kittens are recovering well, but need to grow bigger before they have a hope of surviving the required surgery.

Both kittens are missing their left-hind foot. A veterinarian's notes say the leg of the smaller, black male "ends abruptly at the extreme distal tibia" the kitten's ankle.

The slightly larger black-and-white male was cut across the top of his foot his leg "ends abruptly across the proximal metatarsals".

The kittens were very quiet when the vet first saw them and the stumps were "swollen and inflamed". It was thought they might die from the trauma.

The volunteer who runs the home said for a long time her children could not bear to look at the kittens. "[The kittens] don't know they don't have feet. The cruellest thing is when you see it lying on its back and it's got its little stump and it's trying to scratch its chin.

"They're as friendly as - they try and climb up you and everything. It's horrible because you can feel the stumps on you... you can feel the jagged bit at the end.

"The other day we just heard [one of the kittens] scream and it had stood on a piece of kitty litter and it had stuck into its little stump ... it got infected."

The stumps have to be carefully bathed every day. The woman, who declined to be named, said she had taken in more injured cats in the last three months than in the past nine years put together.

"I just can't believe there's so many. They're all so horrendous," she said. "It just never seems to stop."

Other recent cases include a kitten whose tail was chopped off by a child with scissors. That kitten survived, but was deeply traumatised. "He was black and white and he's now turning grey." Another kitten was brought to her after being attacked with a hammer the owner had killed the rest of the litter, but this one somehow survived.

The volunteer found a third kitten in a box at her door, tangled so tightly in fishing line it was bleeding.

"The noise it was making... I cut the fishing line off and within minutes it died. My only consolation was it had stopped howling."

The league is about to launch a campaign for owners to get their cats desexed last year 500 operations were performed and this year it is determined to raise enough money to double that to 1000.

Recent high-profile incidents of animal cruelty have included the attack last month on a sheep by three Auckland teenagers who allegedly blew off its jaw with fireworks, and the abduction of a 14-year-old dog in Wellington which was then seriously injured when used as bait for fighting pitbull terriers.

The Cats Protection League will pay for the kittens' operations.

Donations or inquiries can be made at http://www.cpl-wellington.org.nz or posted to PO Box 12157, Thorndon, Wellington.

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This is insane. Kids need to be taught that things actually die

People have lost their sense of reality.They don't get that animals have a brain and can feel pain. I grew up on a farm and used to get my townie mates to help with docking the lambs. Pretty much every one was all full of 'I wanna hold the knife!' or 'I can't wait to make them bleed!' but when they actually saw the tails getting cut off they decided they'd rather catch the lambs and play with them instead. It would take them all morning to work out that the lamb they were trying to catch was trying to avoid being caught, and start thinking about how to outsmart it instead of just run after it

People have no idea about what the consequences of their actions are sometimes. I've been hunting possums with people that could pull the trigger but couldn't bear to look at the animal they had just killed, let alone finish it off if the bullet hadn't hit the right place. I find that really weird, it was like it was a game up untill they saw the dead possum, then you got the :o spooked look as it hit home that a gun actually kills things

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trouble is so many kids don't understand consequences of their actions or what empathy is nowadays

sadly they are not being taught it by their parents

Ironically, lack of those traits is claimed by some to prove that animals are just dumb, unthinking creatures.

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It's people like them that make me in support of capital punishment. what sort of society do we live in where we have to live with people that have no respect for life?

If they can't respect a little kitten, and decide to hack its paws off with a scissor - how on earth are we supposed to want to live with scum like that?

I don't want to live near a serial killer to be... lock em up now. save my tax money for something more productive, and put the scumbags to sleep - I don't want my taxes paying for a warm bed in jail. ridiculous.

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these days if kids cut off the paws of a kitten they are sent to their room, taken to counselling or similar & asked how they feel, what were you thinking etc. What sort of consequence is that for such a serious action? I know what would've happened to me if i had of done that when i was a kid & i would've deserved it. I don't believe kids get tough enough punishments these days so they know they can try "over the top" stuff like this & not be punished to severely.

I can't wait to see what headlines they make as adults :o

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If i did that to any animal I would have got a major whooping. its a pity the parents didn't take serious parenting lessons. then again, being the scum that they are I highly doubt they even care.

I'm petrified to see the headlines these kids will make.

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Unfortunately many of these kids come from homes where severe punishments are handed out regularly, so harder punishments are not the answer. They are so used to it that they think that is the norm and may even be one of the contributing factors to this behaviour.

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i don't believe that it is always the case that things like this happen due to parents not caring or doing what they should be. When kids get to understand that their parents can only send them to their room "cause my teacher said you can't touch me" they will do things they normally wouldn't when there were much more serious consequences to their actions.

Kids will always push the boundaries, especially when their parents try to stop them.

Lets face it, if speeding fines were next to nothing or didn't exist we would drive alot faster, i would have punched over the guy that was abusive toward me for no reason if i knew i wouldn't be charged with assault.

This is why we have consequences to our actions but at the moment i don't think there are suitable consequences to actions of children. I don't know what the right consequences are but as a parent we can only do our best to show our kids right & wrong & try to punish them in a way that reminds them when they go to do something terrible that this is not the right thing to do.

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Unfortunately many of these kids come from homes where severe punishments are handed out regularly, so harder punishments are not the answer. They are so used to it that they think that is the norm and may even be one of the contributing factors to this behaviour.

the correct punishment is required, something that the kid will remember & dislike alot. This doesn't mean a smack or violence but something that really puts the kid off doing it again which will be different for each child.

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thats horrible

but makes me wounder what kid is thinking"lets cut off the kittens feet" who comes up with an idea like that?

i had some street kids come in my yard for the fruit trees(coz there always hungry) and they were playing with the dogs fetching a ball and jake(the puppy) didnt drop the ball so the 8yr old boy shook his fist at jake

i asked what does that mean?

he said "he will drop the ball cause he is scared"(it didnt work coz my dogs have never been hit)

so i told the boy to say drop it,and he did and it worked (the boy was suprised)

some kids dont get tought good habbits and respect and learn that if your bigger than and stronger than something then your the boss :evil:

rrrrrr i hate disrespectful kids,there miniture criminals that get away with it

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I can't bring myself to read the whole article, I read the first few lines and realised that it was horrific so I stopped reading. I get so mad when reading about abuse of animals.

Sometimes... I think that attackers should be subjected to the same thing they inflicted on their victims. I know this will never happen. Sometimes it should though!

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there's no way of stopping this sort of thing with harder punishments, that wont stop them wanting to do it, or change the mindset that goes with it. Its up to the parents to teach - by modelling - respect and empathy, so their children would be horrified to hear about something like this.

Its when you get parents who are mean to animals, or their kids, so the kids are brought up thinking thats the way to behave, and just take it a little further from kicking the cat to chopping off its paws. If they had any empathy taught to them they wouldn't dream of doing something like that, punishment or not.

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the problem then, is how to convince useless parents to bother bringing their kids up properly when they have no morals themselves. More focus on it at school? Parenting classes at high school? Of course that just dumps more work on the teachers.

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logical consequences

ie, my four year old daughters cat is very tolerant and laid back luckily, but she knows if she wants to play with him she has to be very gentle and nice. She can put him in the baby carriage and cart him around, but if she picks him up too roughly or shouts, he'll be off and she's lost her playmate. Didn't take her long to learn that nice patting and nice talking will encourage him to stick around and play the game. Same with the dogs, my shepherd can be sat on, dragged around, dressed up, but if there's any sibling arguements, or anyone gets too rough, he'll come and sit with me and refuse to play anymore. Our other dog is 14 and both kids know all they're allowed to do with him is pat him gently, and if anyone tries to sit on him it will hurt him and they wont be allowed to play with him anymore. Animals can be a great way to teach kids how to behave with other people, as well as with animals.

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yes, and good role models. My son learnt as soon as he could crawl, that when you finally grab a handful of the cat, it runs away, but if you sit with mum and pat softly with an open hand then you actually get to touch it :)

I'm very firm with visitors that i expect them to show the same respect towards our animals as my children do, all good if they don't have pets at home and need some help to learn, but i can't stand parents that turn a blind eye to what their kids are doing, say 'they're only stupid animals', then complain when their child runs up to a strange dog, pulls it tail and gets bitten.

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I read that article too, and it really upset me. I don't understand how someone could I do that!

I remember a few weeks ago I was using electrical tape (the wide stuff) and had a long piece stuck on the edge of a table. My cat tried to jump on the table and got tangled in the tape, and the more she struggled, the worse it stuck to her. I had to sit with her for about 1/2 hr to pull the hair off the tape, but because she trusts me, she was happy to sit there, even though I did pull sometimes.

I felt so bad about it, even though I didn't do it on purpose. I really can't see how a kid wouldn't feel bad about making an animal bleed, and it must have meowed and made sad noises too. I really think the kids (if they can find them) should be punished; they should HAVE to spend time in an animal shelter and bond with some animals (under supervision of course) to learn that they do have feelings.

I don't think making them criminally responsible at such a young age would work, but morally responsible? Sure.

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that's just the tip of the iceberg

I've done quite a bit of work for Wellington's CPL and there are sooo many cats and kittens that don't make it because of cruelty. Seen some horrific things with dogs too when I have been ferrying cats and kittens to the vet. Usually the parents don't give a stuff :evil:

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the correct punishment is required, something that the kid will remember & dislike alot. This doesn't mean a smack or violence but something that really puts the kid off doing it again which will be different for each child.

take the kids toes away. wont forget that in a hurry. god reading this article really got my blood boiling. how could any be so thoughtless.. so immoral, and so damn dumb as to not know right from wrong on the most human level?

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