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Post pics of your african tanks


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I would think it would be easier - one net one side and then coax the fish to swim through into the net ! I think three smaller ones offset in parallel at 45 degrees to the front of the tank would look even better.

But then you wouldn't be able to see in some of the holes :-?

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At 45 degrees im sure you would. plus you would see them swimming through them.

I have a brick with holes in it at 45 degrees near the corner of one of my tanks. It is impossible to see in all of the holes

Them swimming through would look cool, but I would do the holes more randomly, not all round and the same size

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firenzenz - thats spectacular ! care to list those inhabitants ? remind me the name of the last one - is it borleyi ? what dimensions is the tank, cos its got some great aquascaping. Would love to see a bigger version of the general pic.

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That tank is wicked firenzenz I am blown away :) Thanks for sharing!

Ill have a guess at what they all are..

I have no idea what the first pic is maybe chilumba?

2nd pic some sort of syno not my thing maybe cuckoo?

3rd pic is a male fryeri

4th is a very nice male lithobates

5th Dems

6th is a stunning rubins red peacock (please let me know where this one came from and if you are breeding them!)

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Cheers Aqua...

After main shot is

-Chilumba red flush, I have two young males in and will add a few more soon.

-Cuckoo synodontis X7 -they are waiting for electras and red empress's to get busy. The electrsa have tried spawning a few times and cuckoos are cool too watch in that process. I will take all of the synos and haps to another tank soon to try again.

-Copadichromis azureus- 2 males to be joined soon by a few more.

-1X Otopharynx lithobates.

-about 20-25 young demansonis which I'll cull down to a breeding colony.

-last fish is Aulonocara rubescens.

Have a few yellows


my big electra


Tank is 600ltrs. My plan is too go 1200-1500 ltr male tank. other peacocks Im growing

are jacobs and hueseri. Work in progress aye!

Hey Ryan!

Yes those azureus-even with the utaka spots they have that fryeri shape eh!- they are breeding true though,same with the Hueseri.yes rubins are mine and that is my oldest boy.

Chilumbas are my fav for sure. .


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Fish look good, the chilumbas look wicked certainly match up what I would expect for them..

azureus look very fryeri lol can't believe I missed the utaka spots guess I had been up all day and worked a nightshift.. They look very much like the fryeri that OOA had in Christchurch except they had no utaka spots, is the photo of a mature or young male? They seem very colourful in pics on the net.

It would be wicked if you got the cockoo's to spawn are they specific on which fish they will breed with?

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Yeah the Azureus are still young males from a couiple of spawns in Feb, so they have a little growing to do as well as finding their way with this new tank dynamic, so this why I'll put in another couple of young males.

The Dad who is no longer around was about a year old and far more intense in colour

and fattening up well until he did the sunken belly wither thing. He spawned 3 times in quick succession and was in with 4 girls. I guess they nagged him to death.

This is Dad and one of the murderers


and his single days


As for chilumbas -I have another 2 girls holding and the fry so far are consistent.

With the cuckoo's From what I've heard Red empresses or Electra's. I've heard giraffes as well.

It is amazing to see the cuckoo's hanging around when the electras are trying to spawn.

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Awesome pics, can definitely see it in the last pic of him :) I have had the odd fish do the go skinny and die thing have tried all wormers etc when I have seen it but never been able to track down why? At least you have some young to carry on with..

Good luck with the syno's they would certainly be a challenge and something awesome to see :) Looks like you have a good start with the electra and empresses..

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Hi all. I introduced a new fish to my African display tank today and I also had to catch some juveniles so I removed all the 'furniture' and redecorated :) Here's before and after shots for your edification. It looks sort of the same I know. It'll be interesting to see what it looks like in a week or two after the fish have things to their liking :D



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Thanks Ryan. Yeah, it was the Brown Hap going in. He went through quarantine fine. He hid for the first couple of days but he was soon out at the front of his tank checking me out and asking to be fed :lol: So far so good with him in the display tank. He looks good in there and he's enjoying the extra space.

Oh and where is the pic of the red shoulder breeding tank ;)
:lol: With a bit of luck I'll be setting it up tomorrow or next weekend :wink:
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:D Thanks for the compliments ppl 8)

with a lot of nice gravel! do you find it hard to keep clean? Is that a real clam shell?
Nah, it's not hard to keep clean. I have 2 external filters running and the fish never leave any uneaten food. I seldom do gravel vacs but I do a major clean once a year or whenever I need to introduce or catch fish.

Yeah, the clam shell is real. The dominant fish always chooses it as his territory :lol:

That's the first two storey tank I have ever seen! :lol:
I'll try for a sky scraper next :wink:
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