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Tiger Lotus bulb And Flower Photos. It's Flowering! Seeds


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Ok, let's say that TWO of the seeds have germinated (out of the whole package that oeminx mailed to me).

I put a handful of seeds into three containers:

One with just water

One with water and gravel

One with water, gravel and JBL balls

I kept the containers on top of my tank so the temperature would be reasonably stable.

I had given up on the seeds ever germinating and was pretty much ready just to chuck them out, but being lazy I left them there. Then yesterday I looked in and saw some tiny, tiny green leaves in the container with the JBL balls in it. Hooray!

Obviously they are not in ideal germination conditions (I suspect too cold overnight, not enough light). But I have certainly discovered that the container with the JBL balls is the only successful germination medium so that's an interesting result.

I think I will transplant the seedlings into my main tank, with a JBL ball under each one and an upturned glass on top like a cloche, so the fish can't eat the seedlings. Then I will keep all three containers on top of the tank to see if anything else happens. It's possible the seeds might lie dormant until the ambient temperature rises a bit in the spring. Will be interesting to see if anything happens then.

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Good to hear :bounce: :bounce:

I don't think that the need a lot of light to germinate, I have a number of then that have germinated under the leaves of another lotus so that was next to no light. Keep us posted :D

Update from me

I have had my 3rd pod explode on me, I had a plastic bag rubber banded around it this time which made it easy to collected the seeds :D.

I am drying some of the seeds from this pod to see if they will still germinate after.

4th flower has just stopped flowering (was pollinated with the 2nd flower)

5th flower is 10mm tall at the base

And have lots of seedling sprouting all over the bottom of my tank.

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... have lots of seedling sprouting all over the bottom of my tank.

Yes, I suspect I would have had much more luck with germination if I had just put the seeds straight into the tank rather than in the containers. Unfortunately I have some very diggie fish (clown loaches) and some fish that love their fresh vegetables (bristlenoses and pretty much all the barbs) so I don't like the chances of the seedlings surviving on their own in there.

Your seedlings obviously haven't succumbed to nibbling fish. Well done!

I'm hoping I can keep mine protected in their mini-greenhouse long enough to get their roots established and hopefully their leaves will toughen up a bit before I expose them to hungry fish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok so, my lotus has got two flower buds at the same time, they are both about the same size and it is looking like i might have two flowers at once :o.

So a question for anyone who can answer, with the two flowers have a same genetic make up? and is would there be any benefit in cross pollinating between the two flowers?

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  • 3 weeks later...


ok so i used a very old fashioned way of sprouting the seeds.

i kept them in the same packet you sent them to me in. theory being the seeds would use the energy source in the seeds - the cotyledons to sprout.

today, after almost a month - success!

almost 100% of the seeds have sprouted.


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