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help make my java moss stay still


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It isn't a dumb question and my answer is... with difficulty! :lol:

Java moss is a pain for wrapping itself around all sorts of things, especially filter inlets. Short of stuffing it into a hairnet or similar you just have to wrap it tightly around an object.

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Easiest place would be to go to wetpets or Animates and ask if they have any spares you can buy.(left overs from plants)

Failing that, Ive seen them for sale before in most fish shops, or go to a scrap dealer and ask for some lead flashing. I used to be used on roofing.

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Be careful attaching plants with cotton, a few yrs ago my sister had tied some java fern to a bit of wood and her borneo sucker or BN (can't quite remember which) got caught under the cotton and it dug into the poor fish. We actually took it to an emergency vet and he put it down :cry:

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I don't put rocks on mine but I strategically place it between rocks and the corner of the tank so water flow pushes it into the corner

having said that it was fine until I added two 6inch+ electric blues that mow though everything if they choose (even half kilo rocks!!)

though now it seems ok (for me) floating at the top of the right hand side of my tank (filter pushes from left to right

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