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Petshop rant


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I went into animates in Welly during the week, and saw a tank full of goldfish that looked like they were swimming strangely. I don't know that much about goldfish, but I do know they shouldn't swim upside down, nor head up, and they should have tails. Upon closer inspection, I saw that 4 or 5 of them had very obvious dropsy; the poor things were hugely swollen and had the pinecone scales.

I went to one of the shop assistants, and asked if she knew she had a tankful of dropsy. She said that they weren't dropsy, they were goldfish. I sighed, and patiently explained that dropsy was a disease, and that fish who have it die. I said they shouldn't be selling the fish because they were sick, and should quarantine the tank. She then said that she would know if they were sick, because she worked in a petshop. I argued a bit longer, then left without buying anything.

I don't understand how people can be like this!!!

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aww i hate shops like that

i myself have worked in a few pet store

i admit im not the great with the fish but if someone(a cusomer)was teaching me something new id learn and then double check on the net when i got home,

GOOD WORK for telling her,shame on her for thinking she nows more just coz she works around them(doesnt have years personal fish keeping experance)

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i say that all people that work at petshops should atleast study about what they take care of and have considerable general knowledge about animals.Just like u chilli atleast search up on questions people ask

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Have to say,

I visited the Petshop here today to buy some BN's, said to the girl there, Goodness me you have alot of DEAD fish in this Tank, her reply to that was, they're not DEAD they're sleeping, so I asked her to put a net in the tank and prove to me they werent DEAD, Hmmm after her fishing out 4 DEAD Bn's and several other DEAD Fish, I came out and said I have to say your tanks arent looking to hot at the moment, dont think she was impressed at all.

Dont no how they expect to sell Live Fish to customers when there Tanks look so disgusting :roll: :roll:

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Have to say,

I visited the Petshop here today to buy some BN's, said to the girl there, Goodness me you have alot of DEAD fish in this Tank, her reply to that was, they're not DEAD they're sleeping, so I asked her to put a net in the tank and prove to me they werent DEAD, Hmmm after her fishing out 4 DEAD Bn's and several other DEAD Fish, I came out and said I have to say your tanks arent looking to hot at the moment, dont think she was impressed at all.

Dont no how they expect to sell Live Fish to customers when there Tanks look so disgusting :roll: :roll:

was this in the same place i work?

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I would stay away from that shop and not buy any live fish or plants from there. You could be bringing home a lot of diseases. I would guess that they use the same net and water changing hoses to do the WC (if they ever do any) :evil: . The diseases will spread like wild fire throughout the shop tank.


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Have to say,

I visited the Petshop here today to buy some BN's, said to the girl there, Goodness me you have alot of DEAD fish in this Tank, her reply to that was, they're not DEAD they're sleeping, so I asked her to put a net in the tank and prove to me they werent DEAD, Hmmm after her fishing out 4 DEAD Bn's and several other DEAD Fish, I came out and said I have to say your tanks arent looking to hot at the moment, dont think she was impressed at all.

Dont no how they expect to sell Live Fish to customers when there Tanks look so disgusting :roll: :roll:

Its nothing new. I always stop there while passing just for a look. Ive seen this many times. Once counted 12 dead neons in on tank.

You have to go ask to be served there if you want anything other than cats.

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No phoenix44, is wasn't in the place that you work :D:D

I live in Levin not Palmerston North :bounce: :bounce:

We only have one Pet Shop here, I wont name which one it is, not hard to guess when it's the only one in town :-? :-?

good thing too :evil: :evil:


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I do think animates has taken a few steps towards cleaning up their fish department however they still have along was to go.

I does annoy me how they misinform their customers, I have listened to the sales assistants while looking in the tanks, they never mention acceptable stocking levels or about adding fish at regular intervals to the tank. I think that it may be partially to drive sales but I think it is mainly because they dont know aquaria very well themselves or have been misinformed by other staff.

When I went down to Christchurch a few years ago I went into Redwood and was asking questions about the Birchirs they were selling. The staff member went to the counter and pulled out a couple of books and did some quick reading before comming back to me. If only they did this at Animates.

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...When I went down to Christchurch a few years ago I went into Redwood and was asking questions about the Birchirs they were selling. The staff member went to the counter and pulled out a couple of books and did some quick reading before comming back to me. If only they did this at Animates.

I think it's GREAT when assistants admit that they don't know something (of course they can't be an expert on everything) then they go and LOOK IT UP! So next time they will know the answer.

I went into a shop here in Auckland and noticed some swords I hadn't seen before. I asked the assistant approximately how big this variety grows and she said "probably about 10 - 15 cm tall." I wasn't convinced. I then asked her if they would maintain their unusual colour and markings if I kept them under good light. She said "I think so." At that point I asked if there was anyone else in the shop who could give me more definite answers. :roll:

She brought along one of her colleagues and I asked the same questions. The second woman said "I'll find out" and went and got SOME PLANT BOOKS from behind the counter. I have no idea why the first woman couldn't have done that! :-?

Anyway, it turns out the plants in question would grow to 50 or 60 cm tall and their current leaves were an emersed form so they would end up looking completely different in my tank. So why did the first woman just invent the information instead of looking it up?! :evil:

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Hey Lmsmith,

the lower hutt one is slightly better (apart from the old wrinkly lady with purple hair who's convinced that you cannot have a sponge filter on its own without a motor and tells me there's no such thing... :roll: guess old dogs can't learn new tricks) but I have noticed they sometimes had fish with whitespot and still for sale, and a staff tried selling sharks to Dave's little sister who has tetras in her tank.

No knowledge of compatibility or of aquarium gear or even willingness to learn - but on a brighter note they have awesome deals with mutliple buys :D

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Sales people are sales people and are there to sell, not advise. That is the reality of life in a capitalist society. This is why we have sites like this with people with all sorts of specialist knowledge which you can get for free. You and I might like to advise people to the best of our ability but these people will be judged by the egg heads upstairs by the amount of money they bring into the business. The people who own these shops are in the business of making money by selling pet stuff to you and me. This site is here to advise and help people, and it is free so buy from the shops and get your advice here. I don't ever ask people in shops for advice (other than the odd person I have known for years). I am presently getting good advice from a number of people here in order to get my next project underway and extend "the zoo" further.

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I dunno , Alan. We have a LFS in Hams that has very knowledgeable staff, they give you detailed, spot-on info. Some might accuse them of having a few somewhat aggressive sales people, but they certainly know their stuff and won't sell inappropriately. By contrast, we have a big A in town, and their tanks are full of algae and you occasionally see floaters. When I was starting out they happily sold me a couple of fish that were going to quickly outgrow my 80l tank, despite me telling them my exact set-up. I know which shop I choose every time.

I guess it comes down to the individual staff and managers. Are they enthusiasts, or do they just work there, if you know what I mean.

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I agree. I guess I am saying to always double check what you are told unless you know for sure that the advise you are being given is good. Most people working in these places are being paid very little and respond accordingly. It is often a bit like expecting great service from checkout people at the supermarket who are realy only there to take your money. You may get great service but I would not expect it.

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That's why I advocate bringing tipping to nz. Service people should provide good service, not matter how much they are paid. Whether they like it or not, THEY are the face of the business they work for.

I disagree with you, Alan, I think stores have a duty to provide solid advice. Just because they don't, doesn't mean they shouldn't. Imagine you were to buy a car. You want one that will seat your family of 4, fit in your garage and be able to tow a boat. You ask the sales person for advice. Were they to sell you a ferarri, you would have the right to get your money back, and depending on the situation, sue for damages because they have breached the fair trading act. However, you really wouldn't expect that; you expect that people selling cars or houses or tvs know their products and will advise you accordingly.

Pet stores have the same onus of duty of care. If you ask them for advice and they misrepresent something, they have breached the fair trading act. I think petstores truly have a duty to learn their products and to provide solid advice. If tipping is that way to encourage and enforce that, then i'm all for it.

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I totally agree with you lmsmith,

I work in retail and the Service I give MY customers is no different if I work for someone else who owns the business or if I work for my own business, ( Hope I haven't confused you there lol)

My husband and I own 2 business here in Levin, and we have just brought the Business that I was working at in Town :D:D

As far as I'm concerned the service that we as Customers get these days is CRAP, which in turn doesn't help the people who actually own the business, ge a good name out there.

I would have to say Supermarkets and certain Petshops would be the worse.

I'm paying hard earned money for what ever goods or services I require and I expect to get good service to go with it.

Pretty sad really :(

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Sales people are sales people and are there to sell, not advise. That is the reality of life in a capitalist society. This is why we have sites like this with people with all sorts of specialist knowledge which you can get for free. You and I might like to advise people to the best of our ability but these people will be judged by the egg heads upstairs by the amount of money they bring into the business. The people who own these shops are in the business of making money by selling pet stuff to you and me. This site is here to advise and help people, and it is free so buy from the shops and get your advice here. I don't ever ask people in shops for advice (other than the odd person I have known for years). I am presently getting good advice from a number of people here in order to get my next project underway and extend "the zoo" further.

Sounds like the retailers have you very well trained then Alan.

I think it has more to do with the fact that trhere is a void between the acctnts upstairs and the staff below.

I don't know how many fish retailers take the opportunity of sending staff through the fish ans animal husbandry courses available and almost fully subsididised and will be until later this year.

Granted there is a high turn over of young inexperienced staff in fish shops but to site this as an excuse for poor and

illinformed service is doing no more than creating a bastion for Mediocrity. Your the consumer- Demand good service.

Ironically the very first things taught in the Aquatics course is the laws surrounding consumer protection as in the Fair Trading and Consumer guarantees act.

At the end of the day if the Admin put effort into staff then the decreasing amount of dead stock that earns nothing might

warrant their change to their business model.


Michael Cullen Mtrs. LMVD

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The places I take advice from are where I am talking to the owner. It is great in theory but it is pretty hard to instill enthusiasm in a young kid that is being paid very little and has few prospects to advance. The owners have a lot more to gain and generally respond accordingly. Do you have a fast car available that will get me to the rugby on time?

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