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NZ justice? how does it work?


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lets say ones partner (female) beats the the other (male), then calls the cops and presses charges for assault, the cops come, she looks fine and dandy, but the guys face and neck is bleeding. and putting all attempts to reason, the cops arrest the guy and puts him in prison. on chinese new year. now it has nothing to do with the girl anymore as she walks away from this free as a bird as soon as the cops are involved.

the guy is now forking out thousands that he cant really afford on a lawyer as his parents earn way too much for legal support even though he has nothing to do with them anymore. to prove something he didnt do, when all the evidences suggested it was the girls fault...

wheres the justice?

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im not comfortable saying who it was...

but im not happy about it. he put everything he had into this relationship and this is how it turns out...

the way ALL of the cops looked at him like he was a girl beating monster, when really he did nothing, at all... all that could be thought in the cell was that "why am i the one here, why does she get away with this when all the evidence point at her, why is the system so bias?.

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Welcome to New Zealand, where criminals rights are more protected than the victims, where universities offer "womans studies" but not mens, where "life" means out in 7 years for good behaviour, where the biggest "minority" is the average middle class working man, where police officers are treated as criminals for trying to do their jobs, where our parliament has apartheid-like separate seats for indigenous people, where the police have to wear stab-proof vests but can't carry weapons to protect themselves, where political correctness has gone one step too far and is dragging a once hard working and great country down into the third world.

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Welcome to New Zealand, where criminals rights are more protected than the victims, where universities offer "womans studies" but not mens, where "life" means out in 7 years for good behaviour, where the biggest "minority" is the average middle class working man, where police officers are treated as criminals for trying to do their jobs, where our parliament has apartheid-like separate seats for indigenous people, where the police have to wear stab-proof vests but can't carry weapons to protect themselves, where political correctness has gone one step too far and is dragging a once hard working and great country down into the third world.

Well said :hail:

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now every body and all his friends think hes a wife beater.

And the lawyer thinks that the easiest way out is to plead guilty to what he didnt do as its his 1st offense and the judge would let him off.

But what would his friends think of him after? No record bt guilty for assaulting his partner?

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...where universities offer "womans studies" but not mens...

You know, I was sitting in the Atrium at CPIT today and looking at the signs advertising the courses available .. one of them was "Next Step Center for Women" and I seriously thought where's the next step center for men? There are some men who suffer as badly as some women and yet they don't get recognised.

And the rest of what you said was spot on.

To the OP - sorry to hear what that guy is going through, must be a really tough time. I suppose the only thing you can do is stick beside him and defend him to the end.

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Justice will prevail most probably in the end, and that will be at the hands of the courts.

It is unfortunate that it is the role of police is to find a way of getting a conviction in such cases, based on the legislation the alleged offence fulls under. When this legislation is arguably bias then "Justice" has very little to do with the Police actions in fulfilling that goal. Even if they had some- not too many pieces of law allow for police common sense or discretion anymore.

The irony is that the police have a bottomless pit of money to spend in pursuit of a conviction- money that is contributed to by your friend in his taxes.

But if this were not the case then would we not have a situation where Police are given more power, and is not even worse.

I once spent $7000.00 going to court to defend myself only to finally have the police had admit that they couldn't actually find a law that I had broken, so I had no case to answer. I even sued them and won but never saw a cent of the fine the court ordered them to pay.

I'd tell the guy if his record were good to plead guilty as per lawyer's advice, take diversion.

I agree it is not justice, but perhaps Karma might catch up on the girl.

It is a travesty the amount of man hoursthat are dedicated to domestic violence in this country and anyone who uses the system to pervert the truth is a pitifull individual.

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I'm sure you'll find that under diversion there will no 'record' as it were.

I agree it is an ...(Language removed ).., and as I said Justice often has little to do with it.

But do you also want something like this hanging around for months and months as the courts will string out proceedings for over a year. Chances are formal proceeding will be months away. get it done and out of your life I say.

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Yes diversion will 'cover' it up. Not really though, if he ever went to join the forces, firefighter, docter, teacher or what not this WOULD come up. It will stay on a record and if the need be it could play a role...

He should see it out... then sue the police and girlfriend for legal fees and stress.

From what it looks like the police didnt investigate the matter as required. Hell i bet that he was charged and bailed that very same day.

It sux big time, i know what he is going through and i hope all turns out well...

NZPD = :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Even a legal aid lawyer should be asking for photos to prove the aledged assult, and at the same time the police should have taken photos of your male friend when they arrested him. These should prove who had the injuries and was the victim.

And well put david.

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the girl said

" i attacked him first, (bits of detail in here) and he threw me out, can you officers please come up with me as as i am afraid"

now he has told the police pretty much as she has told them, they refused to get any of the evidence or cared for with either of the couple wanted... just said since a call was made, an arrest must be made.

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agreeing with those saying to fight it.

one extra reason: every time you apply for a job or anything you have to say you have a conviction. I think violence ones are not clean-slated after seven years.

"she started it" is not a very good excuse/reason.

MAKE SURE your friend has photos of his injuries!!! Not only ASAP but also if there is bruising etc take subsequent photos as the length of time it takes to heal is significant.

Now tell him he is bloody lucky to be out of that relationship!

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