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New job, tell me your horror stories...


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I finally got offered a job today after applying for about 50 over the last 3 months. I will be demonstrating products in supermarkets. The pay is alright, and it's only part time, so I'm reasonably happy about it. I'm sure the actual work sucks, but I'm hoping I won't have to deal with horrible people because I'm giving them stuff for free.

Now, we've all had horror stories at our jobs, and I wanna hear them all! Be as detailed as you can without getting into trouble!

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Umm, to do with supermarkets, not so much a horror story as an embarrassing one- I used to work for Arnotts Biscuits setting up those big red boxes and stacking them once a week when there are sales on at all the central Auckland Supermarkets. I was walking along an Isle in the St Lukes Foodtown and was looking at the food, rather than where I was going. The problem was that this isle had a pillar in the middle of the isle against which a few hundred packets of condoms were placed. :oops: Yep, I walked right into it and knocked them all over. :oops:

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Not a supermarket either, but when i first started working in my current job i was asked to vacuum the insides of computers for the first couple of days. As i was vacuuming i was told not to touch anything as it would get fried by all the static built up. Well safe to say i managed to fry to complete computers cos of static discharge. My boss was not so happy :(

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not a horror story but more a funny story from when i used to manage a retail store. I was interviewing a candidate for the job with along with the owner of the store. I asked the guy what his duties were at his previous job, he started to list them off and then stated that at his old job he was in charge of the 'weekly Mod=Warren: Swearing removed, warning sent'....

he meant to say 'weekly banking', the poor guy was mortified, went bright red and just kept apologising over and over, saying i can't believe i said that. I think he was more embarassed as he was a guy and i'm a girl. The whole time i just tried to keep a straight face, i couldn't look at the owner of the store as i knew i would just crack up laughing...

alas he didn't get the job but i shall always remember him

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not a horror story but more a funny story from when i used to manage a retail store. I was interviewing a candidate for the job with along with the owner of the store. I asked the guy what his duties were at his previous job, he started to list them off and then stated that at his old job he was in charge of the 'weekly Mod=Warren: Swearing removed, warning sent'....

he meant to say 'weekly banking', the poor guy was mortified, went bright red and just kept apologising over and over, saying i can't believe i said that. I think he was more embarassed as he was a guy and i'm a girl. The whole time i just tried to keep a straight face, i couldn't look at the owner of the store as i knew i would just crack up laughing...

alas he didn't get the job but i shall always remember him

OMG.. how embarassing!

I can't recall any horror stories (my mind probably has blocked them out!) but wish you good luck with your new job!

Mod=Warren: Quoting someone else's swearing is the same as doing it yourself...

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Oh it seems my memory has dreged up some situations, they weren't exactly embarrasing to me but were kinda scary.

I used to work as a casual Administration Officer at the local hospital, in particular the Mental Health Unit. I used to fill in for any of the admin officers as required and often filled in for the receptionist inside the inpatient unit. Part of the job was to let people in and out of the unit (visitors mainly). We had to swipe our ID cards to open the door. So anyway one day I was letting a visitor out and was aware of one of the older inpatients hanging around behind me. I suspected that he might try something so I tried to get the door closed as soon as the people had walked out but the patient charged at me, knocking me over and bolting out the door. Yes thats right, I had let a patient escape from the Mental Health Unit. I felt so bad. I immediately told one of the nurses and they quickly formed a team and hunted him down. Apparently he didn't get far.

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OMG.. how embarassing!

I can't recall any horror stories (my mind probably has blocked them out!) but wish you good luck with your new job!

Mod=Warren: Quoting someone else's swearing is the same as doing it yourself...

chill Warren - Jollioli could have said Mod=Warren: Implied swearing removed - warning sent and we would have figured it out - a simple edit by you could have sorted that but a warning is ott - as is southerngrrrl's post of quoting jollioli. Is it really necessary to tell everyone you're telling people off?

.....waits for warning :roll:

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chill Warren - Jollioli could have said Implied swearing removed and we would have figured it out - a simple edit by you could have sorted that but a warning is ott - as is southerngrrrl's post of quoting jollioli. Is it really necessary to tell everyone you're telling people off?

It does appear I need to tell everyone off. Over the last 2 weeks there's been over 8 cases of swearing or implied swearing. Warning people doesn't seem to be working so public announcements might. If that doesn't work then one month bans will be enforced - want one? This sudden increase in the amount of swearing on the site is going to stop one way or another.

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So I'm warned because I took exception to your heavy-handiness? Well, if it makes you feel better :lol:

I haven't seen the other 8 cases, but in this instance, the word was necessary for the story - all that was required was to censor the offending word - the rest is overkill.

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I remember when I was in my early twenties I was promoted to the warehouse managers job in a small warehouse, the guy I was over was a year younger and we used to have set toos all the time, he used to disapear for ages in the toilet (yes we had girlie magazines in there), one day I thought I would give him a fright and teach him a lesson so I picked up this big nut ( to go on bolts ) The aim was to hit the door and make a big noise, I figured if he hadn't crapped he soon would, unfortunitely the nut was a wee bit to big and the door was hollow core, the nut went straight through the door and hit the wall next to him, when I rushed over to see what I had done I looked though the big hole, he was still sitting there with his pants down, magazine in his hand just staring at the big dent in the wall next to him!! Not sure who was more embarressed at the time.

the worst part is I ended up getting my first and only written warning and had to repace the door. :evil:

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So I'm warned because I took exception to your heavy-handiness? Well, if it makes you feel better :lol:

I haven't seen the other 8 cases, but in this instance, the word was necessary for the story - all that was required was to censor the offending word - the rest is overkill.

Then the original poster should never have posted and everyone else who quoted or used swear words including yourself should not have replied. It's really very very simple - read the guidelines and stick to them. I am simply enforcing them - it does not make me feel better at all. If you get banned I may feel better as then you won't be round to add more swear words but I'd only feel this way because my job would be easier.

We have rules - stick to them and you won't get a warning - break them and you get a warning - can't see how it could be simpler.

And it's not overkill - to allow any case of swearing opens the door for everyone to do it. We may miss some from time to time but members usually let us know pretty quick when we do and it gets removed. If you don't like it then don't post here. If you do post here then you will do it by our rules, not what you think should be acceptable.

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Then the original poster should never have posted and everyone else who quoted or used swear words including yourself should not have replied. It's really very very simple - read the guidelines and stick to them. I am simply enforcing them - it does not make me feel better at all. If you get banned I may feel better as then you won't be round to add more swear words but I'd only feel this way because my job would be easier.

We have rules - stick to them and you won't get a warning - break them and you get a warning - can't see how it could be simpler.

And it's not overkill - to allow any case of swearing opens the door for everyone to do it. We may miss some from time to time but members usually let us know pretty quick when we do and it gets removed. If you don't like it then don't post here. If you do post here then you will do it by our rules, not what you think should be acceptable.

For starters, I didn't swear as my post was censored - but if T&C states that that's still breaking the rules, then I apologise - however I can't find a copy of the T&C to check that. Can you please point it out to me.

Furthermore, you're missing the point - I'm not questioning that you edited the post and sent a warning to the poster for the offence, I'm questioning the fact you made it public to everyone else that you did this. It's embarrassing enough to realise you'd made a faux pas (I can't believe jollioli and Southerngrrrl did what they did deliberately to offend anyone) and then for everyone to know that you were told off for it - yes, that part is ott and I would expect it to be mentioned for repeated breach of the rules, not a first time offence.

Oh, and just because I invite you to give me a warning, doesn't mean you should - maybe wait for an offence to be committed first ;)

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Actually you did break the rules in this post: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=36124 so you got warned and the post was edited (you won't be able to see the original but I can - in fact, we see the full history of all edited posts). Public announcement of warnings is being trialled by me as a deterrent - like posting a crim's photo on a billboard. Don't want it public - then don't do it. I appreciate some people may not have thought a lot about the implications of quoting a post or playing along with what someone else starts. However, it has to end somewhere and I spend enough time here cleaning up already. It would be nice to just read posts and participate in the site than police it all the time...

Guidelines - good point. I've just looked for the link to these and it seems to have disappeared during the upgrade. Sorry about this, I'll add a link to them in the announcements section and see what I can do to modify the site's code so there's a permanent link to them on all pages of the forum.

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Actually you did break the rules in this post: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=36124 so you got warned and the post was edited (you won't be able to see the original but I can - in fact, we see the full history of all edited posts).

I didn't realise that censoring was not acceptable - I tried to find the T&Cs but they were unavailable so took a stab as censored terms are generally accepted in any media forum - newspapers etc. and yes, they're also available for children to read. If I'd know that implied swearing was unacceptable, I wouldn't have made that mistake but the point is, I was making a point about the use of the term. In this instance, the word had to be used in some form for the story to make sense - it was probably a mistake or oversight by the original poster to not censor the term but without it, the story wouldn't have made any sense - so if censoring the term isn't acceptable, how could the story have been told? I think in some situations the whole intention of the term in the post should be taken into account. Ollijoi wasn't swearing or insulting anyone but quoting what someone had said to him.

What's more, your T&C's state:

"No links to Trademe Auctions, Online Auctions or Classified Adds are allowed. Also, no reference is to be made to Trademe, other Online Auctions or Classified Adds and the items for auction/sale. No links or references to Trademe, other Online Auction sites or Classified Adds to discuss an item for auction/sale (applies to expired listings and linked pictures); exception - if you are genuinely interested in buying the item and want to learn more about the use of the item and if it will be ok for your purpose.

Any attempt to use this site to try to bypass the Trademe, other Online Auction or Classified Add systems is a breach of our guidelines."

This rule has been broken numerous times, including by me - yet not a peep has been said to anyone. So maybe the whole situation of what the link was about was taken into account to determine if a rule was broken or not? In some instances, the admin team have broken the rules themselves by allowing links to members selling items - you can't make rules and then break them willy nilly if there's exception for some but not others.

Public announcement of warnings is being trialled by me as a deterrent - like posting a crim's photo on a billboard.

I can't believe you have actually posted this! Are you trying to make enemies?

Some mods are ott in foreign sites, but I have to admit - I didn't think I'd see it here in good ole little New Zealand. Not when the site is based around clubs and trading and meeting others on the site - in foreign sites, because they're spread all over the world, they generally don't meet so can say and behave as they wish with no consequences......

Guidelines - good point. I've just looked for the link to these and it seems to have disappeared during the upgrade. Sorry about this.

Isn't this like closing the barn door after the horse has bolted? I refer back to my warning whereby I didn't know I'd "sinned" as there were no T&Cs available to check.

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The Guidelines were in the Welcome section, posted there by a previous administrator several years ago and recently updated in July of last year.

They have now been removed from there and posted as a announcement.

The Guidelines now form a Terms of Use and form part of the process of registering on this site, requiring you to agree to these terms before you can register, and abide by these rules if you wish to continue using the site.

By accessing the FNZAS Forums, you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use the FNZAS Forums. We may change these at any time and we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of the FNZAS Forums after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended.

These terms are also viewable when you login manually into the site using the Login link at the top left of the default board style.

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