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How often do you feed your fish?


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My community tank I feed 2-3 times a day and I feed them tablets, flake and sometimes blood worms. My baby fighter and platy tanks I feed 4-5 times a day and I feed flake and I feed the baby platys frozen bbs once a day and I feed the killies 3 times a day on frozen bbs. T%hen I feed the baby BNs flakes, tablets, bloodworms frozen bbs and anything else they can find.

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Hi Jaide.

My community tanks get flake in the morning and NLS Community Formula in the evening along with a couple of sinking tabs for the Corys. They get frozen bloodworm and Discus tucker on Sundays after the water change.

My Malawi Cichlid tanks get NLS Cichlid Formula twice a day with some flake and Hikari floating pellets every now and again for variety.

The Malawi fry tank gets a random mixture of de-capped brine shrimp, frozen Daphnia and flake, three times a day.

All of my tanks get a Spirulina tab or two in the evenings for the BNs.

I also have a pepper grinder full of all sorts of dry fish foods, some floating and some sinking. I grind that into my Guppy tank and my Betta tank twice a day.

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once or twice a week? That sounds too little to me, or maybe I'm feeding too much.

I feed mine daily, sometimes I skip a day but not very often, maximum skip one day a week.

A little flake everyday to start with, most other days one cube of bloodworm after the flakes, some days a few dry pellets are the flakes, brine shrimp about once a week.

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No, most people feed once or twice a day. Mine are used to getting less and it means I can go away for up to two weeks at a time without having to arrange for them to be fed :wink:

The tank has been running over 5 years, is heavily planted and not heavily stocked. The fish must be fed enough as some are breeding in there.

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Depend on what fish you have and how often you're doing WC.

I feed my adult discus 3 times a day with colorbits and bloodworm and I do daily water of 50% or more.

For growing discus, oranda I feed them 6-8 times a day with daily wc of 80% or more. They are in BB tank.

For adult HM and CT ffighters twice a day and daily wc of 30%. They only get fed on live food or bloodworm till their stomach have a slight swell. Over feeding fighters will make them sick and sluggish.

Baby fighter get fed 4 times a day with live food and water change.


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I also have a pepper grinder full of all sorts of dry fish foods, some floating and some sinking. I grind that into my Guppy tank and my Betta tank twice a day.

I'm curious to know what you put in your pepper grinder that your bettas love. I have a fussy betta who seems to only eat frozen food - i.e. not flake. I have tried bettamin but he's not fussed with that either.

I feed mine a variety of (but not all each feeding): frozen brine shrimp, frozen blood worms, frozen tropical tucker, flakes, dried tubiflex worms, crisps, pellets (though none seem to like it), wafers, cucumber and lettuce.

I want to try live food and will buy a culture of microworms. I have tried throwing insects from the garden into the tank but the fish ignore them.

I feed my fish once a day.

It's really interesting to see the range of feedings for everyone.

Pretty hard to under feed fish

Actually, one fish shop told me it's the number one cause of sick fish that come in to them - people simply don't feed them enough, or don't feed enough at feeding times.

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Actually, one fish shop told me it's the number one cause of sick fish that come in to them - people simply don't feed them enough, or don't feed enough at feeding times.

I find that very unlikely. The symptoms of underfed fish are pretty obvious, sunken stomachs mostly.

I believe most sick fish are caused by poor water conditions of which OVERfeeding is the major contributor.

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I find that very unlikely. The symptoms of underfed fish are pretty obvious, sunken stomachs mostly.

I believe most sick fish are caused by poor water conditions of which OVERfeeding is the major contributor.

I also think it's a good way to explain to people why their fish are skinny looking - they could be skinny but well fed because of internal parasites, stress, or, as Ira said, because of poor conditions.

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:o Cripes! :o

My South Americans are eating like kings living it up with me!

They get feed three times a day and the food selection...

TetraColor granules

Tubifex Worms (freeze dried)

Algae Chips

Shrimp Pellets

Freeze dried shrimp flake

Spirulina Sticks

Sushi wrap



Discus Tucker (frozen)

Frozen Blood Worms

Live mosquito larvae/Water Flea

and there's the aquatic plants that I vainly try to keep as well.

I guess I need to revise my feeding habits. Oh well I can start with Tanganyikians that are moving this week.

Stu :)

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My Discus/Community tank gets fed three times a day in small portion:

- home made beef heart+prawn+shrimp mix in the morning for Discus and flake for the other inhabitants at 8am

- NLS Discus granules at 5pm

- bloodworms and whiteworms and spirulina wafers after water change about 9pm-ish...

I do daily 50%/60% water changes and have two external canisters running so that avoids bad water conditions.

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