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Is it just me?


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I now no longer send out accounts to people that sound young exactly because of some of the above comments...

They dont care that the unpaid account is how I feed my family... its the whole lack of honour and self pride that enables them to not bother paying that $100 account.

Nowdays it COD and if Im still a bit concerned, payment before delivery in full. I honestly wish I could still trust people but no.

The whole attitude seems to be one of trying to con others out of payment or product.

That is the only thing that spoils NZ (and probably half the rest of the world)

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I can see exactly where everyone is coming from. I am 24 and to be blatantly honest, i have nothing. Well I have a car (mine, all paid off, but I did tick it up, but paid off as quick as i could) but we all know cars depreciate in value the moment you drive off the lot.

I have a student loan which is about to double (to approx $5000) if i could I love to get rid of it tomorrow. But I am brainy enough to have no credit card and nothing else ticked up.

I am working 2 jobs to pay my bills. When I say my bills I mean : Rent, Power, Home Phone, Cell Phone Account, Petrol, Groceries. All of that is approx $300 a week. Then if I have any left over I save half or more. Whats left after that I buy something small for myself (usually less than $10) to remind me its not all bad and it will get better. I do not waste any money on stuff I dont need.

After this week I will have only 1 job. And currently just my bills (not including my pitance saving andless than $10 spent on myself) will out weigh what I earn. So I will have to start skimping on petrol, (damn stupid bus service here) might have to ditch the cellphone all together, get really queer about turning lights off when not using etc, and just not eat heaps (tell 3 guys to cut back on the eating cause I cant afford it!! They earn 3-4 times a week what I earn!!!)

Nevermind. I do know eventually all of this wont matter. One day I will marry my current partner, have kids and between the 2 of us eventually buy a house. So its not all that bad!

But I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WITH EVERYONE OUT THERE who is a similar position or worse :)

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Nothing has changed. I bought my first home when your age (24). It had been unoccupied for three years and wrecked by street kids. I bought it at an auction and was paying 12% interest. Spent the next 5 years working rotational shifts and 70 hours a week while doing the house up in "my spare time." It had no carpets and needed renovating inside and out as well as repairing the yard. The previous owner was a vegetarian and dug up all the lawns to grow spuds. In 7 years had paid of the mortgage and bought a brand new car. Since then it has been all down hill financially and an accumulation of many riches in every other way. That was over 40 years ago and not much has changed.

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No Puffer

You have and are showing that you are prepared to go without and to get ahead that way.

I (as were most ) was in the same or similar possition as you. It is a struggle but you get ahead in the long run. On one place, Coromandel, I paid 29.5% interest but knew it was going to be worth while in the long run.

The only way people can get ahead and keep it legally is to do the hard yards and go without

Good on you, Im sure you will have a happy life

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yip crashed them all(rc helicopter,and just to let some of you no

yes i am in a bit of dept(only a few grand interest free and never missed a payment)

my whole house contents iv put on HP but NEVER PAID INTEREST done that for 3 years so i think hping is good if you are wise and pay off more faster,before i hpd i had nothing to show for my life ,i had a dog and a dog kennal and an alcholic mother that didnt even feed us kids and sold EVERYTHING EVEN LOST HER HOUSE FOR DRUGS ETCso ive come far from where i was heading (if i turned out like my mother)

Im happy provide for my family and pay my bills first etc

(what works for some might not work for other) :wink:

well anyway im going out for a bike ride with my daughter cya

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Sigh, I wish I didn't read this thread.

Am in the middle of stressing out about everything. It all just seems to be piling up worse and worse today. Somehow I am supposed to be sorting out the tanks for some people coming to look at them, but all I want to do it cry :cry:

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we live a pretty normal life, well at least i think we do.

NO we dont own a house and YES we do have debt, alot from when we were young dumb and stupid and alot from our ex's but that happens.

im 27 and zane is 32 and we have 4 kids beween us and lots of animals.

we only have one income due to my medical condition which means im not able to work at the mo, but we still pay all our bills and always have food in the cupbords and clothes on our back.

when we have money left over at the end of the week we will go and get what we.

we are trying to start up our own business that i can run from home, but it going a bit slow at the mo.

our motto is you only have one life, so you might as well live it up while you can cos it can all change tomorrow.

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