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Personal update: impending unemployment


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Please forgive the epic tale below...

Well, I got made redundant from my job as a dental assistant. Last day 30th Sept. My dentist is leaving and they haven't got around to replacing him in time.

Ok so it isn't actually all that terrible....

In fact, I keep saying what a wonderful thing redundancy is!

Only tonight, the thought of being unemployed in 22 days (16 working days) is a little depressing.

But back to the good stuff:

I was actually thinking of leaving anyway, had the idea of leaving about 23 hours before being given redundancy notice.

Time to chase my fishy dreams! Do something with the native fish. I have a decent amount of savings so won't be forced to eat upland bully fritters for a while, not that I really want to use up my savings.

Anyway, that was two weeks ago, and you wouldn't believe the amazing opportunities that have suddenly appeared out of no where. Really amazing stuff, feels like something new and astonishing happens each day! Seriously, people from DOC are contacting me, wanting to talk to me about the book! I am getting rather worried that my reputation is somewhat overinflated, I seem to have turned into this expert!

And have mostly decided to study next year. A graduate diploma in Ecology. One year study and then I can do postgrad if I so desire. At least by then I will have the book finished and have my full driver's license (which will be handy with going into the field! I finally got my learner's a week ago).

For the next six months I will attempt temping. Haven't done it before but I think it will work out nicely. It will be easy to get work during the study breaks and I have the freedom to do any fishy contracting etc that I can get my hands on.

So much amazing stuff has been happening! It feels like my Future just hopped in a time machine and grabbed me by the hand and is dragging me in the right direction!

So why to I feel so hopeless about 1st October? :roll:

Anyone want to employ me? :wink:

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You are mostly looking on the bright side Stella so all will go well. This was meant to happen. The feeling of hopelessness is understandable but will soon be over as soon as you start on all those other wonderful opportunities. :wink:

Your reputation, re the book, is definitely not over-rated but well deserved. I look forward to seeing it published and will be certain to buy a copy (even if I have read the draft already) and use it for an excellent reference. The FNZAS will also get a copy for their library.

Have you not noticed how many others you have hooked on natives since telling us about your adventures??? :hail:

GO STELLA!!! :bounce: :bow:

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Stella, Im sure things will all fall into place.

As Caryl already mentioned, you can see the bright side.To many people sit and think about what could have been, rather than look ahead.

Years ago when i got made redundant, I just applied for every job in the local paper and I ended up in the job Im in now. Started as the delivery boy, and now Im the store manager.And I love the job.

Im sure youll find something better to do, just keep your head up and look ahead and remember to always smile :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Stella,

I can completely sympathize with your predicament.

I was made redundant back in May, and have been struggling to get a job ever since.

I have income protection so my mortgage is paid for 6 months, but that is coming to an end soon and no one wants to employ me! :cry: I have had some miserable days. I have applied for who knows how many jobs, and many of them you just never hear back from. I had to follow up on two today - one of which was looking good and I was really hopeful as it's a job I REALLY wanted - but both of them were big fat no's, and I would never have found out if I hadn't have called them to ask.

The one thing I HAVE to keep in mind every day is that I have my health, and I have my family. I also think God must have something better in mind for me, and I'm not much of a religious person either (I can swear like a sailor!). There's also the chance I may win Lotto and never have to work again :lol: (fingers crossed) which would make my day, and make Caryl happy as I could spend all my days writing articles for the magazine!

Some things happen to us for a reason, they shape who we are, and they make us better people.

That's my faith anyway.

Good Luck! :D

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Thanks guys :)

I am feeling better now. Was getting quite annoyed and resentful when I initially posted. Not very helpful at all!

Now I am back to feeling like it is a big adventure! Still a little scary, but I know something better will come. Certainly more likely for things to happen than staying put as a dental assistant!

I am sure the emotions will move around a fair bit over the next 18 months. it will be a huge period of change.

Spink, I am sorry to hear you are having a tough time of it :( Thankfully I don't have a mortgage (but rent is still going to be a huge chunk of my savings eaten up a week). I know what it is like to be endlessly applying and never hearing back let alone getting an interview. I was unemployed for a while a few years back and it just gets soul-destroying. Eventually I sent my cv to a whole lot of dental places and got many interviews.

I am going to try temping. It sounds reasonably easy to get work that way. What sort of work are you looking for?

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Hey Stella

Good on you for looking on the bright side I Know this can be REALLY hard! at a time like this....

I too was in your shoes earlier this year... happened out of the blue one day I had a job I LOVED the next min. I was called in to say sorry we have to let you go because of the down turn in the market.......

I remember thinking WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW!!!!

There's the rent, loan, ......... etc etc.

You know what I did...... :lol:

Took a 2 week break..... trained horses... and forgot about the world.....

Then I really thought about what I wanted to do and get out of life.

Life's too short for regrets!

So now I'm following my dream of being a dairy farmer :o :roll: :lol: ......

Yes I said dairy farmer with the early mornings! :roll:

I get to see the sun rise every morning...... just think if I hadn't been made reduntant I may never of had the guts to follow my heart and have a go....

Life throws these things at us, its how we deal with them that matters......

All the best with the future, trust me its a bright one! :bounce:

Oh Spink, all the best too... don't give up I know it can be hard. and the bills just keep coming in but it will happen! There is a job out there with your name on it!!!!!!

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