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ok i guess i am the only one that saw his post :lol: :lol:

he wanted to know if anyone had 5 different types of cockatoo's (i can not remember which ones)

because there was this guy that he knew in Germany who wanted some and he would swap for some really wicked pleco's if charlie could send him those birds.

then charlies last reply was

yea i know, but do you know how much these pleco's are worth

then 5mins later he decided to go all Dotty on us :lol: :lol:

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Correct me if I am wrong but I think you need to prove by DNA testing that the Ausie parrots were bred in NZ

Prove to who for what and why? And how would DNA testing prove where a parrot was bred unless there's a library full of all the breeding parrots in NZ, which there isn't?

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when I looked at importing Cockys and correllas from Oz they all had to have life rings on them... Life rings are placed on the leg at normall a week to 2 weeks old and cant be placed after that as the legs grow too big and wont go over the padding on the feet.

I would guess that the same regulations would be in force here to export

Its not too hard to set up a breeding coloney of cockys mind you

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Now days its hard as newcastles desease has made all birds baned from being imported from Oz

I have heard rumors of back door birds arriving again now which is very dangerous. I started importing racing pigeons legally to stop this years ago.

At that stage, we could export from Oz, native parrots that had been bred in captivity provided they had life rings on them therefore proving that they had been bred in captivity.

The problem I had was in getting breeders to belive that I was serious in wanting to import here to sell.

I never got as far as to apply for an import permit here but I belive I could have work through that.

One breeder over there couldnt stop laughing when I offered him $400 Oz for the cockys

Cockys are breeding here in 3 locations that I am aware of and a guy I know, gets a few every year as young to sell on by climbing the trees at night wearing an coat made from coal sacks worn over a thick plastic rain coat and still he comes out with scars and bite marks

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