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Not mucking about...

David R

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On Tuesday I sold my large dat and moved the three smaller (3-6") uaru from my 3' into the 4' tank with the two larger (6" & 7")ones that were living with the dat, ornate, red head severum and 9 big clown loaches. There was some initial scrapping, but by Wednesday I couldn't tell which of the 3 ~6" ones came from where. On Thursday I noticed the larger one and one of the others getting cosy and digging in the corner, so I gave them a big rock to clean. By Friday they seemed like a close pair and were pushing the other fish away, except for the big ornate who they ignore, and he ignores them and just goes where he pleases.

Tonight we came home from a movie and Hannah noticed the two were being very defensive of their corner, and what do you know...




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lol so this means more tanks now?

Its going to have to. I didn't think the eggs stood much of a chance in that tank, especially with first-time parents, and sure enough they were gone this morning. I'm going to keep an eye on TradeMe for a cheap 4' set up to give them a fair chance.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a little update, the pair have spawned several times since my original post, and every time the eggs have disappeared over night. Last night they laid again, but this time have been guarding them better and nearly 24 hours later they're still there!! Not sure what would happen if they hatch, its not really a good environment for raising fry with a school of fat loaches and a big bichir. I guess I'll just have to hope they can defend some of the fry...

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