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I know how Billaney feels


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I had my bag stolen at lunchtime. Lost house, car and work keys, wallet, a couple of books and my gloves. What is most upsetting is I was in the good part of the book and my place was held by a Harrods bookmark that had been a special gift from a dear friend :cry:

Have reported to the police, cancelled cards etc.

Got a ring later in the afternoon to say the keys had been handed in. A great relief as my drivers licence was also on the keyring and I was concerned something in the wallet had my address so I would have to change the locks.

Luckily I had little cash in the wallet (about $5 at most) but cancelling everything is a pain and I am feeling very stressed.

I don't know how people can do things like this :evil:

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There are some low life around.

My office at work was broken in to on Monday morning and an attempt made to steal my new computer - big screen lcd (the last two have been stolen in the last 10 weeks).

This time they didn't get it because it was chained. However they can not have realised this and dropped it onto the keyboard and colour printer.

Smashed the screen, , cracked the keyboard in two places/ and gouged the printer really well.

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I lost/dropped my wallet a while ago. Cancelling then replacing all the cards and drivers licence was a real pain. Hardest part was finding my birth cert. !! Don't forget to cancel your library card! There are scumbags around. My Sympathies. :evil:

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I lost/dropped my wallet a while ago. Cancelling then replacing all the cards and drivers licence was a real pain. Hardest part was finding my birth cert. !! Don't forget to cancel your library card! There are scumbags around. My Sympathies. :ev[/quote

Lost/dropped mine as well.

Cancelled D/L.

Went to get a replacement.

WOuldnt accept my birth.cert, but they lodged a new application in the system, and apparently it cant be deleted.

My wallet got found (yay - it was under the front steps of our house!?), called to get my D/L re-whatevered. Can't. Have to get a new drivers license, and I still don't have a birth. cert, due to not having cc, or cheques >.<


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You had your license attached to your keychain, hmmm never saw that before 8) :-?

And for everybody elses losses...grrrrrrr to those who do things like that to others! :evil: :evil:


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Thank you all for your kind words. Now I have settled down I realise it is not so bad (could have been a LOT worse) but I still feel violated and am most upset about my bookmark and book. Realised this morning I also have to buy a new hairbrush :roll:

I have cancelled the library card. That was funny actually as I went in and said I had just had my bag and wallet stolen so could they please cancel my card. The man said that wouldn't be a problem and he could issue me with a replacement immediately. Then asked "Do you have some ID on you?"

"No", I replied, "It was stolen, I just told you that!"

He laughed and said he should have realised that. Luckily I am a regular at our library and one of the other librarians vouched for me. I have heard of people's video hire cards being used to steal videos and game players but I don't have any of those cards.

It is all the little things that are most upsetting plus it was my favourite black shoulder bag! When the insurance company asked if I wanted to make a claim on the bag I had to laugh (and so did she) when I told her it was a freebie from a Sex Expo I had been to so it didn't matter. It advertises one of ChCh's sex shops. The policeman thought that was funny too. :lol:

Caper, you can get a plastic holder for your drivers licence and the holder attaches to a key chain. I don't always have my wallet with me and since you must always have your licence on you when driving I know I have it if it is with my keys.

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Then asked "Do you have some ID on you?"

"No", I replied, "It was stolen, I just told you that!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Also, sex expo :o guess since this is a family forum I can't ask what that is :lol: :lol:

Are you licenses made of plastic?


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Our driver licences are made of a plastic material and are the size of a credit card, but not as thick. They are quite bendable.

The Sex Expo is held yearly, I think, in the main cities. It is just a get-together for all the sex related industries to show their products - some of which, I must admit, I had no idea what they were for!!

It was fun people watching :wink:

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my sympathies, Caryl!

I had a bag stolen from work a few years ago, you really learn to become paranoid about your gear after that.

I love the thing about the sexpo bag!

The only thing I kept from the one here was the fire-and-brimstone flyer some nutter gave me on the way in, it was just too great to throw away! Seems I am doomed :o

On the other hand, after hearing so many people recently 'embellishing' thier insurance claims, good on you for being one of the few honest people left! :-?

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Bad Luck Caryl

I hope you get some luck finding everything

Though one problem with having your Licence on your Keychain

Doesnt this mean your giving your keys and address to someone who just stole your bag>?

Id be more worried about them knowing where I live and having keys to get in


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You have my sympathy too Caryl. I live in a group of four new-ish houses with the one old original house on the roadfront. The old place has been broken into 3 times in the last 5 weeks. I wasn't too worried as it would be an easy target because of the old wooden joinery, but on Friday the people next to us in one of the new houses got broken into.

Its not a nice feeling wondering when/if we'll be hit... :(

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Brad I don't have my address on my licence.

BUT... I did have an envelope with my address on it as I had a letter and book in the bag ready to post to a friend and the envelope had her address on the back of it. Obviously the thieves didn't think long and hard as they discarded the keys very quickly before realising they had access to my house, work and vehicles!

I had rung my neighbour and asked her to keep an eye out on my place (there are just 2 of us up a back section)

Apart from getting the keys back, nothing else has turned up. I spent some time searching rubbish bins around the area but no luck. I also have park staff and council cleaning crews keeping an eye out for the bag but it has rained steadily all weekend so not much use to me if they do get the rest back :cry:

I was concerned they might have had other keys cut then dropped the others to give me a false sense of security then a couple of weeks later hit the house but my daughter reckons I am crediting them with too much intelligence to do that! Besides, there were quite a few keys so it would cost them a lot to have spares cut! It cost me $6.50 to replace the work key (before the originals were handed in)

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My sympathies, Caryl.

I had my flat broken into a couple of years ago (I'm female and was living on my own at the time). Gave me the heebie-jeebies for a while wondering if the people were going to come back.

It's interesting to observe your own reactions when something like that happens. First thing I noticed when I came home was the door was open and I thought "how silly of me to leave the door open!" Then I got closer and saw the wooden door frame was smashed and I thought "wow, I don't remember the wind being so strong that it could have slammed the door and smashed that!" Then I went inside and thought "Not only did the wind smash the door but it also blew everything off the shelves onto the floor!"

It seemed to take aaaaages for it to dawn on me that someone had actually broken into my little haven and stolen/wrecked my stuff. As soon as I did realise that, my first thought was for the fish! :lol: I rushed over and checked the tank for damage, looked in to see if the burglars had dropped anything in there, and counted the fish to make sure they were all ok! I had nightmares after that about people breaking into my house and poisoning the tank or breaking it.

Brad I don't have my address on my licence.

This is a good policy. I also don't have my address on my licence. Unfortunately I have a very distinctive name and it would be easy for someone to find where I live, so I am careful about where I keep my licence, and even who might see it when I open my wallet.

I also had a bit of a run-in with my gym when they insisted on printing my full name on my gym membership tag. It's designed to be attached to your key ring. I specifically asked to have my first name only on the tag, as I am the only person in Auckland with my particular surname and it would be too easy for someone to find out where I lived if they got my keys. For a while the gym insisted that I had to have my surname on the tag as well, but eventually saw sense and allowed me just to have my first name and last initial.

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