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This clip should make all humans think....


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Yeah that sucks I had no idea they would eat that much crap :( Its really sad that the animals were here first and living happily and we come along and stuff it all up for them they don't deserve to suffer..

However I guess I really have no right to complain because I do live in this world and contribute to it however indirectly that may be..

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sorry for the thread crash a couple of Carolines poems


As we walk along this pathway, this journey that is life,

We need to become aware, of all that is sacrificed,

That Nature in its abundance, is slowly being undermined,

By the one’s who take for granted, the beauty there to find,

Many that have been hunters, wild animals being their prey,

Are coming to the realization, that there will come a day,

When these magnificent creatures, finally will be no more,

Brought into extinction, by mankind’s selfish war,

As the time is now, to preserve all that remains,

By breeding in captivity, to re-populate once again,

Conserving the base genetics, the essence to be alive,

For if we take no action, the species will not survive,

To be part of our future, for generations to enjoy,

We need to work together, to protect not to destroy,

Bringing to the attention, of the powers that be,

That there are so many suffering, in our present ecology,

Having being swept away, by technology in its wake,

With far reaching consequences, of this grave mistake,

Some they call it progress, choosing not to see,

Being trapped within the confines, of materiality,

But this world it is worth saving,

To re-new and re-create,

To make a stand for Nature,

Or it will be too late.

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Its sad to see.I take a bag when i take the children to the beach so they can put their rubbish in.But as a child i could run along the sand bare foot and all i worried about was getting cut by shells.Now when i take the grand kids i make them wear shoes.Now you find condoms beer tabs,and much worse.Poor animals dont stand a chance.

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Thats awful! Devastating to see what we humans do to the animals and birds...When in Oz recently I saw a sea turtle (huge thing) with 'floating disease'. Basically the turtles swallow plastic bags so cant swim properly and die unless a passing fisherman brings them in to the underwater aquarium for treatment....which can be days or weeks of giving parafin and stuff to flush out the bags and rubbish.... and then its back to the sea for more of the same. Really sad :cry:

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We have just come back from rock pooling today, got a gorgeous garden crab and a hermit crab for our cold water marine tank, or starting tank, venturing into a big cold water marine later this year :roll: but anyway, while rock pooling.... what do we see... but coke bottles underwater in the rock pools, labels half coming off.... plastic lids to take away coffee cups, bottle caps, plastic lids, glass.... :x:x Had a flash back to this thread.... :evil: :evil:

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Actually, I've seen marine tanks like that...I think they actually look a lot cooler than a normal marine tank. :)

If you like the "tacky" look... :)

Would be a great thing to do tho livingart, might get people thinking how trashy humans are... :)

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