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Canisters Do Not Bounce


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Canisters Do Not Bounce

I got my new canister filter today from the courier. I was rearranging the baskets of media to seed it and was planning on putting it on my 80g for a week until I got my new fish.

Fate was playing her little games with me yet again.

It was not to be.

I rinsed the baskets from the existing CF 1200 canisters and successfully cleaned one filter. I then started on the second CF 1200 canister. I rinsed the trays. I then lifted the canister filled with cruddy water to empty it in the sink like the previous one.

It slipped.

It landed on my toe.

The corner hit the floor.

The canister shattered basically.

I tried to catch it mid fall to no avail.

Cruddy bacteria filled water splashed up my jeans, 20 feet across the kitchen. And I cut my knuckle down to the bone on the sharp edge.

Seriously could all the accidents stop happening to me please?????

Here's the photo's.



So now I have one old canister plus the new canister running on my 80g. I ordered a new body from John for next week. What would we do without John?!

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