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Happy, Funny, or All Good


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So it is a particularly cold and miserable day here. The 5pm temperature feels like -2*C. I am feeling the need to hear some positiveness.

So post any Happy, Funny, or All Good things that happened to you Today.

The only rule: Nothing bad, sad or otherwise depressing posts.

> I was given a large bottle of alcohol. That made me particularly happy. And I had steak eggs and chips for dinner which was All Good.

Not today, but when I was doing my last tank clean I was standing too high, fell off the stool and head first into my tank. LMAO funny.

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:lol: livingart.... I hope you do to, fingers crossed :D :lol:

Well today was full of sunshine with the odd cloudy period, but still nice laxing back in the window in full sun 8)

Caught up on some prank call footage on You Tube, worth a good laugh :lol:

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I would like to take a moment to Congratulate LivingArt on his waking up today. The world is balanced still ;)

The wisdom comes from the mountain

all hail the mountain :hail::hail: Oh southern most of tall peaks

having had a death experience, every day i wake up is indeed a good day Vinson Massif

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OMG that is hilarious about falling into your tank!!

My beautiful little boy turned 4 today.

And I left a saucy message for my husband on his work answering system and got confused in the network and the myriad of options and sent it to everyone in his team. :oops:

Happy Birthday to your little fellow TTK 8) Gee the age 4 is just fun :lol: :lol:

And all I can say about your saucy mishap... is whoops :lol: :lol: I hope it wasn't too raunchy :lol: :lol:

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Iraqi rugby player

The Auckland Blues manager sends scouts out round the world looking for a new player to hopefully win them the Super 14 again.

One scout Informs him of a talented young Iraqi winger.

The coach flies to Iraq to watch him,is suitably impressed and arranges for him to come over to play for the Blues.

Two weeks later, The Blues are 30-0 down at home to the Crusaders with only 20 minutes left.

The coach gives the young Iraqi winger the nod to go on.

The lad is a sensation, scores 6 tries in 20 minutes and wins the Game for the Blues.

The fans are delighted, the players and coaches are ecstatic, and the media love the new star.

When he comes off the field he phones his Mum to tell her about his first day playing rugby for the Blues.

"Hi Mum, guess what?" he says. "I Played for 20 minutes today, we were 30-0 down, but I scored 6 tries and we won.

Everybody loves me, the fans, the players and the media, they all love me".

"Great," says his Mum, "now let me tell you about my day".

"Your father got shot in the street, your sister and I were attacked and beaten, and your brother has joined a gang of looters, all while you were having a great time.

The young lad is very upset. What can I say Mum, I'm so sorry.

(You'll love this bit)

"Sorry?!" says his Mum "Its your fault that we moved to Manurewa in the first place!"

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Very cute :D :lol: Hard case :lol: My 4 year old turns into a know all about all the different plecos... :roll: And when we have company usually :oops: :lol:

That's so funny! When Cian is like that in front of guests though it always makes me feel like I have some wierd obsession! (maybe I do)

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY CIAN :bounce: :bounce:

Nothing today but the weekend at the drag races.

Driving my son's car out to the races with my grandson Brayden in the back seat. I said something and used the word "heck". He says "Nanny, that's a bad word I told you your not supposed to say that I'll put you in timeout!" Then while at the races, nothing in particular is going on he goes and stands by his Daddy and Poppa...turns around...looks at me...opens up his arms and says "what the hell was that".

And, it's summer here now YIPPEEEEEEE :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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We threw my friend who has been in China for four months a surprise welcome back party?! Was fun as!

My sister bought my neice (3) a dolphin for her birthday earlier this year, because you can "adopt" them through some foundation and my neice got sent a soft toy of a dolphin and so she was telling my sister about it and my sister (25) was like to my neice "dolphins live in the ocean dont they?" my neice replied "no aunty, dont be silly, toy dolphins dont live in the ocean!"

im pretty sure that came out lame. i love little kids. they have funny stories. oh and another one:

one night my aunty was really drunk at this family gathering, her youngest son comes up to her, who at the time was 5 and asks her what an accident is, she replied curtly with "you are darling"

yep. . . lol

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We threw my friend who has been in China for four months a surprise welcome back party?! Was fun as!

My sister bought my neice (3) a dolphin for her birthday earlier this year, because you can "adopt" them through some foundation and my neice got sent a soft toy of a dolphin and so she was telling my sister about it and my sister (25) was like to my neice "dolphins live in the ocean dont they?" my neice replied "no aunty, dont be silly, toy dolphins dont live in the ocean!"

im pretty sure that came out lame. i love little kids. they have funny stories. oh and another one:

one night my aunty was really drunk at this family gathering, her youngest son comes up to her, who at the time was 5 and asks her what an accident is, she replied curtly with "you are darling"

yep. . . lol

ha ha ha :o

lmai :lol:

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We threw my friend who has been in China for four months a surprise welcome back party?! Was fun as!

Nothing better than planning a surprise party, that would have been great and how lovely for your friend!

one night my aunty was really drunk at this family gathering, her youngest son comes up to her, who at the time was 5 and asks her what an accident is, she replied curtly with "you are darling"

yep. . . lol

:lol: :lol:

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