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How long do you wait?

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this does relate to fishy stuff but can be related to alot of other stuff as well.

My question is. How long do you give shops/services, before going somewhere else when you have ordered stuff in?

I have ordered some gravel from a petshop in town and the person said that they would order it straight away as long as I meet the cost of shipping, they said that i can expect it in four days.

So a when the 6th day mark came and went with out a phone call saying that it had arrived, I called them and they said that they would call when the gravel arrived.

So it is day 12 now and am thinking i might go somewhere else to get the gravel. I am going to need another bag anyway but wanted to get it from the same people but since the first bag has taken so long i don't think i will get the second bag till half way through next month.

So what would other people do?

Should i just bite the bullet and wait patiently or go somewhere else?

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That service sucks, the least they could have done is ring you. Personally I think giving them twice the time they said would have been fair but generous, they are up to three times now, if you were in business they would be costing you money.

Go some where else. Try a landscaper or plant shop, it will probably cost you half as much as well.

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Go some where else. Try a landscaper or plant shop, it will probably cost you half as much as well.

I tried landscape places and plant shops but no one has the stuff i want.

I got a call just before saying that it was out of stock when they ordered it have re ordered it yesterday. Man they could have called me when they found out it was out of stock the first time.

Will try somewhere else after work.

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They should stick to their word.... now if they are having problems they should have the common decency to at least give you a call.

Hubby works retail and does the ordering where he works, if he says he is going to get something in for someone he will strive to get it in asap.. sometimes it can be a case of a supplier not having the goods in stock to send to the shop, however, if this happens... the customer is given a call and given a time frame on when it will be sent.. and given an option whether they want to wait or not.

If it is a case of lazyness then that is not on. In some cases some shops decide to coincide the order of stuff to come in with their usual shop stock... to save on shipping, if that is the case then they should be straight about it. Sometimes freight can be expensive for certain products, however, if there is a customer really needing a product, in my eyes, the customer always comes first.

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Often the delay isn't their fault, but the lack of communication certainly is.

Being a manager of a retail store myself i fully agree with the above statement.

My suggestion is to ring them advising that if they are unable supply today, that you will take your business elsewhere. Let them know why and hopefully they may learn.(i know its not the publics job to teach retailers, but some will just go on not even realising where they went wrong)

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not nearly as bad... i ordered 2 sacks of red gravel from a shop, it was in april... every time i go or ask, the owner says "itll be in next week and ill call you" i dont even know what to do, but i do find bare bottom tanks easier to clean :P

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Ring shop and cancel your order, explain it took too long and that they should have rung you when told out of stock

at least you then will maybe make shop change their service

Thats the best idea, as they can only improve the service in the future if you give feedback.

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I ordered 30 sponge filters last November (weighted ones) and although I went in a few times since, I have neverrecieved them or been told he cant be bothered. I now deal where I can get what I want and if I cant I break my own rule and look overseas. I dont like doing that as I belive in supporting the local people first but find the service better

Fishandchips, Why not contact say an Christchurch shop and ask if they can ship? You may find it comes straight from the wholesaler

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Get on the phone to the manager and make a complaint.

I make complaints about things (even my own work) all the time.

I don't feel its unnecessary, though others might, but when I'm paying for a service/product I expect them to honour the promise/quote and I expect to receive the service/product that I asked for.

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