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Waterfaller1's Planted Tanks/specs added


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Hello, thought I would share my tanks.

My first planted tank, a 4.3 gal cube~

Betta imported from Thailand~"Thai", 1 amano shrimp

Red Sea nano filter, 50 wt Stealth heater


2nd was the same, 4.3 gal cube~

Cherry & Luminous red shrimp

Red Sea nano filter, 50 wt theo heater


They share 2 X 24 wt T-5 Nova Extreme lighting~


Next came the Finnex 4 gal~

13 wt power compact light, finnex filter, 50 wt Stealth heater

Blue tiger shrimp{just discovered babies recently..yay! :) } Olive nerites


I had a 10 gallon, and just over a month ago upgraded it to this 20 gal. long~


2 X 24 wt T-5 Nova Extreme & 2 X 18 wt T-5 Coralife w/ Colormax

2234 Eheim filter

100 wt Stealth heater

Ultimate CO2 set up w/ PH controller from Green Leaf Aquariums

ADA Amazonia aquasoil, ADA Brite sand, Estes white sand

ADA Yamaya stone

Manzanita driftwood

PH 6.5,KH 2,GH 3

Temp 73*F

6 blue & 4 red Axelrodi rasboras

9 baby Psuedomugil Gertrudae rainbows

4 Corydoras Habrosus

3 Kuhli loaches

2 Hara Jerdoni~ mini moth catfish

Crystal red & black shrimp, Blue pearl shrimp, Amano shrimp, Atyoida cf. pilipes{green lace shrimp}

olive nerites, red ramshorns


cyperus helferi

lobelia cardinalis

mini pelia

potamogeton gayi

fissidens fontanus

flame moss

limnophyla aromatica


dwarf hairgrass

needle leaf ludwigia

rotala wallichi

rotala indica

rotala macranda

rotala verticillaris

alternanthera reinecki

sunset hygrophyla

myrio green? or cabomba furcatus?

mayaca fluviatilis

didiplis diandra

dwarf chain sword

lileopsis maritius


mini rotala II

waiting for~ammania gracilis, and colorata

looking for~eriocaulon sp.

For ferts. I have to say I am still learning and playing with what works, what doesn't, and amounts. I started with the nanos, and used all of Seachem's line of liquid ferts, and used their dosing chart as a guide. Well..high light, lots of ferts, and no real CO2{except excel} = LOTS of algae...particularly thread algae,BBA,green spot, and HA... :roll:

So, recently I have backed way off on ferts. The two nano cubes just went through a 3 day blackout to get them back on track, and eliminate some algae. There was a time when the first cube was doing awesome, and somewhere I went wrong. I think I cut the plants way back, but did not adjust the amount of ferts. It broke out bad. Here it is just before I hacked all the plants~


So now, with the new tank I am just starting to use dry ferts. I have N,P,& K which I am using on alternate days. In the 20 I am using 1/32 of a tspn of each..to start. And on the other days 5-10 ml. of CSM&B. I will see how this goes..

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Great tanks waterfaller !! You've done an awesome job. Dare I suggest one idea that might make them even better (IMHO) Some kind of backing or color to the back of the tanks which dont have it ? I always think if you can see right through to a plain wall or filter etc, that it detracts from the beauty of the tank - and yours are certainly beautiful tanks. Great idea to share lights for the small 4.3g tanks too. Spot on !

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lmao at the coincidence :lol:

I am investigating setting up my own nano tank with my 10 gallon, and have been reading lots of threads on the planted tank forums. Funny thing is, I saved a thread with some cool nano photos on it, and they were your tanks! I remember people commenting on your little bonsai there :wink:

Anyway, they are very cool :bow:

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Wow..thank you everyone for the very nice compliments!

I had to think a minute about the word 'fighter'...lol, we just call them bettas. I like that, fighter..heheh, very good. :lol:

A-town, the plant in question is called Lymnophyla Aromatica. It is fast becoming my new favorite. It has such an array of colors, it's really getting beautiful with the use of the high light and CO2. This is my first tank with pressurized CO2. In the nanos I just use excel and ferts.

Aquatopia, you are right. I need to cut a background for the nanos now that I found something that works nice. I have extra too, so no excuse not to. I went to an office supply, and found something called a foam presentation board, it works great. I was going to paint it, but would rather be able to manipulate the background for photos if I wanted to.

Caryl, yes..Anubias nana petite. It's a real algae magnet.

Rozski..I am flattered. If I can inspire, I am doing something good. When I first started looking at planted tanks, I too was inspired. It was a small nano..maybe 3 gallons or so, with a sandy front. I have always liked that look. To me it is an expression of art. They are my little 'worlds' within themselves.

Snookie, yes sorry..that is U.S. gallons.

DavidR, the bonsai is called an Erodium root-over. I like it, it's my first decent luck with bonsai. Another passion I have not mastered at all...yet. 8)

I will go back and edit my post to include some more info like tank inhabitants, in case anyone is interested. :)

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DavidR, the bonsai is called an Erodium root-over. I like it, it's my first decent luck with bonsai. Another passion I have not mastered at all...yet. 8)

Looks cool, post up a pic of it! I'm experimenting with training an Adenium over a rock.

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Your tanks are awesome. I love how you have the sand pathway almost and the smaller grass looking plants. What are these ones called? I think i may have to change my fish tank around and maybe just copy a couple of your ideas sorry. They are just too awesome not to.

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Amazing aquascaping Waterfaller! :hail::hail:

And your betta has the most amazing colors also!

I really do wish we could get Hemianthus callitrichoides here. :(

Also what is the plant growing on the wood in the second nano?

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Hi & thanks again for saying such nice compliments. I can get a closer view of the bonsai for you David. Give me a few days..we just had a death in our family yesterday. :cry:

Rochelle may, the grassy plant is dwarf hairgrass~Elocharis acicularis or maybe E. parvula. No worries on copying my style..that is the greatest form of flattery! :) Hi Leroy. I looked at bettas for about two years on aqua bid before deciding on him..he is great. He has a very nice personality too. He is spoiled, and eats bloodworms one at a time from my tweezers..lol :lol: I'm sorry you cannot get HC there? Why not? The plant on top of the dw is anubias nana petite.

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Down here in lil ole New Zealand we don't get a lot of the stuff that people have access to overseas :(

That means we miss out on some cool plants, like HC. Or some cool fish and other creatures (like amano shrimp). Also a lot of the cool equipment, unless we want to order it in from overseas.

That aside, there are some fantastic tanks here that are up there with the top tanks overseas :D

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