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Brine Shrimp Feeders


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Hi guys,

I've seen these brine shrimp feeders that go into the tank and brine shrimp just swim into the tank when they hatch. Does anyone know how to make a diy one of these as I don't really want to spend $30 on one (as I may need more than one of them).

Heres a pic of what I'm talking about.


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If you google it there is some pretty good ideas on there.

some people find an up side down coke bottle works well for me I didnt find it worked for me .

Blueandkim sell the decap on tm some people like to use that , alot easyer than hatching them.

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Yeah have been looking on google but couldn't find any that go into the tank. Do you have any idea how much blueandkim sells his decap brine shrimp for?

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Those brineshrimp feeders I have heard are excellent, I am looking at buying one or two for myself for growing on tanks... only since hearing good things have I considered buying a couple, I am like you and would rather get feedback than spending the ping only to find the darn thing doesn't work :lol:

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I have one of these, and it was used in my Siamese fighter breeding tank. It works well, although the back sucker is not the best. still, it's not hard to attach it by other means. I recommend these feeders, I bought mine from a Killie breeder in Tauranga, for about $30

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I still have two of the Brine Shrimp Corrals sitting in a drawer for $25 each if anyone is interested. Used for a trial and while the initial results were great they turned out to be difficult to clean and the BBS didn't seem to find their way out properly half the time. The suckers that support the wall bracket are pointless and bits have been reported to break off very easily (air hose connection) even though this hasn't happened to me.

I then switched to decap and trialed it for nearly a year before importing it for others. Great stuff, check my feedback on TM or ask on here - aaron-betta, how do you like it so far?

My usual auctions are $15 for 50g, $33-35 for 150g and the 454g container is no longer available - low on stock already!

I can NOT sell through FNZAS only on TM so please don't PM me about it, cheers :)

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The brineshrimp hatchers work a treat.

I got them in before Aquanut did.

the only problem is that it is quite a big thing, around 20 cm tall, hence you need a pretty skinny tall tank to make the best use of it.

works really well if you are feeding a lot of fry, especially gouramis.

I found them easy to clean using a bottle brush

suckers do fall off after a long period of time, but what others don't?

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growth rate results in fry and occasionally mixed in with flake food for adult guppies, bettas and killies have been great, definite improvement in colour and fish activeness. Fry growth and colouring rates have been much the same as live baby brineshrimp, but without the hassle of having to hatch baby brineshrimp.

I do have one criticism though sorry, I have found that fry are more attracted to the movement of live baby brine shrimp and will only eat the decapsulated brineshrimp if they realise its there. Wasted decapsulated brineshrimp either floats on the surface or funguses on the bottom of the tank if not syphoned daily. Just from my experiences, everyone does things differently and yes, I will be getting more.

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I fail to understand why (if you have a few tanks and breed a few fish, hatching BBS is such a hassle. To me the system works well and is easy.

I feed BBS twice a day.

I can appreciate that the feeder system could be very good as its feeding the fry 24/7 but fry grow best if regular water changes and regular feedings happen. I clean my fry and feed them twice a day.

Yes, it takes a little time but I do it in the morning before the family gets up and again while shortland street is on... I simply want to look after and do the work that comes with breeding fish

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i guess some people find it a hassle and or messy. I haven't had BBS hatching for a few weeks now. first reason is because I have been trying the decapsulatd brineshrimp, second reason my container of sea water has been diluted by rain and I haven't been to the sea to collect more.

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Remember you have to be hatching enough to feed your fry so the size really is dictated by how many brine shrimp you need to hatch at a time. I always used a 1kg Marmite jar. It floated in the main tank (attached to the side by a wire "hande" around the neck)

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I use 3 1.5 leter coke bottles with another warming... that means that every time I use BBS its 36hours since I put the eggs into it.

In other words, say this morning I put eggs into bottle 1

tonight I put eggs into bottle 2

tomorrow morning I put eggs into bottle 3

tomorrow night I use bottle 1 and put eggs into bottle 4. After straining the BBS from bottle 1 I refill with sea water and allow the water to warm up. At the next feed, I put eggs into bottle 1 and use bottle 2... sounds complicated but its really easy.

If anyones interested, feel free to come around and have a look

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I mentioned before I had 2 Corrals in my drawer. Turns out there's three. $65 for the lot which means you can flick one off and have a freebie.

I do have one criticism though sorry, I have found that fry are more attracted to the movement of live baby brine shrimp and will only eat the decapsulated brineshrimp if they realise its there. Wasted decapsulated brineshrimp either floats on the surface or funguses on the bottom of the tank if not syphoned daily. Just from my experiences, everyone does things differently and yes, I will be getting more.

Yup, you nailed the answer - siphon daily. This is something that should be done whether feeding live or decap. The good news is the decap doesn't foul the water nearly as much as live BBS does though. I found that adding a baby BN or GBA to each fry tank takes care of uneated food as they do a great job of finding the leftovers :)

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