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using a vaccume


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I was wondering if real experienced fish keepers use there mouth to suck on the siphon to drain their water instead of vacuuming it out by shaking it. Which way do you think is the best way to start the vacuuming process. Thanks! I really would detest a mouth full of fish water! YUCK

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put the large part of the vac in....

hold it on side fill it up keep it under water then lift it out with the hole end up right....

put your thumb on the end that you have been sucking on....

lift the large end out that has the water in it hold that higher than the end with your thumb on it the water should go down towards your thumb.....

repeat until the whole thing is full of water....

take thumb off end and if the end with your thumb on it in lower than the vac end it should start to flow when you take your thumb off....

all about gravity....

sorry if this doesn't make any sense.... bit hard to explain with out showing you

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Sure, takes 3 seconds to put the whole hose in the tank, plug the end and pull it out then replace all the bits and pieces of driftwood you've knocked over if you have the normal 2 foot long. Mine is 20 feet long. Sucking either one takes 2 seconds.

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I have my vacuum attached to a full length of hose. I put it in with the hose attached and fill the vacuum with water. Turn it up out of the water to start the water running down the hose and then put it back in horizontly until the water is running in the vacuum and out via the hose at the same time then fully submerge it. Also takes about three seconds. Sounds hard but isn't. Trial and error works, whatever is the easiest for you and your tank size I guess.

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I really would detest a mouth full of fish water! YUCK

Mine is 20 feet long. Sucking either one takes 2 seconds.

One is to assume from the original post that they did not have a 20' hose, because they mentioned drinking tap water Ira.

If they did have a 20' hose, sucking to start the syphon doesn't lead to drinking tank water.

Of course putting a 20' hose into a small aquarium is a stupid idea.

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I find it quick and easy to just suck start it - keeping a diligent eye on the hose! One mouthful of putrid bottom of the tank axolotl water was enough to see me siphoning on an every other day schedule :oops:

And not that I make a habit of drinking it, but I'm happy to report our guppy tank water tastes so much better :lol:

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My partner works at a place where they identify the source of people getting sick etc and they have had traces of Salmonella from Fish tank water. Now she's absolutely paranoid and makes sure I wash my hands throughly after touching fish tank water. :lol:

I think Salmonella is more common when handling turtles. There have been cases of little kids that hold turtles then stick their fingers in their mouths getting Salmonella poisoning.

Getting back to the topic (sorry :oops:), I just fill the vac then tip it upright to get water down to the other end of the hose then put the vac back in the water and let any air out. Same way as Subzero I think? Works well.


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I would have to agree with your partner. But salmonella is common on lots of pets,eg. cats dogs mice rats lizards sparrows and all sorts. I fill my tanks with a hose connected to the kitchen tap. I fill the hose with water from the tap then unsnap the connector and siphon the tank onto the garden---easy as.

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