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boosting ammonia eating bacteria..how?


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i wanna know is there any product , reasonable price that would boost amonia feeding bacteria to hasten my cycling and establishing my filter?

i got these little vial, calls bio digest, apparently it helps but its more for nitrite.

i need something ot really really boost the first bacteria that eats ammonia.

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umm, ammonia ?? Buy some from the supermarket and dose the tank to 4ppm.

I think that is right. Try goggleing fishless cycle or something.

I have not tried it myself.

Normally I just get filter media from another tank and clean the media in the new tank. Right or wrong, that's what I do.

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yeah ok

just impatient i guess

i have never had problems cycling tanks, i swap medi around etc

but emergency called for me to set up a tank and immediately put fish in it.

its a hardy one so it will be ok

but im going away in a month, so im scared it wont be sorted by then

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well heres my situation

got one tank, with a jardinii - its got amnia, he jardinii doesnt even notice its, they are hardy fish, te amonia differs from .5 to 1. if i change the water it goes down straight away, but goes up in 2 days to 1.

should i leave it for now and let it cycle?

or intervene?

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well heres my situation

got one tank, with a jardinii - its got amnia, he jardinii doesnt even notice its, they are hardy fish, te amonia differs from .5 to 1. if i change the water it goes down straight away, but goes up in 2 days to 1.

should i leave it for now and let it cycle?

or intervene?

Can you swap a little bit of media with another filter?

Even a handfull of beads swapped over can be a big help.

I keep a little spare internal power filter in one of my tanks, that way it's ready to go to at least get some working filtration into any new tank, or if one has to be stripped down and restarted for some reason.



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Didn't people use vodka for that? I know people here have used vodka for increasing the good bacterial load....

The alcohol is a very accessible food for the good bacteria or something. Doesn't affect anything else.

I can't remember the dosage, possibly dose until the tank looks blurry! :lol:

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i have never heard of vodka before.

yeah, ill probably jsut swap a tray

or wait for it to cycle

the ammonia has dropped anyways, over a day, after putting the fx5 on, i love those monsters! i mean the sheer power of pumping and filtering is amazing!

1ppm amonia and less than 48 hours later is less than half ... with a little feeding

so i guess its cycling now

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Didn't people use vodka for that? I know people here have used vodka for increasing the good bacterial load....

The alcohol is a very accessible food for the good bacteria or something. Doesn't affect anything else.

I can't remember the dosage, possibly dose until the tank looks blurry! :lol:

*thinks back to weird law thread* isnt it illegal to get a fish drunk :D

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Just a thought, but is there anyway to steal a little bit of established media (or a bunch) from all your other filters, to fill up the new filter.

Then replace the taken media with uncycled (whatever you use: noodles?) in your existing tanks? Then the impact will be nominal because you spread it out over all your tanks.....

Just a thought :)

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You have to be careful using vodka (ethanol) because it can feed all the bacteria and cause a bacterial bloom as well as encouraging good bacteria. I just use time and a bit of media from another filter if available. I have a number of bare tanks with no filter and the fish are OK because I do frequent water changes.

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