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New Tank


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Thanks for the positive comments everyone.

Plants really need to grow, there are 6 swords in the tank, getting two more discus and probably some schooling fish - not sure which to go with yet. Also looking for a larger piece of driftwood, went to some of the west coast beaches today but nothing there :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for an update ....

After searching the beaches for a suitable piece of driftwood I finally found one at the LFS and decided to pay for it! It now takes centre place in the tank and as the windelov has started to establish on one of the existing bits of wood I have moved it to the left hand side of the tank

Have added some twisted val (which I normally can't grow), its taking off well and some cabomba to get something that grows faster into the tank along with some dwarf chain sword (I think). The other plants are starting slowly to grow although so is the black beard algae. Will acquire some flourise excel but am not going to double dose with the discus in there. Theres a bit of algae on the glass - the bristlenose is very lazy but at this stage I am trying to get a balance in the tank so will leave it alone as much as I can.

I have added two discus so now have 6.

Full tank shot




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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty happy with it so far but the water is not as clear as I would like.

It looks good from front on but when you look from the end is a bit cloudy.

I've got 9-10 sterbai corys, 3 bristlenose and a pair of blue rams in there at the moment, have taken the gold rams out to have a go at breeding.

Still keen to add 30 cardinals to the tank at some stage but in no hurry.

The twisted val is taking off, runners going well and the cabomba is nearly at the top.

Anyone suggestions about the water clarity appreciated and also about triming and dividing both the val and cabomba

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  • 1 month later...

Time to put some more pics of my tank up. As you'll see I've moved things around a bit. The swords are taking a while to grow but part of that is due to me removing the leaves that are covered in algae. Dosing flourish excel nightly is helping the growth a bit. Still working out what else to put in with them





they just looove their bloodworms



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