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empty 4 foot - what to put in it


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I have an empty 4 foot right now.

dont know what to put in. looking for large puffers freshwater. but obviously thats a long shot.

any ideas? agressive catfish?

any aggressive unusual fish i can chuck in here?

large catfish?

how fast do boneo tigers grow?

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already have bichir


they look interesting, a cat fish right?

do they grow big and are they aggressive?

i have this fetish for aggressive fish, ones that either chompstuff o swallow large chunks of meat and flesh.

dont ask e why, watching them eat like that soothes me:D

and i lik ewatching animals hunt

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No hoplos aren't nasty, they are very docile generally, only get stroppy when breeding...

Dats take a very long time to mature, well over 2 years, we had one that was 40cm or a bit more, and he was WELL over 2 years old.

Ctenopoma and Dats aren't a good idea long term... you would end up with no ctenopoma, the big dat we had inhaled decent size fish. Your Ctenopoma would get a hard time as soon as the Dat decided he was big enough to be a problem.

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If you are into nasty we keep a pair of jaguar cichlids and they are plenty mean especially when they have babies!! They are a gorgeous fish to look at and have personality to boot! The only thing you may need to be prepared for is if they grow too big for that tank, and they are not community fish! But hey we like them and they are neat to watch grow.

We keep ours in a rockey tank and they love to dig and move things around. Very cool and there is always a new layout when they are in the mood to rearrange. :D:D

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How about

* Black Shark

*Red Spot Plecostomus

*Red Bellied Pacu

* or a Giant Gourami

I have to say for big Im with you there on the black shark option, our girl got really big really quick, I dont know if it was the large amount of food we threw at her or if it is actually a trait but she is about 1yr and has passed the 20cm mark, but as for nasty or mean I wouldnt so much say she is any of that, she is a major pain in her tank mates buts, but that is because she has a bad habit of finding the plecos and just quietly pushing them out of where they are so she can play, any chance to play chase around the tank with any one roughly her size and she is in fins and all! Also our plec's are big and just keep getting bigger, we have a 1 1/2 yr old and a 6 monther, and they are at the 15 and 23cm mark, but docile as hell, they just like to cruse and eat.

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another jardinii is tempting but, i already hvae one:P sorry mark

looks nice though

my one is a fatty lol

that one looks it and slender my one is very thick in girth..if i can mix them i would get it

but i would need to make sure that you would take it back if they fight:P

arowana: I had red bellied pacus ones

it grew to more than 58 cms mouth to tail

it ate alot! i mean, everything.

in the tank it ate the glass heater which electricuted me. It ate the edges of the tank. it chewed driftwood. worst of all, it ate a 1 foot pleco and literally ate its entire head off. the next morningi found it with its mouth shredded..... but it didnt stop it from eating the smaller pleco while its mouth was injured...

i loved that fish!!BUT TOO BIG! :(

one day i will buy a huge huge water tank and keep it in there lol

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I remember reading somewhere that a guy in america was laying on the floor and watching tv, and got smacked on the noggin by his black shark, the lid was left off the tank and it decided to jump... it dazed him a bit, they actually grow rather large 8)

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I remember reading somewhere that a guy in america was laying on the floor and watching tv, and got smacked on the noggin by his black shark, the lid was left off the tank and it decided to jump... it dazed him a bit, they actually grow rather large 8)

Oh yes sorry I forgot to mention that bit, ours is a part time jumper and recently we had a major problem with her jumping into the lid of her tank, but I assure you she only does it when stressed, at the time she had been bitten badly by one of our jags and had a big wound, also due to that we moved her from tank to tank to find another home that would suit her and for the first day she would try to jump out of each, but with a little (Ireally mean alot) of help from some great members here we got her back to good health and now she is as happy as anything again. Basically her new tank has a full but soft mesh lid so if she jumps now she juwst gets a sore nose, no major damage, and this way if it does happen she doesnt get too wound up and keep doing it.

I tell you though I think of all our fish she is my fav, she is just such a dag!!

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