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What to do when you have found mosquito fish/gambusia


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i believe DAMNBUSIA (gambusia) can not be taken from a waterway, kept in a tank or sold.

DOC can destroy them in a small enclosed waterway ie pond, by electric fishing or poison, but these are basically impossible to eradicate in a flowing water situation

you can let your local DOC know just in case they don't know they're there


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i will look up the local DOC office tommorrow and let them know. I went for a wander with my net in a stream and caught some very colourful fish, just googled gambusia and realised these were the damn fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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judging by their behaviour - i introduced a female and the males were attacking her eyes and fins etc and were definatly not trying to have sex with her like my male guppies (i then killed the female incase there was a chance she had been inpregnated)

Plus where i got them from the females body shapes look very much like gambusia, had a bit of a look up on them last night.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yep. They're wild guppies. Definitely not Gambusia, we've got them at work.

No one can make us get rid of the Gambusia even though we would be willing to spend the money to do so but it would cost us thousands of dollars in license fees alone (DOC etc) to release native fish as their replacement for mosquito control. Its ridiculous that government fees are making it too expensive to get rid of an unwanted organism.

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