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Everything posted by I_am_Elmo

  1. I read an interesting article in Advanced Aquarists about this, the writer said lower salinity is less stressful for the fish, and "could" be used to help with acclimitising fish or getting finicky fish to eat. It did state in the article that they shouldn't be left in there for extended periods of time, from memory is was about 2-3 months.
  2. The scales were sticking out all over, not perpendicular but on closer inspection - it looked almost prickly. I'm just thinking what I should replace them with, another dilemma
  3. I was told they need vege for their immune system and protein for growth so fed the flakes and shrimp. Vege's not a good idea? On closer inspection (of the dead fishie ) the scales were all sticking out but because they are smallish scales I couldn't notice. All bad news.
  4. Having read up a little on dropsy, it looks like that is it Now, my question is should I remove the fish, or wait til it dies? My fire mouth had it too. I don't want it spreading....
  5. His scales appear normal, just dull in colour. It's eyes look a little bulgy and cloudy, i thought at first it could be pop eye. I'll get a photo up soon. The food is the same as all the others, flake(vege) and chopped shrimp
  6. I had a firemouth recently die, after it's belly bloated massively. I thought it was just fat as it still swam around and ate. My Geo surinamensis is now hiding away and not eating, it's colours are dull and now it's starting to show signs of a bloated stomach. What could this be and what could the treatment be? Any help?
  7. Apparently there is also a place that sells the special straw in the Thames region. I heard it was something like pea straw or something?? And that works well for duckweed, so I assume would work for most things that dig high nutrients
  8. I'd recommend geophagus surinamensis too, neat fish and really pretty. I've had two (now only one as of last week) and they are peaceful and shimmery. They grow fast as babies then slow down. Like to dig in the substrate too http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa13 ... 050044.jpg
  9. Does anyone know any good locations around Auckland that may have some? This all sounds very cool
  10. They can be fun, I had a breeding pair a while ago. I fed them earthworms (about half the size of the axolotl) or mosquito fish so a bit of activity for them. Or you can just stick your finger in the tank
  11. When I first got them they fought a bit, but then they chilled out. They did this wierd thing where they rub each other head to tail side by side and usually hung out with my firemouth. All in all it's a pretty relaxed tank. Hmmmmmm I'll test the water, hopefully that will provide some insight. I'd hate to think of losing more
  12. Are G. surinamensis known for just dying? I've had two for almost a year and they have developed very nicely; size, colour and taily things on their fins. I got home the other day and one was dead. No other fish are showing any sign of sickness or damage. I did a 40% water change not even a week ago, and haven't tested the water yet. And do these fish get lonely cos the other one is sulking in the corner now. It stills feeds but hardly with the vigour they normally show, also the constant gravel sifting has stopped. Any help?
  13. Ha, that's cool, if I find it I'll touch it and find out. Good to know it could be beneficial. Oh, and does that mean if it curls up it's definately ok?
  14. I have this in my tank, I know I should get it out but can't be bothered and can't fit in any of my shrimps mouths and have no fish so should be ok
  15. All very helpful although very confusing, I think I'll get my sparky dad to sort it out for me
  16. hey do certain ballasts only work for certain K lighting or is it for wattage? eg would a ballast for a 6500K 250w bulb also work for 14000K 250w bulb? Or more specifically, could I buy lighting from switched on gardener and change the bulbs from the plant ones (I assume around 6000K) to marine ones (14000K)?
  17. I've got some scissortails, golden barbs and a pleco that I've had coming up 8 years. I know plecos live for ages but the other ones continue to surprise how long they live for
  18. That's a cool photo too. Neato
  19. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA more convicts??? Nice!!! I had a female in there too, I got excited when they first bred but that got tired pretty quickly hence only 1 in there now
  20. I have two geophagus surinamensis in a tank (450L) with 2 jewels, 1 convict, 2 rainbow fish, 1 pleco, 5 scissortails and 2 golden barbs. What's odd is the geos are skidding along the bottom on their sides. I've read somewhere that ammonia could be irritating their gills? Wouldn't that affect all the other fish? There is no redness to their gills. Could it just be something they do for fun. I also do about 20% w/c every 2 weeks or so. Any help?
  21. I have a male convict in a community tank and he's fine, apart from that he is the smallest of the jewels, g. surinamensis and pleco. though he also leaves my rainbow fish alone too, I would go with them if you have room. They are fun
  22. Not even being a marine tank holder (yet) I don't find it offensive, just a little ignorant. They don't look the same and the "creepy" looking corals are what is probably the most interesting. The colours, shapes and personalities are definately more interesting. I've had fresh water for 7-8 years and marine can't come fast enough. Different strokes for different folks I guess
  23. How do you make your jewels so red? Mine only go that red when they are about to breed......
  24. Auckland winters wouldn't get that could would they? Or maybe a couple of heaters to keep it at 16 or so?
  25. Hey does anyone know if axolotls could be kept in a pond outside?
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