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Turtles and fish?


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I was under the impression it was not a good idea to keep turtles and fish together. Unless you want the fish to be food! Although the fish can outswim turtles, in a tank the turtles can trap them in a corner. Little fish will be eaten whole and larger fish will be nipped at.

Tiger barbs might work out, but don't be upset if they disappear.

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Our turtles all really love having tank fish mates, the best place for Gambusia is inside a turtle.

seriously though, fast fish with plenty of room or solid hiding spots seem to last longer, plecostomus of a size similar or bigger than the turtles.

The Reeves seem to leave fish alone or maybe they're slowweerr.

like all animals some turtles are better hunters.

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I had a snake necked in my community tank. he would eat what ever he could catch, which wasn't much. just make sure you can keep the water to a quality that the fish need, turtles are dirty little critters & water quality is quickly reduced by their pee & faeces.

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