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Conference 2007


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Forgive me for not understanding. I don't know which boxes to tick on the rego form. I want to do everything to do with the conference (the bus trip, all the dinners/meals, and conference itself. I just dont want to confuse anyone or miss anything by ticking the wrong one. (and also helps in working how much i have to pay! :D )

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You can arrive whatever time you like but you will miss the first part of the AGM (Quelle Horreur! :o :lol: ). Not a problem, uless you are your club's delegate. Some clubs have a guest speaker first so the AGM often does not start until 10am.

I don't know what, if anything, is planned for Monday but usually it is for people to travel home (some of us have to travel a fair distance and catch ferries, planes etc). Sometimes it has been arranged to tour host members' homes to view their tanks. A lot of that sort of thing is often organised privately at conference, not planned beforehand.

Host clubs often do not offer timetables as they want the activities to be a surprise but usually Friday is time for everyone to meet and greet plus register and get their information packs (which tell you more about what to expect) and other goodies. Often raffles are run throughout the evening too. Saturday is usually reserved for the AGM itself and Sunday is for fun activities organised by the host club.

Having said all that, perhaps someone from the host club may be able to offer a little more specific info :wink:

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Having said all that, perhaps someone from the host club may be able to offer a little more specific info :wink:

But that would be telling, Caryl!

There is nothing specific organised for the Monday, so this leaves people free to decide what time they wish to leave the Bay, and what they want to do beforehand - or, as I suspect may be more the case, what time they have get up on Monday morning!

I will find out what the timetable for Saturday is, Sharronpaul and post it here.

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I'll update the Conference page in the next day or so. The details are still being hammered out due to the rather late start...

Almost everything is now finallised and once I have final confirmation on the last outstanding issues the web page will be updated with a full itinerary.

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Registrations for Conference 2007 have now closed. I got a few in the mail today and have been contacted by a few people who have sent their forms today also.

Anyone else wishing to register had better move quick as there is only one motel room available and it will be released from our group booking on Thursday 17th if nobody else registers. Registrations received after today will also earn a speacial booby prize some time over the conference weekend.

The Conference 2007 Webpage as been updated to reflect this and the full itinerary will be posted up in a couple of days as well. Itineraries and receipts will be sent out to everyone coming to conference at this time also.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope everyone coming to Conference 2007 has a safe trip to Hastings.

Everything is ready and waiting for you to arrive. I hope it's as good an event as I expect it to be. The HBAS has pulled out all the stops to make sure it's going to be a memorable ocassion.

See most of you tomorrow!!

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Wok are you walking from Napier to Hastings cos by car it is only approx. 15 mins.

It may depend on whether he stops at Delight Plus on the way through - it's a restaurant, by the way!

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You should see us by about 9pm as we don't arrive in Wgtn until 4.25pm. Hope we get a calm crossing!!!

Gavin, the GPS, will be programmed to tell us where to go :wink:

Hope your crossing is good too Caryl! See you later on tonight. Say hi to Gavin for me! :wink::wink::o :lol: :lol:

(she's really losing the plot....talking to machines *grin*)

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Hey Zev.... Thats a thought... could do with some dinner cause my Dad would of already had his :lol:

Nah... just have to stop and unload the family and then I will head out to Hastings

15mins? :o are you crazy... it should be less than 10mins :wink: from Greenmeadows to Hastings

I mean they now have those 2 massive ramps at the Meannee Rd intersection so no need to slow down.. only speed up :D

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15mins? :o are you crazy... it should be less than 10mins :wink: from Greenmeadows to Hastings

I mean they now have those 2 massive ramps at the Meannee Rd intersection so no need to slow down.. only speed up :D

Haaaha ha ha... that's what you think!

Sorry to inform you that they are not in service yet, unless you fancy a bit of Evil Kinevil stuff, and the intersection has become a bit of a bottleneck with speed restrictions down to 30k. and the traffic lights are setup to fustrate and confuse the hardiest traveller!

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