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Who has cold indoor tanks?


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Thanks fishboi! Have edited my post to clarify.

Chillers would be Marine tanks? Would they be fresh or saltwater or can you have either? What temps does one normally keep chilled tanks at? (Just curious!)

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I have a four foot native freshwater tank. They are very sensitive to it heating up over summer as they mostly live in shaded streams and rivers. it can get incredibly hot over summer! Has been cruddy weather here and the tank is 22 degrees).

I have a chiller after losing half my fish by going away for the weekend last summer, came home and the tank was 29 degrees! :(


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The new house I have moved to is incredibly warm, so all 5 of my tropical tanks are without heaters. The gold fish tank is also without heater... I was going to go into natives after talking to Stella, but there is no way I would be able to do that now because I wouldnb't be able to keep the water temp down.

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HI Becc4!

I was going to private message you, see how the plans for natives was going. Shame you have had to change your mind on them, but convienient not having those heaters sucking up your power now!

Even with a chiller it can get worrisome as the days warm up.


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I have a four foot native freshwater tank. They are very sensitive to it heating up over summer as they mostly live in shaded streams and rivers. it can get incredibly hot over summer! Has been cruddy weather here and the tank is 22 degrees).

I have a chiller after losing half my fish by going away for the weekend last summer, came home and the tank was 29 degrees! :(


Hi stella, i had a look at your tank pics. That is very cool doing a native tank. Is there much info available or it just guess work? Well done!


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Hi Smidey,

It is a lot of guesswork, there is very little out there specifically on keeping them in aquaria. I quickly realised I knew more about them than most people I had to ask...

THere are a few really interesting books on them, more the biology side, and a lot of scientific abstracts on the net, from which you can pull stuff to apply to the native tank. I am in the process of writing a guide to keeping them, not because I am an expert, but because there is nothing else out there. I know enough and an obsessive researcher 8)

There is an interesting overview of the species here: http://www.nzfreshwater.org/index_main.html


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I know enough and an obsessive researcher

Ah someone like me, information junkies unite :lol: .

What do you use as a chiller, (brand, make etc) and what is the wattage?

I'm curious to know if the running costs would be the same as a tropical tank. You'd certainly be winning as far as lighting goes.

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>What do you use as a chiller, (brand, make etc) and what is the wattage?

Aqua Medic: Titan 150

Power uptake: 190 watts

Cooling power: 180 watts

It does not have its own pump, so that is seperate.

>I'm curious to know if the running costs would be the same as a tropical tank.

>You'd certainly be winning as far as lighting goes.

I want to know too! :)

The damned chiller has been going constantly for the last week. I am freaking at what my power bill will be. Anyone know how to work these things out?

How is tropical lighting more expensive?

Tank has far too many power cords coming out of it....

power head 301

powerhead 201


chiller pump

transformer for chiller (wrong plug holes, I dunno, was off trademe)

lighthood (2foot 2tube)

All for a 4ft/220lt tank.... sigh, at least the fish love the current!

And at least the fish are free! The tank etc took up a big chunk of dividing property in my recent breakup. Fish keeping is not cheap!!


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i got a three foot tank with two large gold fish during winter it gets below 18 its got bn cats also some plates and cories aswell the tank being run for years with them in it.so some trop/fish can handel colder tanks.i did a lot of research alsothere are other fish that will handel the colder water;in my turtel pone ive got bn cats in there they in there year round.{outside}

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